We discussed the importance and difficulty of teach-
ing recursion to novice computer science students.
Different approaches to teaching recursion were also
discussed, with a focus on conceptual and visual mod-
els. Our approach to teaching recursion in ChiQat-
Tutor was then introduced. Results from our exper-
iments showed that answering questions, animation,
tracing tasks have significant correlation with learn-
ing. The validating task has a trend towards signifi-
cant. The constructing task didn’t have a significant
effect on learning, and this may due the small number
of students who managed to attempt the task. These
results suggest that interactive visual representation of
recursion algorithms may help students learn. More
work is needed in order to help students develop ac-
curate mental models of recursion. Future work will
be focused on adding structured templates for writing
code, scripting capabilities, intelligent feedback, and
student modeling.
This work is supported by award NPRP 5–939–1–155
from the Qatar National Research Fund, and is partly
supported by a UIC University Scholar award to Di
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Learning Recursion: Insights from the ChiQat Intelligent Tutoring System