Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER
Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners
Mohammadreza Tavakoli
1 a
, Stefan T. Mol
2 b
and G
abor Kismih
1 c
TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Lifelong Learning, Open Education Resources, Recommender Systems, Labour Market Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Text Mining.
In this paper, we suggest a novel method to aid lifelong learners to access relevant OER based learning content
to master skills demanded on the labour market. Our software prototype 1) applies Text Classification and Text
Mining methods on vacancy announcements to decompose jobs into meaningful skills components, which
lifelong learners should target; and 2) creates a hybrid OER Recommender System to suggest personalized
learning content for learners to progress towards their skill targets. For the first evaluation of this prototype we
focused on two job areas: Data Scientist, and Mechanical Engineer. We applied our skill extractor approach
and provided OER recommendations for learners targeting these jobs. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured
interviews with 12 subject matter experts to learn how our prototype performs in terms of its objectives,
logic, and contribution to learning. More than 150 recommendations were generated, and 76.9% of these
recommendations were treated as useful by the interviewees. Interviews revealed that a personalized OER
recommender system, based on skills demanded by labour market, has the potential to improve the learning
experience of lifelong learners.
The worlds of work and employment are changing
rapidly in our post-industrial societies. As a con-
sequence, matching processes between skill demand
and supply are getting more and more complicated as
skills dynamically evolve through an uncontrollable
process (Colombo et al., 2018; Castello et al., 2014).
These dramatic changes lead to a number of educa-
tional problems in relation to the gap between (dy-
namic) skills that job markets demand and the train-
ing that education programs offer (Smith and Ali,
2014; Wowczko, 2015; McGill, 2009). Furthermore,
being up to date about actual job market skills has
significant importance for individuals to remain em-
ployed or climb workplace hierarchy during active
times of employment (Colombo et al., 2018; Kho-
breh et al., 2015). Notably, in order to mitigate mis-
matches between education and labour markets, we
need to 1) understand the dynamic nature of labour
markets, which requires the deconstruction of jobs
into required skills, and 2) match those skills to rel-
evant learning content.
In order to tackle the first problem, governments
and international organizations have created a number
of occupational and skill taxonomies to provide struc-
ture for job-seekers and employers about skill compo-
nents of jobs (e.g. ESCO, ISCO, O*NET). However,
there are obstacles limiting the usefulness of these
taxonomies, such as keeping their information up-
dated (Djumalieva and Sleeman, 2018). At the same
time, researchers attempt to build ontologies to pro-
vide accurate representations of jobs and skills (e.g.
(Sibarani et al., 2017)), and machine learning models
to capture information from rich, text based, labour
market data sources, like job vacancy announcements
(Colace et al., 2019; Boselli et al., 2018b; Boselli
et al., 2018a; Kobayashi et al., 2018).
To address the second issue, educational services
should be tailored to the needs of individual lifelong
learners. In this respect, open education become a key
facilitator in many areas, including personal skills de-
velopment (Kanwar and Mishra, 2018). Open Edu-
cational Resources (OERs) are also gaining popular-
Tavakoli, M., Mol, S. and Kismihók, G.
Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners.
DOI: 10.5220/0009420300960104
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 96-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ity as content sources for open education (Ha et al.,
2011). Major OER repositories have large amount
of regularly updated learning content in wide range
of content areas. Therefore it is surprising that de-
spite their growing capacity, OER platforms still un-
der perform when offering personalised learning ser-
vices. As an example, OER users must consult and
search through several OER repositories (with dif-
ferent interfaces) manually in order to find appropri-
ate learning content. Only few, initial efforts are re-
ported, which attempt to build OER recommendation
algorithms. These are done by collecting properties
of users and OERs using various approaches such as
building (or reusing existing) ontologies (Wan and
Niu, 2018; Sun et al., 2017), conducting user behav-
ior analysis in social networks (Lopez-Vargas et al.,
2014), or applying Text Mining techniques to identify
similar OER-Documents (Duffin et al., 2007). Never-
theless, due to the lack of personalized services like
high quality search and recommendation, the popu-
larity of OERs has been limited in most user groups
(typically educators or lifelong learners) (Sun et al.,
2018; Ruiz-Iniesta et al., 2014; Chicaiza et al., 2015;
Ha et al., 2011; Chicaiza et al., 2017).
