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ing in parking sites. The scenarios are described in
OpenSCENARIO format and can be played in vari-
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into a broader test system comprising of autonomous
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2019; Esen et al., 2020).
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of parking maneuvers (e.g. reverse and parallel bay)
and exporting the generated scenarios to the simula-
tors based on the commercial game engines.
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692455. This Joint Undertaking receives support
from the European Union’s HORIZON 2020 research
and innovation programme and Austria, Denmark,
Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Por-
tugal, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, France, Netherlands,
United Kingdom, Slovakia, Norway.
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Project, funded by Electronic Components and Sys-
tems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking
(ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European
Union’s H2020 Framework Programme and National
Authorities, under grant agreement no. 783190.
Tomasz Kloda was supported by the Chair for
Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Engineering at
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An Automatic Scenario Generator for Validation of Automated Valet Parking Systems