• Incorporate external impacts on ROCI such as cy-
ber insurance;
• Forecasting long-term investment impacts which
plan beyond the first year of cyber solution adop-
tion, including equipment failure rates, annual
maintenance, degradation of performance and
technological upgrades;
• Model attack diversity and intended consequences
that may map to military or government sites (do
attack statistics show that different exploits are
utilized for target-specific campaigns, such as data
exfiltration compared to reduced mission effec-
Evaluating risk and risk management is another
complex field of study. In the traditional two-axis
management view of risk, risk calculation depends
on two independent variables: consequence (the im-
pact of a successful attack), and probability (the like-
lihood that the attack will be successfully executed).
Currently, the ROCI model conflates these two vari-
ables, an action that may reduce the granularity of the
model’s analysis. In the future, ROCI may be im-
proved by separating these axes, according to the tra-
ditional model of risk estimation. Furthermore, While
cybersecurity risk has been modeled in the traditional
risk management matrix (Collard et al., 2016), other
research shows that these risk matrices are not effec-
tive (Thomas, 2013). Various research methods also
exist to show that decisions can be optimized by in-
corporating risk (Hubbard and Seiersen, 2016). By
capturing the nuances of risk and the methods used
to manage the risk, the Return-on-Investment mod-
els and recommendations would be even more robust,
giving system managers a greater amount of knowl-
edge with where and how to improve their system
from cyber attacks in a cost-efficient and effective
Roger A. Hallman is supported by the United States
Department of Defense SMART Scholarship for Ser-
vice Program, funded by USD/R&E (The Under Sec-
retary of Defense-Research and Engineering), Na-
tional Defense Education Program (NDEP) / BA-1,
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Return on Cybersecurity Investment in Operational Technology Systems: Quantifying the Value That Cybersecurity Technologies Provide
after Integration