In this paper we address the above mentioned
challenges and report on the prototype building of a
personalized OER recommender system, which helps
lifelong learners 1) to be informed about necessary
skills required by their current or future jobs and 2)
recommend them OERs to facilitate their progress to-
wards mastering those skills. In this paper, after de-
picting the current state of the art, we reveal the meth-
ods and data we used to build up our skill classifier
and OER recommender algorithms. Subsequently, we
showcase the validation of our first prototype for two
jobs (Data Scientist and Mechanical Engineer), using
semi-structured interviews with domain experts. At
the end of the paper we conclude our experiences and
suggest further research directions.
2.1 Matching between Jobs and Skills
Having access to reliable labour market informa-
tion on skills and jobs is not easy. Currently, only
several governments or inter-governmental organiza-
tions (the most prominent actors are the US Govern-
ment, European Commission or Singapore) attempt to
build skill inventories and occupational taxonomies
(such as ESCO, ISCO or O*NET). Although these
taxonomy building efforts have created a stable ba-
sis for basic skill analytics (inter-skill relationships,
high level matching to competences and occupations),
most of these resources are created and maintained
by human experts in several time-consuming steps,
which makes them expensive and also susceptible to
out-dating (Djumalieva and Sleeman, 2018). It is
therefore not surprising that more and more commer-
cial and research attempts target new ways to obtain
real-time labour market information about skills, us-
ing and analysing alternative data sets like job va-
cancy announcement text, resume text, or social me-
dia data. These attempts can be clustered into the fol-
lowing three main categories:
2.1.1 Semantic-based Methods
This approach builds on ontologies to reveal and
organise components of jobs (e.g. skills, tasks)
(Sibarani et al., 2017; Castello et al., 2014; Khobreh
et al., 2015). These methods provide meaningful in-
formation for stakeholders (i.e. structure of existing
jobs, skills and their relationships), however, their dy-
namicity is limited, since building and maintaining
ontologies to cover a wide range of occupations and
skills, are currently done manually (by subject matter
experts), which is a very costly and time-consuming
exercise (Hepp, 2007).
2.1.2 Text Mining and Machine Learning
A number of studies analyze online vacancy an-
nouncements to classify job components (e.g. skills,
tasks) according to existing, static taxonomies (e.g.
ESCO). This is done to update taxonomies and pro-
vide fresh information about labour markets. Most of
these papers try to extract features from the vacancies
by applying embedding techniques (e.g. word2vec
and doc2vec)(Colombo et al., 2018), Topic Modeling
techniques (e.g. LDA) (Colace et al., 2019; Colombo
et al., 2018), TFIDF (Karakatsanis et al., 2017) and
use classification techniques such as Logistic Regres-
sion, SVM, and Random Forest (Boselli et al., 2018b;
Boselli et al., 2018a) or calculate distance (Karakat-
sanis et al., 2017) to assign job vacancies to the their
closest job class. Furthermore, a number of papers are
focusing on using Text Mining and clustering tech-
niques to find relationships between skills and jobs,
and to calculate similarity measures (Djumalieva and
Sleeman, 2018; Wowczko, 2015). These papers build
vectors for skills using embedding techniques, Bag of
Words (Djumalieva and Sleeman, 2018), and apply
clustering techniques such as K-Means (Djumalieva
and Sleeman, 2018) to find the structure of related
skills and jobs. Contrary to the Ontology-based sys-
tems, given that a powerful model is constructed,
Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners
these methods can automatically extract the required
information form job vacancies. However, the identi-
fication of such general models remains challenging.
