Some issues will still need human assistance, but Eva
can deal with repetitive and mechanical questions,
which are the main problem for EV.G customer ser-
vice. Its first release was important to understand the
complexity of user behavior and the need for evolving
processes, that will require people from many fields of
Regarding the development and maintenance of
the entire architecture, the main difficulty is that the
area is constantly evolving and Eva’s development
team must always be prepared to update the tools and
methods used to bring the most humanlike customer
service, that is, the user leaves satisfied with the ser-
vice provided and does not feel the need to communi-
cate with a human. Although the initial content added
to training data was raised by EV.G’s team mem-
bers, Eva’s evolution depends substantially on data
collected from user messages.
The authors would like to thank the support of
the Brazilian research, development and innova-
tion agencies CAPES (grants 23038.007604/2014-
69 FORTE and 88887.144009/2017-00 PROBRAL),
CNPq (grants 312180/2019-5 PQ-2, BRICS2017-591
LargEWiN, and 465741/2014-2 INCT in Cybersecu-
rity) and FAP-DF (grants 0193.001366/2016 UIoT
and 0193.001365/2016 SSDDC), as well as the co-
operation projects with the Ministry of the Econ-
omy (grants DIPLA 005/2016 and ENAP 083/2016),
the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of
the Republic (grant ABIN 002/2017), the Adminis-
trative Council for Economic Defense (grant CADE
08700.000047/2019-14) and the General Attorney of
the Union (grant AGU 697.935/2019).
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems