Data and facilitates dissemination and usage of Big
Data across research fields. Additionally, this work
helps to establish a common ground for all parts in-
volved in the whole Big Data technological ecosys-
tem. In this regard, knowing the Big Data taxonomy
proposed in this study may direct attention for each
required aspect. The results of this study can con-
tribute to reduce the lack of vocabulary related to Big
Data and help companies to leverage Big Data initia-
tives. Taxonomy proposed in this study may be used
to help organizations to choose technologies that best
suit their own interest as it can be used as a reference
for comparison of Big Data technologies.
This study has limits as it described Big Data
ecosystem from a technological perspective only. In
this context, no managerial, social or organizational
aspect was considered. In this regard, word ”ecosys-
tem” was used to explain only the technological as-
pects of Big Data. Thus, management processes that
oversight availability, usability, integrity and security
of data were not discussed here. Additionally, only
publications written in English had been considered.
It is important to highlight that during the ”collect
terms and concepts” stage, it was necessary to inter-
pret subjective information provided by publications
as they did not present objective details regarding the
topics analyzed. Future works could expand the pro-
posed taxonomy, creating a Big Data ontology or the-
saurus, extending this classification.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems