volved in a mathematical discovery. The mental ac-
tivities characterizing such process are the Characters
of the story with their specific roles, and the story it-
self has been carefully designed to address all the
problem-solving steps. Both cognitive and metacog-
nitive aspects were taken into account, engaging the
students with active playing and observation phases
from one episode to the other of the story. We think
that, in the long run, this will help them to interiorise
such roles. It is worth noting that the designed learn-
ing activity is part of their curriculum, so it also in-
cludes individual and collective assessment steps.
The first one allows to make evident to the students
the process and the mental activities constituting the
mathematician’s attitude, and to institutionalize the
mathematical knowledge. The second moves along
the affective level of learning, focusing on the en-
gagement of the student as Characters or Observers.
The implemented technological environment pro-
vides added-value to both students and teachers. In
fact, it allows immediate and persistent access to (far)
more information than in real situation (e.g. chat and
forum transcriptions with the details of all discus-
sions). So, students can really act as Observers with-
out losing any detail. Analogously, teachers have the
real chance to observe their students working in a
more authentic context.
The first trials show the engagement of the stu-
dents and some signs towards the appropriation of the
roles can be recognised.
This research has been funded by the Italian Ministry
of Education, University and Research under the Na-
tional Project “Digital Interactive Storytelling in
Mathematics: a competence-based social approach”,
PRIN 2015, Prot. 20155NPRA5. We also
acknowledge the teachers Piera Romano e Rossella
Ascione and their students involved in the trial.
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