the model, including its battery of indicators, seems to
show the complacency of VSEs of software develop-
ment with the proposed model of assessment. More
data are needed in order to have a quantitative valida-
tion of the model. But it is very difficult to involve
enterprises in research steps. The gap we mentioned
early is in both sides, from researchers to the software
industry, and the other way round. This observation
model is not exclusive for Colombia, it could be ap-
plied globally by any VSEs of software development
to interpret its level of agreement with the ISO/IEC
29110 standard.
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scholarship granted to Alexander Redondo Acu
na in
the frame of Agreement CI-115-2016. Also, thanks
to VSEs for their helping in model validation (Or-
lando Rinc
on (CEO PARQUESOFT), GreenHorizon,
RADY). The authors are grateful to CIER-SUR and
the GEDI research group for sharing their prelimi-
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