2.1.3 Content Analysis
Several papers focus on specific job areas, and collect
related job vacancies from various sources (e.g. job
boards, newspapers). Subsequently, they apply con-
tent analysis techniques such as counting the number
of skills occurrence and skills co-occurrence in order
to provide insights about skills in the investigated job
area (Verma et al., 2019; Gardiner et al., 2018; Maer-
Matei et al., 2019). Although, these methods are suc-
cessful when finding and identifying required skills
in a given job area, in most cases, they cannot scale.
The reason is that mostly these studies use static lists
of jobs and skills in their focus areas, which results in
a ”tunnel vision” and fail to detect new, emerging job
2.2 OER Recommendation
The area of OER recommendation systems has enor-
mous development potential. The available literature
on OER based content recommendations to learners
is currently limited (Chicaiza et al., 2017) and there is
no signal that factors related to typical lifelong learn-
ing goals (skills, jobs) play any role here. To structure
recent developments, we clustered available studies
into the following four categories:
2.2.1 Heuristic Method
(Sun et al., 2018) examines the Cold Start problem
(Lam et al., 2008) in the case of new micro OERs.
The paper defines rules, based on recommended se-
quences of learning objects (e.g. some learning ob-
jects should be learnt before others) using an existing
ontology and calculates a Violation Degree accord-
ing to the rules. The more a learning path violates
the rules, the higher the Validation Degree is. Subse-
quently, the system recommends and adds new OERs
into users’ learning paths, based on minimizing the
violation degree.
2.2.2 Semantic and Ontology based Methods
(Wan and Niu, 2018) builds an ontology for learners,
learning objects, and their environments to establish
similarity measures between learning objects. This is
done in order to update learning objects’ properties
and provide diverse and adaptive recommendations.
Some studies make use of ontologies and open source
RDF data to leverage semantic content, and define
recommendation algorithms suitable for linked data
(Chicaiza et al., 2017; Ruiz-Iniesta et al., 2014; Sun
et al., 2017). Moreover, (Chicaiza et al., 2015) tries
to define an open linked vocabulary to describe user
profiles, in order to facilitate recommendations.
2.2.3 Social Network Analysis
(Lopez-Vargas et al., 2014) uses social networks to
build graphs of OERs and learners. Therefore, it
finds tweets which have valid urls, and builds a
graph, based on the co-occurrences of tweets’ hash-
tags. They also build a similar graph with users, based
on their mentions and retweet. Finally, they recognize
important and influential hashtags, and use density
and centrality measures from the graphs to provide
2.2.4 Machine Learning
(Sun et al., 2017) attempts to classify users (and
their demographic features) with the help of Deci-
sion Trees and Naive Bayes algorithms to recommend
them OERs. Furthermore, (Duffin et al., 2007) uses
Document Clustering and LSA in order to find simi-
lar OERs and use them for recommendations.
2.3 Research Question
Based on the state of the art, it is clear that 1) it is
worthwhile and timely to consider labour market in-
formation to define learning goals; 2) Efforts to de-
compose jobs into components suitable for educa-
tional purposes are still in their infancy, and 3) the
area of OER recommendation systems is an under-
researched area, with a number of challenges from a
technical (e.g. available algorithms, data integration,
scalability) perspective. For these reasons the main
research questions and objectives of this paper are:
Empower lifelong learners to construct their own
learning trajectories on the basis of labour market
information and OER based learning content
Create and evaluate a hybrid OER recommenda-
tion system prototype, relying on labour market
information, learner and OER properties
Create an algorithm to decompose jobs into
unique skills and translate those skills into learn-
ing objectives
Develop algorithms to match skills (learning ob-
jectives) with learning content available in OERs
on the basis of learner and OER properties
Conduct an initial evaluation of our hybrid OER
recommendation system prototype against the
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
general project objectives, the applied logic, and
its potential contribution to lifelong learning.
In general, with this work we expect to advance the
potential of OERs to handle the increasing need for
learning content and instruction (Ha et al., 2011),
through personalized services for learners, based on
labor market data.
In this section, we detail the data and methods we
used to identify required skills and their importance
levels for jobs, followed by our OER recommendation
algorithms. Finally, we illustrate our prototype sys-
tem, which provides personalized OER recommenda-
tions to learners based on individual skill targets.
3.1 Data Collection
For the prototyping, we used a crawled sample data-
set from containing 22,000 job vacan-
. We used 80% of our dataset for training and
cross validation and 20% of them as our test set.
Moreover, for our OER recommendation, we have
used APIs, provided by the following OER providers:
and Wisc-Online
3.2 Labour Market Intelligence (LMI)
3.2.1 Extracting Skills from Job Vacancies
Since our aim was to avoid any dependency on exist-
ing taxonomies (which are updated slowly), we put
existing methods classifying jobs and skills into pre-
defined classes aside, and created a dynamic job-skill
matching mechanism to detect skill changes in jobs
quickly. As the first step, we constructed a model to
find skill related sentences in job vacancies. After an
exploratory analysis, we concluded that large num-
ber of vacancies do not contain a ”Required Skills”
section. Therefore, in order to build our model, we
selected vacancies with an explicit ”Required Skills”
section and run the following preprocessing proce-
dure on each of those vacancies:
Deletion of unimportant characters, punctuations
and bullet-points
Removal of irrelevant stop words
The data-set is accessible from:
Removal of conjunctions, articles, and preposi-
Sentence Tokenization
Lowercase Conversion
Altogether we obtained more than 60,000 sentences
with this method. This corpus included both sen-
tences, which were mentioned in a ”Required Skills”
section (we set their label to 1), and also sentences
mentioned in other sections in vacancies (we set their
label to 0). As a result, we got around 15,000 sen-
tences related to ”Required Skills” and labelled as 1
and around 45,000 sentences not related to ”Required
Skills” and labelled as 0. Subsequently, we applied
embedding techniques on word-level n-grams, and
built sentence vectors with averaging word/n-gram
embeddings and using Multinomial Logistic Regres-
sion model to minimize the classification error
. It
should be mentioned that word-level n-gram applies
the n-gram concept on character level and find the
most common sequences of characters. Therefore,
vectors are created for each of the extracted sequence
of characters and it helps us build vectors for new
words (skills), based on our existing vector for the
new word’s sequences of characters (e.g. building
an initial vector for Mechatronic based on existing
vectors which are extracted from Elecronic and Me-
chanic). Applying our model on the test data-set
resulted in the detection of 88.7% balance-accuracy
(including precision and recall) of skill-related sen-
tences. Finally, we used TFIDF weighting to detect
skill terms in skill related sentences. It should be men-
tioned that we used Minimum Document Frequency of
3 as cut-off point in order to handle typing errors and
remove rare words.
3.2.2 Calculating Skills’ Importance for Jobs
To calculate the importance of particular skills associ-
ated with jobs in a specific geographical location, we
calculated the rate of skill occurrence in the previous
6 months at the given job location. After normalizing
the rates, we use a simple decay function to compute
the new importance score, which combines the pre-
vious importance scores and the new rates with more
weight on the new rates.
Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners
Table 1: User Properties.
Property Values Note
Selected Job
by users
by users
by users
Pref Resources
[0..100] for
higher tendency
higher value
Pref Length [0..100]
preferred long
preferred short
Pref Check [0..100]
prefer assured
closer to 100
Pref Accessibility [0..100]
prefer higher
closer to 100
3.3 Recommending OERs
3.3.1 Method for Initializing Learners’
Table 1 depicts learners’ properties in our OER rec-
ommender prototype. During the initialization of a
new user, we capture known properties entered by
users (i.e. Personal Information, Skill Level List, and
Selected Job), and also a number of properties with-
out values (i.e. Resource scores, Length scores, Qual-
ity scores, and Accessibility scores). To set an ini-
tial value for these unknown properties, we sample
similar users, based on the known properties and use
weighted average (based on similarity) of their prop-
erties as initial values for unknown properties. This
strategy scaffolds the cold start problem of new users.
To sample similar users, we use (1) to compute the
similarity between user i and j where the Similarity
Effect function for user i and j in property k is calcu-
lated as (2).
similarity(i, j) =
k=known properties
sim e f f ect(i, j, k)
sim e f f ect(i, j, k) =
equal val(k), same k for i&j
0, otherwise
Furthermore, the equality value of property k
(equal val(k)), showing the effect of variable k on
We used FastText Library in Python for our classification
task (Joulin et al., 2016)
similar behaviour (rating) by users, is calculated
through the following process:
1. We collect user pairs who gave exactly the same
ratings for the same OER in the period
2. Compute the ratio of the number of pairs having
exactly the same value in property k to the number
of all pairs
3. Normalizing the ratios in a way that sum of all the
ratios becomes equal to 100 and the normalized
ratio of k is the Equality Value of k
This process is executed regularly, after defining a
time period (e.g. after every month).
3.3.2 Method for Updating Learners’ Properties
Since we aim to capture learners’ preferences quickly
and provide relevant OERs according to the changes
and improvements in learners’ property values, we
decided to update user properties after each rating ac-
tion on any of the recommended OERs. This is done
by using a real-time updating process that, according
to the rating score and the properties of the recom-
mended OERs (i.e. length, quality, accessibility), up-
dates the properties of the users. As a consequence,
if a learner is satisfied (dissatisfied) by a given OER,
we will encourage (discourage) the properties (see de-
tails in the next section) of that particular OER for
that learner. For instance, if a user is dissatisfied by a
long OER (e.g. it takes 10 week to complete), we will
update the Preferred Long property of the user and
decrease its value in order to provide shorter OERs
in the future. Along the same line, with assigning
positive ratings to accessible OERs, learners can en-
hance their accessibility criterion and increase their
Preferred Accessibility value to receive content with
accessibility support (critical for instance for visually
impaired learners (Elias et al., 2017)).
3.3.3 OER Properties
Table 2 shows OER properties. Based on existing lit-
erature, we selected Level, Length, Quality, and Ac-
cessibility as important properties of OERs (Piedra
et al., 2015; Atenas and Havemann, 2013; Elias et al.,
2018). When assigning a value to a particular OER
property, first we extract and order all existing val-
ues assigned to that property, then classify them, and
count the number of classes. Based on the number of
classes, we assign a value between 0 and 100 to that
property. For instance, we take property Level, we ex-
tract 3 values (beginner, intermediate and advanced -
3 classes), and as a result we set the value for beginner
OERs to 0, intermediate OERs to 50, and advanced
OERs to 100.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: OER Properties.
Property Values Note
Resource Repositories
e.g. SkillCommons,
Skills based on subjects
Author Full Name the provider
web address
of OERs
Length [0..100]
how long
how short
Level [0..100]
higher level
closer to 100
Quality [0..100]
more quality
closer to 100
Accessibility [0..100]
more accessibility
closer to 100
Relevance [0..100]
decreased if
defined Irrelevant
3.3.4 Method for Initializing OER Properties
For each OER, we attempt to identify similar OERs,
based on its known properties. For instance, if we
know Skill and Author of a new OER, we identify all
other OERs provided by the same author and the same
skill target, compute their average values, and set the
initial property values accordingly.
