Using a Domain Ontology to Bridge the Gap between User Intention and
Expression in Natural Language Queries
Alysson Gomes de Sousa
, Dalai Dos Santos Ribeiro
, R
omulo C
esar Costa de Sousa
Ariane Moraes Bueno Rodrigues
, Pedro Henrique Thompson Furtado
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa
and H
elio Lopes
Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Ontology, Knowledge Base, Data-driven Search, Progressive Disclosure, Question Answering.
Many systems try to convert a request in natural language into a structured query, but formulating a good
query can be cognitively challenging for users. We propose an ontology-based approach to answer questions
in natural language about facts stored in a knowledge base, and answer them through data visualizations. To
bridge the gap between the user intention and the expression of their query in natural language, our approach
enriches the set of answers by generating related questions, allowing the discovery of new information. We
apply our approach to the Movies and TV Series domain and with queries and answers in Portuguese. To
validate our natural language search engine, we have built a dataset of questions in Portuguese to measure
precision, recall, and f-score. To evaluate the method to enrich the answers we conducted a questionnaire-
based study to measure the users’ preferences about the recommended questions. Finally, we conducted an
experimental user study to evaluate the delivery mechanism of our proposal.
Search has become ubiquitously associated with the
Web, to the point of becoming a default tool in any
modern browser and one of the most popular activities
online, already in 2008 (Fallows, 2008).
A major challenge for search systems is to con-
vert a query or request for information in natural lan-
guage into a structured query which, when executed,
generates the correct answer to the question/request.
This task is specifically more difficult because there’s
not a set of predetermined answers, as in the classifi-
cation tasks (tokenization, pos-tagging, named entity
recognition). This task also presents the following
challenge: how can we capture the user’s intention
expressed in a natural language question/request and
translate it into a computationally processable query?
And in this case, in the Portuguese language. Many
systems try to achieve this by allowing the user to
navigate through search results and refine the search
query. However, formulating a good query can be
cognitively challenging for users (Belkin et al., 1982),
so queries are often approximations of a user’s un-
derlying need (Thompson, 2002). Although most of
the search systems are effective when the user has a
clear vision of their interests, those systems may not
be very suitable when the user is performing an ex-
ploratory search or cannot properly formulate their in-
formation need.
Instead of requiring users to manually adjust the
queries to amplify their search results, our hypoth-
esis is that a search system that continually of-
fers answers to related queries based on navigation
through an underlying domain ontology would im-
prove the user experience. We developed a system
to explore the Movies and TV Series domain, using
the IMDb Movie Ontology developed by (Calvanese
et al., 2017), an ontology to describe the movie do-
main semantically. Their ontology uses the Interna-
tional Movie Database data as its data source. In this
paper, we focus on searches whose results can be rep-
resented as data visualizations.
Exploratory Search. Information seeking is well
supported by search engines when the user has well-
defined information needs. However, when the
de Sousa, A., Ribeiro, D., Costa de Sousa, R., Rodrigues, A., Furtado, P., Barbosa, S. and Lopes, H.
Using a Domain Ontology to Bridge the Gap between User Intention and Expression in Natural Language Queries.
DOI: 10.5220/0009412307510758
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 751-758
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
user lacks the knowledge or contextual awareness
to formulate queries or navigate complex informa-
tion spaces, the search system should support a com-
plex information seeking process, where the user can
browse and explore the results to fulfill their needs
(Wilson et al., 2010).
Exploratory Search research studies information-
seeking models that blend querying and browsing
with a focus on learning and investigating, instead of
information lookup (Marchionini, 2006). There are
three typical exploratory search situations: (i) The
user has partial or no knowledge of the search target;
(ii) The search moves from certainty to uncertainty as
the user is exposed to new information; and (iii) The
user is actively seeking useful information and deter-
mining its structure (White et al., 2005).
O’Day and Jeffries describe an incremental search
behavior as a process of exploration through a series
of related searches on a specific topic (O’Day and
Jeffries, 1993). They identify three distinct search
modes: (i) monitoring a well-known topic over time;
(ii) following a plan of information gathering; and
(iii) exploring a topic in an undirected fashion. This
shows that even exploratory information seeking has
structure and continuity, which could be supported by
the search system.
Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing.
The volume of digitally produced data keeps grow-
ing greatly, but mostly to be read and interpreted by
people. Their lack of structure and standardization
makes automatic processing highly expensive or inef-
fective. In 1994, the Semantic Web emerged as an ex-
tension to the traditional Web that aims to make Web
content processable by machines, mainly through two
technologies: domain ontologies and resource de-
scription framework (RDF). Domain ontologies are
a flexible model for organizing the information and
rules needed to reason about data (Berners-Lee et al.,
2001). In the context of Computer Science, an ontol-
ogy is a formal description of knowledge of a particu-
lar domain (Gruber, 1993). RDF is a model that pro-
vides the foundation for metadata processing, mak-
ing web resources understandable to machines (Las-
sila et al., 1998).
Another area that aims to structure unstructured
data Natural Language Processing (NLP). Some NLP
tasks have become highly relevant to other areas of
knowledge, including the Semantic Web. Among
these tasks, we can highlight the Dependency Anal-
ysis. Dependency analysis seeks to capture the syn-
tactic structure of the text represented through depen-
dency relations organized in a structure called depen-
dency tree. One of the main advantages of using this
dependency framework is that the relationships ex-
tracted in the analysis provide an approximation to
semantic relationships. Therefore, these dependency
structures are useful for extracting structured seman-
tic relations from unstructured texts.
Query Interpretation. Several approaches for an-
swering natural-language questions use NLP tech-
niques and lexical features that relate words to their
synonyms, together with a reference ontology. Some
works integrate dependency trees into other methods
and resources (Yang et al., 2015; Paredes-Valverde
et al., 2015; Li and Xu, 2016). The first uses vector
representations to capture lexical and semantic char-
acteristics, and the semantic relations captured in the
dependency trees -— these vectors used as canoni-
cal forms of properties that relate one or more men-
tioned concepts. The second proposes a system called
ONLI, which uses trees together with an ontology-
based question model and a question classification
scheme proposed by the authors themselves. The
third proposes an approach that uses the identified
entities and navigates the dependency tree guided by
these entities.
Another challenging aspect of question answer-
ing is ambiguity. Ambiguity can manifest itself in a
variety of ways, either syntactically or semantically,
which strongly impacts the conversion of a question
or request to a SPARQL query, and may result in
wrong answers. To resolve this problem, many works
ask the user for the correct interpretation whenever
there is ambiguity (e.g., (Melo et al., 2016; Daml-
janovic et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2015)).
Domain ontologies have been popularized as a flex-
ible knowledge representation model for organizing
the information and rules needed to reason about
data (Berners-Lee et al., 2001). In an ontology, for-
mally declared real-world objects and relationships
between them form the universe of discourse, which
reflects the domain vocabulary and thus the knowl-
edge the system will have about that domain (Gru-
ber, 1993). The definition of domain ontology is an
important part of the process. The ontology should
contain the main classes and individuals of the do-
main, and well-defined relationships with respective
domains and ranges. In this paper, we used a movie
ontology that describes the cinematography domain
developed at the Zurich University CS department
1 Movie
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
When searching for information, a user may of-
ten not know how to express what they want. They
start from an initial set of terms and, from the search
results, they will refine the search to improve results,
as pointed out by (Marchionini, 1997). Many mod-
els provide information related to the initial results,
to reduce the user’s cognitive effort to formulate new
terms that refine or broaden the results of the search
(Sun et al., 2010; Setlur et al., 2016; Gao et al., 2015).
Our approach enriches the answer set using rela-
tionships identified in the user question and ranked
by the strengths of those relationships. The ontology
is enriched with annotations that define relationships
that the user finds interesting, given that certain enti-
ties were cited in the initial question. The terms de-
fined in the annotation ontology were the following:
hasRelationshipWithClass: a class has a rela-
tionship of interest with another class.
hasRelationshipWithNamedIndividual: an in-
dividual defined in the ontology has a relationship
of interest with another individual.
hasRelationshipWithProperty: a property has a
relationship of interest with another property.
isBaseCategoricalLevel: a class hierarchy that
can be used as related entities.
hasNotRelationshipWith: an entity does not
have a relationship of interest with another entity.
relationshipStrength: the strength of a relation-
ship of interest.
