Experimental validation of SABI algorithm imple-
mentation in Hybrid AI-Fuzzy mockup system has
shown that such a hybrid system operates and is capa-
ble of solving aimed problems. Although, for build-
ing an accurate model with higher accuracy level,
there should be a sufficient amount of input data.
Summing up the results, we can conclude that AI-
Fuzzy models with simple components are compar-
atively easy to implement and use but they do not
always provide good accuracy. This finding can be
explained by algorithm’s dependence on the number
of students involved in the experiment, the number of
assigned tasks on the host side, as well as the honest
answers, difficulty, and fuzziness, to classify boredom
by students themselves.
The accuracy of experimental model can also be
improved by the usage of complex components and
advanced system architecture but those models are
difficult to implement.
An optimal choice of components for the fuzzy
model element design is especially important when
implementing the model in low-end hardware. Fur-
ther research will involve experimenting with more
data sources, wider range of tasks’ completion time
variety, ensuring feedback automatizing process and
work on the increase of data intelligence efficiency.
This research has been supported by a grant
from the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF/ERAF) project ”Technology Enhanced
Learning E-ecosystem with Stochastic Interdepen-
dences - TELECI”, Project No.
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