upper layer, propose to generate queries from REST-
ful APIs. In (Ed-douibi et al., 2018) an UML class
diagram is used to generate a database schema and a
RESTful API, respecting the OData pattern. It is de-
signed to OLTP queries, and there are extensions to
use OLAP queries. The translations are direct query
expansions. In (Sellami et al., 2014) an RESTful API
is presented as a communication language with rela-
tional and NoSQL data stores. In this case, the join
operations and aggregation functions are not allowed,
which means they are restricted, enabling to design
simple queries, but not targeted to analytics.
We presented a solution to ease the task of creat-
ing analytic queries on integrated tabular Open Data
sources. We describe our query representation for-
mat, called Relation-Free Query (RFQ), where we do
not explicitly define the relations and the joins, en-
abling to focus on the attributes, metrics and dimen-
sions. The RFQ requests are done through a RESTful
API. We provide a virtual global schema with the in-
formation about possible dimensions, metrics and at-
tributes, which is mapped into the target tables of the
concrete database.
We presented a case study, that consists on query-
ing over integrated Open Data sources, having more
than 900 dimensions and 600 metrics. The queries
are created using the developed RESTful API, which
has a one-to-one correspondence with the RFQ format
(dimensions, metrics, filters). This enables to have
a published Open Data querying microservice. A
microservice-based architecture was chosen because
it enables easy access by mobile or web application
developers, thus aiming at providing a public accessi-
ble service. A current version of the service, is freely
available online in a real world scenario, called BIOD
(Blended Integrated Open Data).
As future work, we plan to provide adapters of the
queries generated by the tool to enable querying on
different data lakes and to develop a solution to find
unionable tables to integrate the sources.
We would like to thank the Simmc/UFPR and
SNPPIR/UFPR projects, which partially funded this
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Open Data Analytic Querying using a Relation-Free API