floading platform called CAOS/CAOS D2D. Our ex-
periments show that encryption support may increase
the total offloading time up to 5.35% (±0.64%). But
they also show that the larger the offloading time, the
less the impact of encryption procedures. The encryp-
tion key size seems irrelevant compared with the in-
fluence of downloading and uploading times, so big-
ger keys should be used instead of weaker ones. Re-
garding energy consumption, our experiments show
that the encryption process consumes up to 878 mJ,
and the longer the encryption key and the bigger the
data to be transferred, the higher the energy consump-
tion. As future work, we intend to expand the ex-
perimentation and test a set of other mobile devices
leveraging different wireless technologies (e.g., 4G,
5G), besides using public cloud instances as remote
execution environments and test other cryptographic
The authors would like to thank The Cear
a State
Foundation for the Support of Scientific and Tech-
nological Development (FUNCAP) for the financial
support (grant number 6945087/2019).
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A Study about the Impact of Encryption Support on a Mobile Cloud Computing Framework