3.3.5 Method for Updating OER Properties
Detecting OER properties is a slow process in the be-
ginning, since change happens when users alter their
rating pattern. This happens usually when they are
confronted with new OERs. Therefore, we run the up-
dating process after a specific time period (e.g. once
each month). To adjust the properties (except Rel-
evance) of each OER at first, we collect all related
users and their ratings in the given time period. After-
wards, we compute the property values for the OER
as X in order to minimize (3) using Gradient Descend,
where θ
is the property vector of user i and Y
is the
satisfaction rate of user i.
LossFunction =
X) Y
| (3)
This strategy of using all recent ratings in updating
OER properties, enhances the diversity in our rec-
ommendations. All learners contribute to calculat-
ing these OER properties (for each OER they stud-
ied) through their individual evaluations. Users can
also rate OERs as irrelevant. As a consequence, the
Relevance property of an OER o is calculated as (4)
where the total recom(o) shows the number of times
that OER o has been recommended to users and ir-
relev count(o) is the number of times that o has been
determined as Irrelevant. Finally, OERs with a Rel-
evance Value less than the average in relation to a
specific skill, are marked as Irrelevant (for that skill
only), and therefore will not be recommended (for
that skill) anymore.
relevancy(o) =
total recom(o) irrelev count(o)
total recom(o)
3.3.6 Recommendation Algorithm
For recommending an OER to a learner, we calcu-
late Cosine Similarity between the properties of can-
didate OERs (which are related to the skill-level of
any user) and the properties of the user. The system
will recommend an OER with the lowest distance be-
tween those two. Since we update user properties in
a real-time process and update OER properties after a
predefined period, for recommending the best match
for a user, we only need to find an OER, which has
the closest properties to the user. Furthermore, Rat-
ing Sparsity problem (i.e. users rate only a few num-
ber of OERs) is one of the most important issue when
building recommender systems. In our case users and
OERs have mutual contribution to calculating proper-
ties, which intends to eliminate the effects of Rating
Sparsity. Even if an OER has limited amount of rat-
ings, we can rely on the properties of the learners. On
the basis of their ratings on other (similar) OERs, we
calculate the properties for OERs suffering from Rat-
ing Sparsity.
3.4 OER Recommender Prototype
Learners were confronted with a prototype of our
recommender system in a form of a dashboard
Through this dashboard learners can search for their
current or desired job, display the list of required
skills and set their level of expertise for each skills.
Subsequently, on the learning tab, the dashboard
shows the current expertise levels of the learner, and
the links to the recommended OERs. OERs are or-
dered according to the importance of skills for the
selected job. In case a learner thinks that a recom-
mended OER is not related (Irrelevant) or does not
find the content engaging, a new recommendation
could be generated, without changing the expertise
level of the learner. After consulting (learning) a rec-
ommended OER, learners are asked to rate their sat-
You can find demo of our prototype from: https://github.
Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners
isfaction with that OER. Finally, the dashboard up-
dates the learner’s expertise level and provide an up-
dated recommendation based on the new rating. This
is done until the learner masters all required skills on
the highest level. Figure 1 depicts the building blocks
of our proposed approach.
To validate our proposed approach, we conducted
semi-structured interviews with subject matter ex-
perts in the job areas of Data Science and Mechanical
Engineering. We focused on jobs, which are related
to these areas, and randomly selected 100 job vacan-
cies for Data Scientists and 100 job vacancies for Me-
chanical Engineers from August 2019. Afterwards,
we applied our skill extraction and importance detec-
tion model to select the most important skills in both
occupations. To evaluate recommendations, we in-
vited four university instructors with at least 12 years
of teaching and 13 years of industrial experience and
eight PhD students with a minimum teaching experi-
ence of 1 year and a minimum industrial experience
of 2 years for a semi-structured interview
. Partici-
pants gave feedback on our prototype with regards to
its general objectives, logic, and potential contribu-
tion to individual learning. Each interviewee had to
go through the following protocol:
1. Learning about the research problem and the pro-
posed approach - 15 minutes
2. Work with our prototype - 15 minutes
3. Going through a semi-structured interview with
the help of a qualitative questionnaire
- 30 min-
During working sessions with our prototype, partic-
ipants generated more than 150 OER recommenda-
tions. 76.9% of these recommendations were useful
and relevant to participants’ skill levels and proper-
ties. 8.2% of the recommended OERs were signalled
as irrelevant, and in 14.9% of the cases participants
decided to change the recommended OERs. The re-
sults of the interviews are summarised in the follow-
ing three sections.
4.1 Objectives
Interviewees confirmed that there is a potential value
in building a labour market information driven OER
Detailed profiles of our interview participants are available
The questionnaire is available on:
recommender system. Both instructors and PhD
students thought that there are several useful and
high quality OERs available on the Internet, but
finding them are complicated and time-consuming.
Regarding the skill extraction, participants recom-
mended to use alternative data sources, besides va-
cancy announcements. Student 2 for example sug-
gested that “you should also use other data sources
related to labor market like CVs and available data
about salaries”. Moreover, interviewees thought that
this approach is extremely useful for job-seekers, job-
holders, and people who have clear ideas about their
preferred occupation. However, they were skeptical
about those learners, who want to focus their atten-
tion on a specific skill only.
4.2 Logic
Participants confirmed that our method to calculate
the importance of particular skills in recent job va-
cancies can potentially help learners to focus on the
most important elements of their current or future job.
However, as it was also suggested by Student 1, a
more intelligent decay function, to combine recent
and previous skill important values might be desir-
able. Regarding the self assessment of learners to set
their initial level of expertise, Instructor 1 suggested
to “introduce basic assessment in a form of technical
or non-technical questions” for each targeted skill.
4.3 Contribution to Learning
Participants emphasized that interacting with learners
in order to recognize their preferences (e.g. recom-
mending OERs based on their previous ratings) is one
of the most important, novel and engaging component
of our proposed approach. Student 5 recommended to
include more properties: “You should capture more
learners’ properties such as language preferences or
type of OERs (e.g. presentation, video).” Moreover,
interviewees were convinced that setting specific and
personalized goals for each skill in our prototype sys-
tem has a strong and positive effect on the learning
In this paper, we showcased a hybrid OER Recom-
mender system prototype to support individual skill
development, targeting concrete, labour market ori-
ented skills and jobs. For this prototype a skill ex-
traction mechanism has been constructed, which cap-
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Components of our Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) based OER recommender.
tures skill related sentences in vacancy announce-
ments with balanced accuracy of 88.7%. These dy-
namically generated skills became individual learning
objectives and were connected to OER based learning
contents. Recommendations were generated through
a dashboard, with combining OER and learner prop-
erties. The system prototype was validated with semi-
structured interviews. The initial results showed that
our proposed approach has the potential to aid life-
long learners to construct their individual learning
pathways and progress towards their desired job re-
lated skills. Moreover, participants valued that user
properties were critical, when formulating recom-
We consider this study as an important first step
(and a promising positive feedback) on our ongoing
research project to empower lifelong learners on the
basis of accurate labour market information. We be-
lieve that by confronting learners with labour market
information, we also support them to develop critical
transferable skills such as the awareness of their own
learning needs, continuous reflection on their indi-
vidual learning goals, capacities to (re)design person-
alised curricula, or measurement of learning achieve-
ments. Of course this prototype comes with a num-
ber of limitations (e.g. only two jobs were covered;
content was only received from two OER reposito-
ries, the number of properties for the recommenda-
tion were limited), but we believe it is worthwhile to
invest further effort in this area. As the next step we
plan to expand the context of our investigation with
adding more OER repositories to our system, together
with extracting more properties from users to provide
better recommendations. Moreover, accurate skill de-
composition is another key problem to improve, in
order to get better assessment about users’ expertise
level, and to construct more suitable learning path-
ways for lifelong learners. Finally, we plan to use
(quasi-)experimental designs for further developing
and validating our prototype in a number of use cases.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education