and technologies. OntoDIVE ontology, proposed in
this study, explains relationships among these terms
and concepts in the context of a data science initiative
upon big data. Proposed ontology may also be used
to confirm interdisciplinary nature of data science ini-
tiatives upon big data technologies. Another potential
usage for OntoDIVE is to make organizations capable
of drawing parallels between data science results for a
particular domain to their own domain. The ontology
may be used as a tool for comparison of both data sci-
ence frameworks and big data technologies and could
be used as basis of a framework to support organiza-
tions in their data science initiatives upon big data.
This work has several limitations. Although On-
toDIVE was designed to be a comprehensive arti-
fact capable of explaining most part of data science
initiatives upon big data, it was built based on con-
siderations from specialized professionals that work
for a single organization. Furthermore, while sev-
eral ontologies within the same domain are developed
independently by different communities, this study
was never focused on merging OntoDIVE with exist-
ing ontologies and no method was used for ontology
alignment, as proposed by (Idoudi et al., 2016). Ad-
ditionally, while OntoDIVE was validated by descrip-
tion logics queries it has not been applied in produc-
tive system. Therefore, OntoDIVE should be consid-
ered as an initial version.
Future works could create a friendly graphical
user interface to allow interaction with OntoDIVE,
since Proteg
e interface is not understood by many
who are not knowledgeable about ontologies and their
editing tools. Future works coud also apply Onto-
DIVE on productive systems in order to collect in-
sights and thoughts of more people and organizations
focusing on evolution of the ontology.
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OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies