characteristics, components and architecture of fog in
the context of IoT.
There is significant amount of research work done
concerning accounting and billing in numerous IT
sectors. The paper (Fleck, 1999) describes an ar-
chitecture for a near real-time billing system for
use in a next-generation communications environ-
ment. The architecture was designed using a Dis-
tributed Processing Environment incorporating light-
weight hierarchical focused trading and a lightweight
transactional engine. The authors in (Jamil et al.,
2004) proposes a model with practical experimen-
tal results utilising serial communication for metering
and billing system for spatially distributed electrical
power clients. Different publication(Loeb, 1995) of-
fer the usage information collection and management
paradigm together with an essential component of
meeting the billing needs for new, distributed broad-
band and multimedia services. The work(Elmroth
et al., 2009) presents a summary of the analysis of
existing Grid accounting systems, including brief de-
scriptions of the different technologies also it offers
accounting and billing for the RESERVOIR project.
The authors in (Lakew et al., 2014) presents a mech-
anism to synchronise accounting records among dis-
tributed accounting system peers. Runtime resource
usage generated from different clusters is synchro-
nised to maintain a single cloud-wide view of the data
so that the system creates a single bill. The paper de-
fines a set of accounting system requirements and an
evaluation which verifies that the solution fulfils these
requirements. The paper(Kloeck et al., 2005) intro-
duce a distributed, dynamical and combined pricing,
allocation and billing system, suitable for wireless in-
frastructure communications systems which are capa-
ble of managing multi-homing.
In this paper we have analyzed a few emerging cloud-
assisted technologies along common dimensions to
identify accounting and billing challenges inherent
in them. We derived general as well as specific re-
quirements for a billing framework suitable for the
agility and diversity requirements of such technolo-
gies and in the process also identified specific chal-
lenges which must be addressed for meaningful pro-
totypes to be developed. We have briefly proposed
an architecture (which remains a work in progress)
which could be the starting point for prototyping
a viable solution to the challenges outlined above.
Our limited experiments of using popular serverless
framework (Openwhisk) shows the potential of this
technology as a low cost computing platform for
billing related computations, both at the edges and at
the core.
In the near term our goal is to validate some of the
emerging technologies such as distributed ledgers as a
means to support large scale distributed audit require-
ments, and explore possibilities of serverless concepts
embedded in traditional IoT gateways as a means to
push and execute variety of aggregation as well as
usage records collection to the edges, and its further
distribution to remote data processing silos. Detailed
performance and run-time cost analysis must be con-
ducted to verify suitability for special needs of micro-
billing in above identified use case scenarios; and this
we plan to conduct post prototyping of our solution.
The architecture specification will be enhanced to
bring in the elements of distributed wallet manage-
ment to allow low latency control tasks in real-time
prepaid consumption mode.
This work is partially funded by the Swiss State
Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
(SBFI) in association with the European Union Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme via
grant agreement #731535, for the ElasTest project.
The authors would like to express gratitude for addi-
tional funds provided by Innosuisse - the Swiss Inno-
vation Agency via their grant 27189.1 PFES-ES for
project “COMBuST: Container Micro-Billing Simu-
lation Toolkit” for supporting part of the work carried
Dastjerdi, A. V. and Buyya, R. (2016). Fog computing:
Helping the internet of things realize its potential.
Computer, 49(8):112–116.
Elmroth, E., Marquez, F. G., Henriksson, D., and Fer-
rera, D. P. (2009). Accounting and billing for fed-
erated cloud infrastructures. In 2009 Eighth Interna-
tional Conference on Grid and Cooperative Comput-
ing, pages 268–275.
Fleck, J. (1999). A distributed near real-time billing en-
vironment. In Telecommunications Information Net-
working Architecture Conference Proceedings, 1999.
TINA ’99, pages 142–148.
Google. Knative – kubernetes-based platform to build,
deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads.
https://cloud.google.com/knative/. accessed: 2018-
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science