We presented in this work an approach for acquir-
ing knowledge based on machine learning consider-
ing different data sources and uncertainty in labeled
data in complex decision process domains. Our ap-
proach was evaluated in a real scenario of cementa-
tion quality evaluation by domain experts in different
real cases. We could observe that, although the error
rate obtained with the primary labels is low in some
scenarios, it is not affordable to use the classifiers due
to not being able to understand the behavior of the
classifier in unseen data. This is due to a large part of
the available data is not labeled. So, we constructed
a tool to the experts to label the data according to a
new scale of labels, and the entire case should be la-
beled. The number of new labels is large when com-
pared to the diagnosis report that follows the real case,
which is more realistic. After our analysis, we showed
the results to the domain experts. They described to
us the causes of high error rate in the some cases —
Galaxy Pattern, Channel and Fast Formation charac-
teristics. In this way, in future work, we intend to
extend our methodology to present an Artificial Intel-
ligence methodology that join machine learning and
treatment of these special scenarios for supporting de-
cision making process in complex scenarios.
There are some limitations in our work. The first
one is related to feature extraction. Constructing con-
volutional neural networks using transfer learning can
be used in these cases to try to achieve better error
rates. However, in our case study, the available data
from different kind of sources presents different ex-
tensions of measurements, and each report regarding
to quality cementation also refered to different sizes
of measurements. These aspects turned difficult to es-
tablish the amount of data in the features to be labeled
by the quality of cementation. Secondly, the experts
gave to us some tips that could lead to good cementa-
tion quality when observing the image, which allowed
us to try to use established image pre-processing tech-
niques. Thirdly, in literature, many works used MLPs
in their experiments, which leaded us to use them, es-
pecially because we were more interested to under-
stand the rationale of the experts, and constructing
the models helped us to better understanding the prob-
lem. Finally, as far as we know, training convolutional
neural networks require much more data than we had
available in our cases. In future work, as we improve
the data quality and better understand the process of
analysing cementation quality, we intend to explore
the construction of convolutional neural networks to
improve the quality of our neural networks. Other
limitation is how to chose or combine the different
classifiers for recommending final diagnosis to a case
when evaluating the cementation quality, considering
these complex scenarios.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems