and solutions using this artifact. For example, for
the stakeholder “computer student” the problem arose
that “they (the students) might find that design is just
the “make-up” of a computer system, can be done
later, on top.”
(Translation from Portuguese lan-
guage of the original phrase by the researchers). For
such problem, the following solution/ideas were pro-
posed: “Providing teaching materials, tutorials and
concrete examples; Providing simplified versions and
grounded and detailed versions of the materials, with
practical tips and examples; Suggest ‘next’ steps for
the work done.” (Translation from Portuguese lan-
guage of the original phrases by the researchers). The
anticipation of potential problems and issues provided
by this artifact supported to raise initial requirements
for a solution within a design project, in this particu-
lar case, initial requirements for the OpenDesign plat-
Finally, the initial definition of requirements based
on the SF, partially illustrated in Figure 2c, enabled
the organization of requirements into the levels of the
Framework. This encompassed requirements from
the social world (e.g., contributing to distributed de-
sign and providing universal access to people) to the
physical world requirements (e.g., server needs and
platform compatibility with assistive technologies).
At a high level of abstraction, the requirements in the
SF inspired a participatory approach, described in the
next subsection. Based on the identification of User
Stories from the SD, we seek a level of abstraction
closer to the prospective use of the OpenDesign plat-
form by the identified stakeholders.
4.2 User Stories
The use of the artifacts (described in the previous sec-
tion) represented the basis for creating user stories. In
the user story creation stage, a total of 95 user stories
were created after the participatory practice, already
considering the removal of redundant/duplicate sto-
ries. In the next step, we chose the user stories that
would be essential for the development of the Open-
Design platform and then associated system functio-
nalities with each one. Table 1 lists those user sto-
ries considered essential. With this practice, partici-
pants collectively produced a map that synthesizes the
key concepts involved in the OpenDesign concept, as
well as groups desired functionalities for the OpenDe-
sign platform. Figure 3 graphically illustrates the con-
cept map and requirement groups from user stories.
In the following, we describe the conceptual groups,
This “on top” means the frontend be constructed on top
(and after) of the backend of the system.
including functional and non-functional requirements
associated to the number of the user stories:
• OpenDesign: The platform should present a list
of featured projects, as well as allow its users to
search existing projects; The aesthetics of the plat-
form must be pleasant and customizable; The phi-
losophy behind the platform should be communi-
cated, as well as tutorials and demonstrations on
how to use the platform; the platform must have a
support forum, terms of use and a mechanism for
reporting terms violations; Finally, the platform
must follow accessibility criteria and recommen-
dations. This description relates to some of the
essential stories (#33, #38, #41 and #92) that ap-
pear in this group.
• OpenDesigners: Platform users can have a port-
folio that highlights projects they have contributed
to; users can bookmark projects for follow-up and
later reference; users can communicate with each
other privately via chat; the platform should pro-
vide a form of reputation among its users, accor-
ding to their contributions and their peer recogni-
tion. This description relates to some of the essen-
tial stories (#23, #84 and #87) that appear in this
• Project: The platform should allow the creation
and maintenance of projects, by considering the
choice of a desired software license; the platform
must allow the control of project visibility (public
or private); a project overview as well as a dash-
board with metrics; project access control; Pos-
sibility to export, version, compare, diverge and
combine projects; ways to publicize (share) an
existing project; and a view of the history of exis-
ting projects on the platform. This description re-
lates to some of the stories considered essential
(#35, #47 and #54) that are in this group.
• Collaboration: Within a project, the platform
should enable design steps to be established; it
should be possible to suggest or propose ideas to
which users can contribute by voting, rating or
feedback; There should also be a way to moderate
contributions as well as deliberate ideas and make
decisions. It should still be possible to create eva-
luations within the project and request feedback
from any input, product, and/or artifact. This des-
cription relates to some of the stories considered
essential (#49 and #3) that appear in this group.
• Repository: Within a project, the platform should
enable the creation of a repository of knowledge
and design artifacts, where users can store digi-
tal files, manage project documentation, and write
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems