the velocity is increasing to the target value which is
the speed before the obstacle avoidance intervention.
Alongside this, the throttle shown in Figure 18 is
zero when the obstacle is engaged. This happens
because the intervention threshold for the obstacle
avoidance strategy to intervene is chosen for safety
purposes and has a value of 2s. The control, having
enough time, prefers to do a stable maneuver without
braking and steering at the same time. Finally, the
steering wheel of Figure 19 behaves according to the
maneuver depicted in Figure 16.
Figure 17: Longitudinal speed between
Figure 18: Throttle between
Figure 19: Steering wheel angle between
The Auto Sapiens vehicle, thanks to sophisticated
onboard electronics allows the development of
custom hardware and software for autonomous
vehicles. Currently, the vehicle is being tested with
the first ADAS algorithms for obstacle avoidance in
case of a frontal crash. The vehicle is able to avoid the
obstacle in complete autonomy using Vehicle To
Vehicle communication. The entire control system
has been developed to begin an experimental
campaign aimed at analyzing the performances of the
entire system. One of the next steps for future
development is related to test the 4g technology in
preparation for the most promising 5g
communication network.
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