Other ontologies may reuse these annotation terms
similarly to other annotation properties defined in the
OWL vocabulary. An exception is the relationship-
Strength annotation, which is defined as a Datatype
Property, because it is a list composed of two related
entities with a numeric value representing the force of
relationship. We have also created a property called
isBasicLevelCategory, which identifies that a class hi-
erarchy can be used as a set of relationships of inter-
est; that is, for any class present in the hierarchy men-
tioned, its child classes could be used as related terms.
Our approach comprises question interpretation,
query expansion, and result delivery, described next.
4.1 Question Interpretation
We needed a mechanism capable of answering natural
language questions in Portuguese based on an ontol-
ogy and a knowledge base. It must be able to capture
the intention or desire expressed in a user question or
request and convert it into a SPARQL query.
The first step in the interpretation process is entity
detection, which consists of identifying the classes,
properties, and individuals expressed in the reference
ontology and knowledge base mentioned in the ques-
tion or request for information. We assume that all
classes, properties, and individuals are annotated with
the label property, defined in the standard RDF vo-
cabulary, preferably set to Portuguese (i.e., adding the
suffix @pt-br after the label content). It is necessary
to deal with variations in terms (due to verbal inflec-
tions, gender, and number). For this, we extract the
radicals of the words; thus, the detection takes place
by extracting the radicals of the terms of the question,
and comparing the n-grams of these radicals with the
radicals of the terms of the ontology labels.
To improve entity detection, we use a lexical fea-
ture called Onto.PT, created by (Gonc¸alo Oliveira and
Gomes, 2014), a synonym ontology developed for
Portuguese. It adopts the concept of synsets, which
are sets of synonyms. With this feature, we will evalu-
ate whether the synonyms of the terms of the question
or request are contained in the ontology vocabulary if
the terms themselves are not present.
It is common for the same terms to designate dif-
ferent entities, so a disambiguation step is required.
This step checks which terms or sets of terms match
more than one entity, including classes or properties
of the ontology and individuals expressed in the on-
tology or knowledge base. After identifying these
ambiguous entities, we pass these terms to the user
with their respective interpretation options, for users
to determine the correct option.
We have included a step that is performed of-
fline, which is ontology indexing. This step arose
from the need to manipulate the ontology more con-
veniently. Indexing an ontology means to create a
global graph that unites the hierarchy, individuals, and
relationships expressed in the properties. Structur-
ing the ontology this way was useful both in practical
terms, supporting for the search for relationships, and
in theoretical terms, since the concepts of graph the-
ory (such as shortest path and neighborhood) could
also be used.
Having all entities identified and the ontology ad-
equately indexed, the final step is to extract the se-
mantic relationships between the entities that were
detected. The question guides this step or requests
the dependency tree received as input. To describe
the process, we will take the following sentence as
an example: “Quais atores participaram de filmes que
ganharam o Oscar?” (Which actors participated in
films that won the Oscar?). The terms atores and
Using a Domain Ontology to Bridge the Gap between User Intention and Expression in Natural Language Queries
filmes coincide with reference ontology classes, and
the term oscar corresponds to a named individual.
After generating the dependency tree from the
question, we extract the relationships: we traverse the
tree, evaluating each of the nodes with their respec-
tive children and siblings. If we find a node that cor-
responds to a class, we propagate this information to
the child and sibling nodes, so that the next evaluated
nodes that match classes are related to the previous
node. This relationship will be built from the path that
joins the two nodes in the indexed ontology, resulting
in query triplets, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Relationship Extraction from Dependency Tree.
Finally, we evaluate the other terms that match the
keywords defined in our method, processing them as
parameters whose values are in the neighborhood of
the term or its subtree.
Thus, we conclude the relationship extraction pro-
cess, considering everything we consider relevant to
create a query that corresponds to what the user ex-
pressed in their question or request.
4.2 Query Expansion
In order to enhance the answers generated by the in-
terpreter and to reduce the user’s cognitive effort to
formulate other related questions which may interest
them, our group developed a mechanism that recom-
mends answers to questions related to the initial user
question. This mechanism applies operations to the
ontology, taking into consideration the entities that
were detected in the initial question.
Let us take an example: the information needed by
the user is the movie genre that generated the highest
box office in 2018, but when formulating their query
they typed: “Which movies had the highest gross rev-
enue in 2018?”. The interface sends, through an API,
the natural language query written by the user. The
API looks for the literal answer or answers to the
question and ranks the results. It then exhibits the n
highest ranked literal results for the query on the top-
most area of the interface, in a slightly shaded area
(Figure 3). Below that area, it progressively displays
results for related questions, which are gradually re-
ceived from the API. Those results are the outcomes
of a search mechanism that, given a domain ontology
(e.g., IMDb), navigates through the ontology look-
ing for useful relationships between the elements pre-
sented in the search query to expand the given ques-
tion into related ones.
JARVIS may offer, for example, results for
questions such as “Which studios had the high-
est gross revenue in 2018?” (through a movie–
produced by–studio relationship), “Which movies had
the highest gross revenue in 2018 per country?”
(through a movie–produced in–country relationship),
and “Which movie genre had the highest gross rev-
enue in 2018?” (through a movie–classified as–genre
relationship). These related questions may offer the
information needed by the user, as well as different
perspectives on the data related to the query, without
any manual interaction by the user.
Once we have the ontology appropriately anno-
tated, our strategy for generating related questions in-
volves using the entities identified in the interpreta-
tion mechanism and rephrasing the initial question by
replacing the entities mentioned with related entities
(defined at the time of the annotation).
Figure 2 schematically shows a clipping of the
previous ontology with their respective relationships
of interest and an initial question with some identified
ontology entities.
Figure 2: Sample Question and Its Relationships of Interest.
Given the initial question, the strategy is to generate
valid combinations between relationships, that is, any
combination that is not marked with the hasNotRela-
tionshipWith annotation. So if we take the question
from Figure 2, we can generate the following related
What actors received the most Oscars last year?
What actresses received the most Oscars last year?
Which films received the most BAFTAs in the last
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As the set of generated questions can become too
large, because of the number of entities cited in the
initial question (Duarte. et al., 2016), the ranking pol-
icy may influence the exploratory search and, thus,
the knowledge discovery. Therefore, we define an or-
dering criterion that combines the strength of the rela-
tionship with the number of different entities in each
related question, defined by Equation 1.
s =
, (1)
where C is set of relationships of interest and w is set
of weights associated to relationships. Thus, ranked
questions go from questions with few variations and
high relationship strength to questions with many
variations but low relationship strength.
4.3 Delivery Mechanism
Many systems, such as Datatone (Gao et al., 2015),
allow the user to navigate through related questions
by direct manipulation of the query or through man-
ual interactions with its ambiguity widgets. We hy-
pothesize that, instead of requiring users to manually
adjust the queries to amplify their search results, user
interfaces for searching data visualizations may con-
tinuously offer answers to related queries.
Figure 3: JARVIS Search User Interface (Model J3).
Our proposed search user interface (Figure 3), named
JARVIS - Journey towards Augmenting the Results
of Visualization Search, is based on the progressive
disclosure model used by Google Images, where the
interface continually appends search results to the
search results page. Rather than requiring users to
refine their queries, JARVIS automatically amplifies
the set of results with answers to related queries.
Suppose the user wants to know the movie genre
that generated the highest box office in 2018, but
they formulate their query as: “Which movies had
the highest gross revenue in 2018?” JARVIS sends,
through an API, the natural language query written
by the user. The API looks for the literal answer(s) to
the question, ranks the results, and shows the n best
literal results for the query on the topmost area of the
interface, in a slightly shaded area. Below that area,
it progressively displays results from the related ques-
tions, which are gradually received from the API.
5.1 Query Interpretation
To evaluate our approach, we created a knowledge
base from the the aforementioned IMDb ontology and
the IMDb database.
We built a question dataset
based on the Question Answering over Linked Data
) competition question dataset, adapting the
structure and questions to the IMDb context. We first
took the main question types in the QALD dataset,
such as questions that have the terms what, who,
when, where, then the main operations applied to
queries, such as count, sorting, grouping, and tem-
poral filtering. Finally, we associated the classes and
individuals mentioned in the QALD questions with
the classes and individuals in the IMDb context.
Our dataset
comprises 150 questions in Por-
tuguese and English, with the SPARQL query of each
question. The dataset is distributed of the following
way: 94 questions of the type what, 25 of the type
who, 11 of the type count, 9 of the type when, 6 of
the type yes/no, and 5 of the type where. We ap-
plied our approach to each question and calculated the
usual metrics: Precision (mean = 0.58, var = 0.239),
Recall (mean = 0.63, var = 0.231), and F1-score
(mean = 0.57, var = 0.231). On average, Recall >
Precision, indicating that most of the relevant answers
were selected. However, part of what was selected is
not relevant, evidenced by low Precision values.
However, our approach tries to respond to spe-
cific questions and not only factual questions, as
other works focused on Portuguese do (Penousal and
Using a Domain Ontology to Bridge the Gap between User Intention and Expression in Natural Language Queries
Machado, 2017; Teixeira, 2008; Cortes et al., 2012).
This difference is important because the queries gen-
erated to answer the factual questions are generally
built from a composition of keywords, sometimes am-
plified through synonyms, where the set of answers
are results of these queries. Therefore, too many an-
swers are part of the approximated set of results.
Specific questions require more structured
queries, and the fact of the vast majority of research
in NLP is conducted on the English language lead
to NLP tools more accurate as for Portuguese (Otter
et al., 2018), which makes the task more difficult.
Table 1 shows the mean and variance of the F-score
results broken down by each question type in the
dataset. Here we can see that the best results came
from questions where a location (where) or a tem-
poral (when) attribute was requested. This occurs
because, in both cases, the search space is smaller
due to the reduced number of properties and classes
associated with geographic or temporal entities.
Table 1: F-Score Mean and Variance for Each Question
count what when where who yes/no
mean 0.45 0.53 0.77 1.00 0.76 0.00
variance 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.00
Questions of type what concentrated most of the er-
rors. This may have happened due to the wide vari-
ety of questions of that kind. This strongly impacts
the dependency tree generation, as its structure can
vary considerably depending on the way the question
is formulated. This variation affects the generation
of query search triples, and the selection of the en-
tities that will be used in grouping and sorting op-
erations, increasing the chances of generating wrong
queries, and consequently impacting also questions of
type count. Our approach has difficulty distinguishing
questions of the type yes/no, usually because they are
very similar to questions of type what, but require to
determine when to test only the existence of a partic-
ular set of triples and when it is necessary to return
its results. Moreover, these cases were not mapped in
our approach, and some of the data were missing from
the knowledge base, which explains these findings.
5.2 Query Expansion
To evaluate the query expansion engine, we took the
IMDb ontology and arbitrarily defined a set of rela-
tionships of interest and the strengths of each relation-
ship in the IMDb ontology. For instance Actor-Movie
has strength 3, whereas Genre-Movie has strength 2.
The evaluation was performed from the perspective of
users who have some familiarity with search engines.
For this, the user evaluated related questions gener-
ated from the following set:
P1: What are the best rated TV shows on IMDb in
P2: Which 5 movies had the highest gross revenues?
P3: What are the 5 films of the longest duration?
To evaluate these questions, the participant informed
how closely they considered the generated question
to be related to the initial question, in a 7-point scale
(1-Not related to 7-Strongly related). To evaluate the
order in which questions are shown, participants re-
ceived an online form with 2 question sets, P and A,
where P contained the related question groups P1, P2,
and P3 in the order proposed by our approach, and A
contained the same groups of question listed in ran-
dom order (A1, A2, and A3, respectively). To reduce
the learning effect, we formed two user groups, each
one receiving the question groups in a different order.
At the end of each question set, the participant eval-
uated the set of related questions as a whole and the
order in which the related questions were listed, and
chose their preferred group.
Most of the 42 participants were undergraduate
and graduate students in Computer Science, Chemi-
cal Engineering, or Electronics. In Figure 4, we show
the results for the questions sorted according to the
criteria proposed in this paper. We can notice a trend
in the evaluations: as expected, the number of scores
that indicate weak relationships grows as the question
has lower positions in the ranking.
Figure 4: Compiled Distribution of Group P Assessments.
Participants also assessed the adequacy of each set
(P1, P2, P3, A1, A2, and A3) and the order of ques-
tions within each set, considering how related its
questions were to the initial question in each group.
We found a significant difference only between P3
and A3, revealing that the effect of the order was only
noticeable in the larger group, as P3 and A3 had 7 re-
lated questions, while the other groups had only 5. We
also analyzed the impact of ordering on the scores that
were given to the individual questions. A Kruskal-
Wallis test showed a significant difference between
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the questions of each ordered group P1, P2, and P3,
with the following p-values: 0.0000239, 0.0000554,
and 0.0002219, respectively. A Conover-Iman post-
hoc test revealed a significant difference in 4 P1 ques-
tion pairs, 4 in P2, and 5 in P3.
Significant differences occurred when more than
one entity was modified, so the question suffered a
ranking penalty. This means that questions with more
modified entities really should have lower priority.
The details about of interpretation method and the re-
sults of evaluations can be queried in (Sousa, 2019).
5.3 Delivery Mechanism
JARVIS progressively discloses results for related
queries. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency
of our solution, we have devised two other search
user interface (SUI) models for the same search task.
The first uses the traditional search interaction method
described by (Wilson, 1999) (henceforth called Tra-
ditional SUI (J1)), and the second is built showing
the related questions as links to explore the results
(henceforth called Related-links SUI (J2)). Then we
conducted a comparison study of the three SUIs. We
invited graduate students from different areas to serve
as volunteer participants in the study.
In J1, the user types a search query and receives
the highest ranked result for their question. The only
way they can expand the search results is by manually
editing or typing a new query for the system. This
model represents a baseline for our work.In J2, the
user is now presented not only with the highest ranked
result, but also with a set of related questions on a
side pane. This allows the user to navigate through re-
lated questions more quickly, but still requires manual
interaction with the user interface. Model J2 is pre-
sented to the participants so we can attempt to under-
stand whether the mere introduction of related ques-
tions is enough to reduce the users’ cognitive overload
and to build a more effective search interface.
To evaluate the interface models, we conducted an
empirical comparative test of the three SUIs. To re-
duce the learning effects, we varied the order in which
each SUI was presented. Fifteen people participated
in the experiment to evaluate the delivery mechanism
of the related queries: three female and 12 male. They
were all graduate students at PUC-Rio (11 Master’s
and 4 PhD students). Apart from one Psychology
student, all the participants were Computer Science
students. All participants were familiarized with tra-
ditional search tools. Four participants had already
seen a search user interface similar to JARVIS (J3) in
another context, but had not used it. One participant
helped develop J3 for an R&D project. The other ten
participants had no knowledge of models J2 and J3.
For each SUI, the user received six search tasks,
each one representing a search query. In the Related-
links SUI (J2) and JARVIS (J3), participants would
need to type only two queries, and then they would
have quick access to the remaining related queries
through the links at the right-hand panel. In the Tradi-
tional SUI (J1), however, the user would need to type
in each of the six queries manually.
After interacting with each SUI, we asked the par-
ticipant to fill out a questionnaire regarding the per-
ceived ease of use and utility of the SUI based on the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989)
and their subjective workload assessment based on
the NASA Task Load Index (Hart, 2006). At the end
of the session, we briefly interviewed the users, ask-
ing them to choose their preferred SUI and explain
why. We also collected performance data in terms
of effectiveness (correctness of the result) and effi-
ciency (time on task). In particular, we used the num-
ber of searches as a proxy for efficiency. The results
showed a significant difference between J1 and the
exploratory behavior of models J2 and J3. The de-
tails about of delivery mechanism and the results of
evaluations can be queried in (Ribeiro, 2019).
We proposed an approach to answer questions in
natural language by converting them into SPARQL
queries, using a knowledge database and a domain
ontology. Our model amplifies cognition for search
tasks by generating and presenting related queries to
expand the search space and progressively disclose
the corresponding results. We evaluated the perfor-
mance of the method and obtained 58% average pre-
cision, 62% average recall, and 57% average F-score.
We evaluated the proposed model of delivery (J3)
in comparison with two distinct search user interface
models for data visualization. Our results suggest that
the proposed methodology has potential as a novel de-
sign search systems that bridge the gap between the
user intentions and the queries they produce.
This study was financially supported by CAPES,
Using a Domain Ontology to Bridge the Gap between User Intention and Expression in Natural Language Queries
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems