of the analysis model of the IS so that it can be reused
and refined during the overall system design process
(Berrocal et al., 2014).
To get to the heart of our approach, the remain-
der of this paper is structured as follows. The next
section 2 discusses related works. In the third sec-
tion 3, we provide the current proposal contributions.
The fourth section 4 denotes the main advantages of
our approach. Finally, section 5 concludes and draws
some future works.
We classify related work into three categories accord-
ing to the method used to obtain the target models: (1)
natural language, (2) MDA, and (3) algorithm.
The first category of works includes (Yue et al.,
2010) and (Maciaszek and Filipe, 2015) which use
the informal description of use cases to generate
sds. The approach in (Alami et al., 2017) ad-
dresses the problem of generating sds from user
requirements expressed in Arabic. It is a semi-
automated approach that use a natural language pro-
cessing tool (NLPT).The aforementioned approaches
focused only on the user requirements, which do not
guarantee that the system supports the business activ-
ities. Further, requirement specifications expressed in
natural language may contain semantic ambiguities or
implicit information, which may lead to different in-
terpretations and consequently to inappropriate sds.
(Khan and Mahmood, 2016) falls into the sec-
ond category (MDA) of related works. It proposes
to transform a use case map into a sd. Further,
(De Souza and de Castro Giorno, 2015) defined a set
of rules for marking-up use cases, and developed a
transformation process that works according to these
rules to generate sds. Moreover, (Kang et al., 2010)
propose to transform viewpoints of human type in a
scenario into objects to actor messages, while view-
points of non-human type are transformed into object
to object messages.These works addresses only soft-
ware models (use case and sd), while the bpms are out
of their scope. A recent approach (Nikiforova et al.,
2016) propose a transformation method that gener-
ates the sd from a new model called two-hemisphere
model. But, the new model is not enough rich to
represent a complete bpm. Another recent work is
proposed by (Khlif et al., 2018). It uses an anno-
tated BPMN model as a starting point to generate a
sd. However, some important BPMN elements, such
as exception events, signal events, looping activities,
etc., were not addressed in this work. Although it may
resolve the misalignment problem, the use of a non-
standard model may reduce the usability of the ap-
proach as it requires specific but non-standard editors
to design these models. Further, the use of annota-
tions expressed informally may generate inconsistent
The third category of related works (algorithm) in-
cludes (Suchenia et al., 2017) which defined an al-
gorithm to transform a BPMN model into a sd that
may be used by business analysts and software en-
gineers to resolve time issues. In addition, (Salami
and Ahmed, 2014) and (Nassar et al., 2017) propose a
semi-automated algorithm to generate sds from state-
ments of event flows contained within the use case
models. Moreover, (Canal et al., 2018) propose an
algorithm that supports the integration of sds by mea-
suring the difference between two sequence messages
exchanged by objects. Even if defining an algorithm
helps to obtain an accurate result, a formal transfor-
mation language may enhance this approach.
Despite the various approaches dealing with sd
modeling, there are no previous works which address
the traceability between source and target models.
Moreover, there is no approach proposed to structure
the resulting sd according to the MVC pattern. To
our knowledge, there are no approaches which gener-
ate sds directly from BPMN standard (OMGBPMN,
2013) or without using other UML diagrams. More-
over, only (Khlif et al., 2018) deal with semantics of
source models.
We propose a semi-automatic MDA compliant-
approach called Business Process to-Trace UML
Sequence Diagram (BPto-TraceUSD) that aims to
create a dynamic view of software models that sup-
ports business expectations, and keeps them always
aligned even if they evolve. It defines an automatic
model transformation from the CIM to the PIM levels
by considering the syntax and the semantic perspec-
tives of the source and the target models. The source
model at the CIM level is the bpm expressed with
BPMN 2.0. The target model at the PIM is a set of sds
structured according to the MVC design pattern. We
use the standard notation BPMN 2.0 and UML 2.5.1
without any adaptation. Thus, we assume that the
reader is familiar with them. To maintain the align-
ment of the source and target models, and to guarantee
that the IS model meets always the business require-
ments, we define trace links between source- and tar-
get elements throughout the transformation process.
Figure 1 outlines our approach.
From BPMN to Sequence Diagrams: Transformation and Traceability