NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s
Interest in Nature?
Saba Kawas
, Jordan Sherry-Wagner
, Nicole S. Kuhn
, Sarah K. Chase
, Brittany Bentley
Joshua J. Lawler
, and Katie Davis
The Information School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
Human Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
Keywords: Human-computer Interface, Mobile Learning, Informal Learning, Interest-centered Design.
Abstract: In this study, we investigate whether and how a mobile application called NatureCollections supports chil-
dren’s triggered situational interest in nature. Developed from an interest-centered design framework,
NatureCollections allows children to build and curate their own customized photo collections of nature. We
conducted a comparison study at an urban community garden with 57 sixth graders across 4 science class-
rooms. Students in two classrooms (n = 15 and 16) used the NatureCollections app, and students in another
two classrooms (n = 13 and 13) used a basic Camera app. We found that NatureCollections succeeded in
focusing students’ attention–an important aspect of interest development– through sensory engagement with
the natural characteristics in their surroundings. Students who used NatureCollections moved slower in space
while scanning their surroundings for specific elements (e.g., flowers, birds) to photograph. In contrast, stu-
dents who used the basic Camera app were more drawn to aesthetic aspects (e.g., color, shape) and tended to
explore their surroundings through the device screen. NatureCollections supported other dimensions of inter-
est development, including personal relevance, social interactions, and positive experiences for continued
engagement. Our findings further showed that the NatureCollections app facilitated students’ scientific dis-
course with their peers.
Personal interest plays a vital role in learning across
domains (Ainley, 2006; Azevedo, 2013; Hidi & Ren-
ninger, 2006; Krapp, 2002, 2003). When students
form a personal connection to a topic, they are more
likely to feel intrinsically motivated to learn about it,
retain what they have learned, and enjoy the learning
process itself (Ainley, 2006; Hidi & Renninger, 2006;
Krapp, 2002). Prior work investigating nature-related
science learning is consistent with the broader re-
search related to interest-driven learning. When
children have a personal interest in nature, their learn-
ing about nature-related topics increases (Klemmer et
al., 2005; Louv, 2008; O’Brien & Murray, 2007).
To develop interest in nature, one must have pos-
itive experiences outdoors (Azevedo, 2013; Braun &
Dierkes, 2017; Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Krapp, 2002,
2003). Unfortunately, children today are spending
less and less time in contact with nature (Bassett et
al., 2015; Holt et al., 2015; Kimbro et al., 2011; Lohr
& Pearson-Mims, 2004). Although increased screen
time is often blamed for decreasing children’s time
spent outside (Gray et al., 2015; Kimbro et al., 2011;
Louv, 2008), prior work has demonstrated that mobile
technologies can actually support children’s positive,
fun experiences outdoors and can be effective in con-
necting children to nature (Crawford et al., 2017;
Ruiz-Ariza et al., 2018). For instance, recent research
has shown that mobile-enabled activities such as
games (e.g., Pokémon GO) can engage children and
their parents in enjoyable activities, help motivate
them to go outside, and even increase their overall
time spent outdoors (Sobel et al., 2017).
We know less about leveraging mobile technolo-
gies for interest-driven learning about nature. Prior
work has focused on using mobile technologies to en-
gage children in science learning and guided
exploration (Chipman et al., 2006; Kamarainen et al.,
2013; King et al., 2014; Kuhn et al., 2011; Y. Rogers
Kawas, S., Sherry-Wagner, J., Kuhn, N., Chase, S., Bentley, B., Lawler, J. and Davis, K.
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?.
DOI: 10.5220/0009421105790592
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 579-592
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: a. Student taking a close-up shot of a flower b. One student pointing nature element to her peers a c. Students
walking and scanning their surroundings.
et al., 2004; Yvonne Rogers et al., 2005; Schellinger
et al., 2017; Zimmerman et al., 2016). This research
shows how leveraging affordances such as location
awareness makes it possible to push contextually rel-
evant content to users, thus enriching their learning
experience (Kamarainen et al., 2013; Y. Rogers et al.,
2004; Zimmerman et al., 2016). However, this re-
search has not typically positioned interest
development as a major and explicit consideration in
designing mobile technologies for nature-based sci-
ence learning. At the same time, researchers have
uncovered insights that are relevant to the design of
interest-driven learning experiences with mobile
technologies more broadly (i.e., not specific to na-
ture), which inform the current work. For instance,
prior work shows how introducing overly structured
activities limits a learner’s autonomy. In addition, it
can be difficult to achieve balance between guided ac-
tivities and open-ended exploration—a key
component of interest-driven learning (Azevedo,
2013; Hidi & Renninger, 2006)—when designing
mobile learning technologies (Kamarainen et al.,
2013; Kuhn et al., 2011; Lo et al., 2012; Zimmerman
et al., 2016).
In their four-phase model of interest development,
Hidi and Reninger describe the evolution of an exter-
nally triggered situational interest into a sustained
personal interest (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). In the
current work, we explore how mobile technologies
can support interest-driven exploration in nature, par-
ticularly, the first phase of interest development: a
triggered situational interest. Although typically
short-lived, a triggered situational interest is central
to the model because it contains characteristics that
pervade it, and because it is the necessary precursor
to all other phases of interest development. The char-
acteristics that underpin all phases of the model
include personally relevant experiences, focused at-
tention accompanied by positive emotional
engagements, social interactions,, and opportunities
for re-engagement (Hidi & Renninger, 2006).
In prior work (Kawas et al., 2019), we presented an
interest-centered design framework to promote
children’s interest in nature. Drawing on Hidi and
Reninger’s model of interest development, we derived
a set of four design principles: (1) personal relevance,
(2) focused attention, (3) social interactions, and (4)
opportunities for continued engagement. Through co-
design sessions with children, we developed design
strategies to enact each of these principles (Table 1).
Using this framework, we designed NatureCollections,
a mobile application that allows children to build and
curate photo collections of nature.
In the current study, we evaluate the interest-cen-
tered design principles and strategies embodied in the
NatureCollections app features and the extent to
which, together, they support children’s interest de-
velopment in nature. Our purpose in this evaluation is
to assess whether the system as a whole supports the
emergent behavior of interest, in this case, a triggered
situational interest in nature. This objective stands in
contrast to research that assesses individual design
features or interaction techniques (Greenberg &
Buxton, 2008; Olson & Kellogg, 2014).
In line with this objective, we adopted a qualita-
tive approach in the current investigation, one that
allowed us to identify and describe the emergent be-
havior of interest as children interacted with the
system as a whole, in a real-world setting (Klasnja et
al., 2011; Olson & Kellogg, 2014). The study took
place at an urban garden with 57 sixth graders across
4 science classrooms at a single school. Students in
two classrooms (n =15 and 16) used the NatureCol-
lections app, and students in another two classrooms
(n = 13 and 13) used a basic Camera app. We included
the comparison group to ensure that any effects that
we observed were not due simply to using a
smartphone to take pictures of nature (Jake-
Schoffman et al., 2017; Nayebi et al., 2012). Beyond
ruling out a novelty effect of using a smartphone to
take pictures, our comparison group was not intended
to evaluate any single feature of the app.
The contribution of this work is empirical evi-
dence showing that NatureCollections succeeded in
triggering children’s situational interest in their natu-
ral surroundings. This evidence supports the
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
effectiveness of the interest-centered design frame-
work that we used to design NatureCollections. In
addition to showing how the app’s features supported
specific dimensions of the interest development
model (e.g., focused attention), our analysis also un-
covered emergent themes related to students’
scientific discourse and distinct patterns of movement
through nature while using the app, which comple-
ment the interest development framework.
2.1 A Theoretical Model of Interest
Hidi and Renninger describe four distinct and sequen-
tial phases of interest development that depict how a
sustained, internally driven personal interest emerges
from an initial external stimulus (Hidi & Renninger,
2006). The first phase is a triggered situational inter-
est, which occurs from a stimulus in the environment
that sparks an individual’s in-the-moment, focused at-
tention, either because it is personally relevant,
unexpected, or both. The experience is also typically
accompanied by positive feelings. The second phase
is a maintained situational interest, where both fo-
cused attention and positive feelings are sustained
through meaningful interactions over an extended pe-
riod of time. Both a triggered and a maintained
situational interest require external support to materi-
alize. During the third phase, an emerging individual
interest develops from recurrent engagement with a
particular content that the individual values based on
prior experiences. Some external support is typically
needed during this phase to provide reengagement op-
portunities. The last and fourth phase of the model is
a well-developed individual interest, which stems
from an enduring predisposition towards re-engaging
with a topic overtime. This stage is marked by an in-
dividual’s accumulated knowledge, positive feelings,
and supportive social interactions (Hidi & Renninger,
All four phases share common characteristics that
underpin interest development: focused attention on
personally relevant content accompanied by positive
emotions, supportive social interactions, and oppor-
tunities for continued engagement. We drew on these
characteristics to form the foundational principles in
the interest-centered design framework (Kawas et al.,
2019). In the current evaluation study, we focus on
the first phase of interest development, a triggered sit-
uational interest, as it contains the core characteristics
that pervade the entire model. It is also a necessary
precursor to all other phases of interest development.
2.2 Insights from Mobile Learning
Technologies Research
In addition to being theoretically guided by the inter-
est development model, our work is informed by prior
empirical research on mobile learning technologies
that aim to support learners’ science inquiry and na-
ture-based explorations. Projects like Ambient Wood
(Y. Rogers et al., 2004), Tree Investigators
(Zimmerman et al., 2015), Zydeco (Kuhn et al.,
2011), GeoTagger (Fails et al., 2014), iBeacons
(Zimmerman et al., 2016) and EcoMOBILE
(Kamarainen et al., 2013) harness location awareness
capabilities and just-in-time prompts to deliver rele-
vant content based on the learner’s location to engage
them with their surroundings. For instance, both Eco-
MOBILE and Tree Investigators leverage augmented
reality to overlay images of biodiversity and back-
ground information to amplify learners’ observations
in their surroundings. Similarly, Zydeco and iBea-
cons push relevant information to the mobile device
to connect learners with their surroundings. All these
projects also allow learners to collect and/or annotate
their observations to guide their science inquiry.
Commercial location-based mobile games have
also engaged children with outdoor exploration using
similar features (Ruiz-Ariza et al., 2018; Sobel et al.,
2017). For example, Pokémon Go uses augmented re-
ality features to overlay co-located game characters
onto the physical surrounding. The game also makes
use of just-in-time, location-based prompts to deliver
relevant content, such as the existence of a nearby raid
battle. Research has shown that such games are highly
engaging for children, support social interaction, and
promote positive feelings (Sobel et al., 2017).
There exists a tension between the engaging qual-
ity of mobile learning and game applications, on the
one hand (Kamarainen et al., 2013; Sobel et al., 2017;
Zimmerman et al., 2015), and their tendency to focus
children’s attention on the device screens rather than
their surroundings, on the other (Ruiz-Ariza et al.,
2018; Sobel et al., 2017). Researchers have docu-
mented parents’ and teachers’ concerns about
children being preoccupied with the mobile devices
during outdoor science inquiry (Ayers et al., 2016;
Cahill et al., 2010; Kamarainen et al., 2013). Simi-
larly, parents have worried about their children’s
safety while playing Pokémon Go due to their absorp-
tion in the game world seen through their screen
rather than the physical world through which they are
moving (Ayers et al., 2016; Ruiz-Ariza et al., 2018;
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?
Sobel et al., 2017). In designing NatureCollections,
our goal was to design a system that avoids the prob-
lem of focusing on one’s device for extended periods
of time to the exclusion of experiencing one’s natural
surroundings directly.
In prior work (Kawas et al., 2019), we presented a de-
sign framework comprising a set of design principles
and strategies to guide the design of mobile technol-
ogies to promote children’s interest development in
nature. Development of the framework was guided by
both theoretical and empirical insights. We identified
four design principles by drawing on the core dimen-
sions of the interest development model (Hidi &
Renninger, 2006): (1) personal relevance, (2) focused
attention, (3) social interactions, and (4) opportunities
for continued engagement.
Next, we conducted co-design sessions with chil-
dren aged 7–12 years to generate design strategies to
implement each of the four design principles (See Ta-
ble 1) (Kawas et al., 2019). Throughout this process,
we took into consideration insights and challenges
identified in prior research on designing mobile
learning technologies.
Table 1: (adapted from prior work): Interest-Centered
design principles and strategies.
Mobile Design
Design Strategies to Support Personal
Interest Development
1. Engage
Children in
1.1 Support children’s pre-existing personal
interests through customizable activities
1.2 Provide opportunities to extend activities
by unlocking new content
1.3 Create a personalized user interface
2. Support
Attention on
2.1 Draw attention to specific elements i
the child’s physical surroundings
2.2 Encourage self-directed, sensory interac-
tions with natural elements
3. Encourage
Children to
Engage in
3.1 Connect users with each other and pro-
vide conversational prompts around topics
of interest
3.2 Create activities that involve two o
more users to complete
4. Provide
for Continued
4.1 Display children’s accumulated progress
over time
4.2 Promote app engagement across settings
3.1 Nature Go App Feature Design
Guided by our interested-centered design framework,
we designed the features of the NatureCollections app
to promote children’s interest in nature. NatureCol-
lections allows children to photograph things they see
in nature, classify plants and animals in their photo-
graphs, and organize them into themed albums such
as birds, insects, and trees. Here, we briefly describe
key app features, along with their connection to the
four design principles and associated design strate-
gies in parentheses () shown in Table 1. (See (Kawas
et al., 2019) for an expanded discussion.)
Figure 2: Screens of the NatureCollections app 1: Onboard-
ing “What are your interests?” 2: My Collections. 3: Photo
3.1.1 Design Principle 1: Engage Children in
Personally Relevant Activities
During the NatureCollections onboarding process, a
friendly moose character addresses child by their
name, introduces himself as their guide through the
app experience, and prompts them to enter their inter-
ests (design strategies 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) (see Fig 2.1). The
app includes a personalized “Profile Page” where
children can track their accomplishments, including
photos taken, badges earned, and challenges com-
pleted. In addition, children can create and organize
their photographs into customized “My Collections”
that reflect their specific blend of interests (design
strategy 1.1) (Fig 2.2).
3.1.2 Design Principle 2: Support Children’s
Focused Attention on Their
The “Add Details” feature allows children to enter de-
scriptive information about their photo into text fields
using conversational prompts (e.g., “How would you
describe this photo?”). This feature encourages chil-
dren to examine the subject of their photograph
carefully and reflect on specific elements (design
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
strategies 2.1, 2.2). The “Photo Classification” fea-
ture similarly encourages children to focus on a
nature element by providing simple classification
schemes for each preset photo collection. These
schemes direct users through a series of stepped
prompts containing visual silhouettes to facilitate
classification (design strategy 2.1) (Fig 2.3).
3.1.3 Design Principle 3: Encourage
Children to Engage in Social
Children can see their friends on a “My Friends”
screen, including their photos and badges earned (de-
sign strategy 3.1). New friends can be added through
a unique username. Several “Challenges” are de-
signed to be social. Friends can collaborate on a team
scavenger hunt (earning a team badge), or challenge
each other to match a photo they have already taken
(design strategy 3.2).
3.1.4 Design Principle 4: Provide
Opportunities for Continued
NatureCollections features such as “My Profile,”
“My Friends,” and “Challenges” track children’s ac-
cumulated progress over time by displaying their
photo count, badges earned, and friends list (design
strategy 4.1). Challenges span multiple locations to
promote app engagement across settings, providing
opportunities for continued engagement (design strat-
egy 4.2). Progress toward a particular goal is shown
through a “Progress Bar” (design strategy 4.1).
3.2 Basic Camera App
For the current study, we developed a second, basic
Camera app (also titled NatureCollections with the
same app icon) to test whether the behaviors we ob-
served as children used NatureCollections were due
to the app and its collective features, or whether they
were instead attributable to the effect of using a
smartphone to photograph one’s natural surroundings
(Jake-Schoffman et al., 2017; Nayebi et al., 2012).
This app consisted of two main features: (1) a camera
feature with only a single shot (no other photo capture
modes, filters, or video capabilities), and (2) a photo
gallery displaying a grid of all photos taken.
Our goal in the current study was to understand if and
how the NatureCollections app design succeeds in-
triggering children’s situational interest in nature.
Although the design framework used to develop Na-
tureCollections addresses all four phases of interest
development, we chose to focus this initial evaluation
study on the first phase, a triggered situational inter-
est. A necessary precursor to the other three phases of
interest development, a triggered situational interest
incorporates the core dimensions of interest develop-
ment that pervade the entire model. Moreover, a
triggered situational interest can be witnessed over
the short-term, which was a practical consideration
for this study. We operationalized interest by focus-
ing on behavioral indicators of the four core
dimensions of a triggered situational interest. This
strategy is consistent with other work that uses prox-
imal behavioral indicators as evidence of complex
constructs (such as interest) (Moller et al., 2017).
We conducted an observational in-situ study compar-
ing two groups of students in a community garden.
One group used the NG app and the other used a basic
Camera app (both presented to participants as the Na-
tureCollections app). Prior research has shown that
in-situ studies capture context of use when evaluating
a new mobile technology and often uncover a range
of design and usability issues that lab-based evalua-
tions are likely to miss (Klasnja et al., 2011).
4.1 Participants
Participants were 57 sixth graders aged 11-13 years
(M = 11.5 years) attending a private middle school lo-
cated in an affluent suburb of a city in the Northwest
United States. Students were predominantly
White/Caucasian (73.5%) and lived in households
with a high annual income (see Table 2 for complete
demographic details). In a pre-survey, 100% of par-
ents reported that their children use a tablet or phone
on a daily basis, and 98% of parents reported their
children own their own device. Prior to the study, we
asked students about their general interests, hobbies,
and favorite outdoor and nature-based activities and
found no notable differences between the NG app and
the Camera app groups. Students in both groups were
far more likely to identify organized sports as a favor-
ite activity than a nature-foregrounded activity.
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?
Table 2: Demographic characteristics of participants, who
shared their data (n = 49, across all classrooms).
Gender Female (51%), Male (49%)
Mean (SD) = 11.5 (0.54) | Age 11
(n=26), Age 12 (n =22) Age 13 (n =1)
White (73.5%), Asian/Pacific Islande
(16.5%), Hispanic (4%), Africa
American (2%), Middle Eastern (2%),
Mixed (2%)
Income (US$)
Less than 25K (2%), 25k-49K (2%),
50k-74k (4%), 75K-99K (4%),
100K-125K (14.5%), Over 150
4.2 Procedures
We conducted the study with four different classrooms
over a two-day period during their regular science class
period. Since the study took place over two consecu-
tive days and to account for weather and time of day
effects (e.g., energy levels may vary before and after
breaks), we used controlled random cluster assign-
ments to assign the NatureCollections app and the
Camera app to classrooms on both days. Two class-
rooms used the NG app (15, 16 students in each
classroom, total = 31), and two classrooms used the
basic Camera app (13 in each classroom, total = 26)
(see Table 3). All four classrooms were told they were
using a beta version of the NatureCollections app. Be-
yond introducing the researchers to the students,
classroom teachers did not help the researchers run the
study. They did, however, stay to observe their stu-
dents and direct their questions to a researcher.
After explaining the study purpose, we divided the
students randomly into small groups (4–5 students, 1
researcher per group). We obtained student assent,
gathered parental consent forms, and administered a
pre-activity questionnaire (described above). Re-
searchers then led students in an outdoor icebreaker
activity before introducing them to the photo-taking
activity and handing out the phones with the app.
Table 3: App Class Assignment.
The photo-taking activity took place at a nearby
urban community garden. Students in both groups
were invited to explore their surroundings and take
photos using the app for approximately 25 minutes.
Researchers were careful not to prime children by dis-
cussing details of the research project; rather, we
asked them to help us try and give feedback on the
nature app and reinforced that there were no right or
wrong ways to use the app. In addition to videotaping
the students’ activity using chest-mounted GoPro
cameras, researchers followed small groups of stu-
dents to take observational field notes and ask them
questions about their photo choices and app function-
ality. Following the activity, students returned to the
classroom to participate in a semi-structured focus
group discussion led by the researcher within their
small groups. In this debrief discussion, we asked stu-
dents about what pictures they took and their rationale
for taking them, what they liked and disliked, and if
they had suggestions for additional features.
4.3 Data Analysis
We used the video recordings of the sessions to ex-
amine triggered situational interest “moments” in
detail across the two groups. The video recordings
were central to our analysis; they included 18 total
videos of the outdoor activity ranging from 25 to 29
minutes each. The recordings of the post-activity
small-group discussions were secondary in our anal-
ysis; they included 18 debrief videos lasting
approximately 15 minutes each. We analyzed our
data thematically using both etic and emic codes
(Boyatzis, 1998; Maxwell, 1996). Etic codes repre-
sented behavioral evidence of the core dimensions
associated with a triggered situational interest: (1)
personal relevance, (2) focused attention, (3) social
interactions, and (4) opportunities for continued en-
gagement. Due to the short-term nature of a triggered
situational interest (and of our study), we did not ex-
pect to see robust evidence relating to continued
engagement. Instead, we considered indicators that
students were open to re-engage with the NG app if
given future opportunities. Although we focused cen-
trally on these etic coding categories, we also used a
grounded theory approach to coding (Glaser &
Strauss, 1967) that allowed for emic themes to
emerge directly from the data (Maxwell, 1996).
We used interactional analysis and video research
techniques to analyze the video data (Derry et al.,
2010; Jordan & Henderson, 1995). The 6 researchers
who led the analysis were not involved with the NG
app design process. Researchers individually created
a content log for the GoPro video they captured, and
conducted an initial coding based on the four design
principles contained in the design framework. While
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
logging, researchers flagged segments for more in-
tense analysis and other salient emergent themes
based on alignment with the interest development
model (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). After indexing the
video data, the research team collectively viewedeach
video alongside its respective content log, stopping
for group discussion at the identified flagged seg-
ments. Researchers resolved disagreements and came
to consensus on the appropriate coding before moving
to the next segment (Derry et al., 2010; Jordan &
Henderson, 1995). During this process, researchers
highlighted “hotspots” representing triggered situa-
tional interest moments and examples of the emergent
salient themes (Jordan & Henderson, 1995). After the
group viewing, three researchers repeatedly
the identified hotspots to document the triggered sit-
uational interest moments in detail.
We used the codes from the community garden
activity analysis to code the video data of the post-
activity focus group discussions. Two researchers
viewed one video from each app assignment and
coded it together to establish agreement. One re-
searcher then coded the remaining videos and
transcribed students’ responses for each small group.
We chose not to analyze the content of children’s
photos, as photo content itself does not offer deep in-
sight into students’ attention, intent, or experience.
Instead, we focused on qualitative observational and
interview methods to gauge children’s interactions
with the app and their interest in nature.
We present results from our analysis exploring the re-
lationships between our etically derived interest
development themes: Personal Relevance, Focused
Attention, Social Interactions, and Opportunities for
Continued Engagement and the students’ interactions
with the assigned app and their natural surroundings.
In addition, we discuss two related themes that
emerged emically: Science Discourse and Mobility.
We include vignettes from the video data (outdoor ac-
tivity and focus group debriefs) to illustrate how
NatureCollections features supported specific dimen-
sions of a triggered situational interest, followed by
our observations of the Camera app group.
5.1 Personal Relevance
We observed several instances where the students
verbally indicated a connection between the NG app
and their existing interests. NG features allowed stu-
dents to choose the nature photos they wanted to
collect, as one student expressed aloud while select-
ing her interests on the onboarding screen, “Oh my
god, I forgot about rocks, rocks are like my favorite
things. I had so many rock pets when I was younger”.
We also noticed that the NG app features, such as
“My Collections,” prompted students to notice and
take interest in unexpected and unsought elements in
their surroundings. One student described to a re-
searcher the pictures he was taking, “I’m just finding
insects for my collection, that’s all.” He then said, “I
lost it!” and pointed his phone up in the air and said,
“Oh, there! I see it” while another student crouched
down next to him and lifted his phone up higher and
exclaimed, “They’re too small” (referring to the in-
sects). The first student pointed to the insects area
and said, “Yeah most of them, they’re right there.”
During the small group debriefs, several students
mentioned that their choice of photos was driven, in
part, by things they were already interested in, such
as rocks and flowers. For example, one of the students
explained, “I took photos of flowers because I like
flowers,” and she continued saying, “I got excited
when I found flowers to take pictures of.” Another
student said “I took a photo of Winston” When the re-
searcher asked, Who is Winston?she replied, “It’s
my pet rock, I named it” showing the researcher and
her peers the photo of the rock.
Students across the small groups noted that they
liked the Collections feature. They observed that it
helped them to organize their photos based on their
interests, as this student explained, “I took pictures
because it was a collection of photos, so I was not just
taking random photos…and I like small plants, so I
took photos of them.” Students indicated they liked
being able to create their own custom collections.
5.2 Focused Attention
5.2.1 Direction of Attention
Students in the NG app sessions appeared considera-
bly more focused on their surroundings than their
device. The teacher in attendance remarked to a re-
searcher, “For a person who experiences them daily,
this is what ‘focused’ is.” When students did look at
their device, their gaze alternated between the app and
the nature element. This typically happened when
they were photographing, entering captions, or com-
pleting a classification for a nature element.
We observed that specific app features prompted
students to focus on their surroundings. For instance,
the “Challenges” encouraged students to search for
specific nature elements, which led them to focus
much of their gaze on scanning the community
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?
garden as opposed to observing objects through their
device screen. One student mumbled while looking
closely at garden plots, “I need two more photos of
5.2.2 Sense-making
When students classified a photo using the “Classifica-
tion” feature, the prompts encouraged them to focus on
specific characteristics of a nature element. In one in-
stance, three students looked at the ground, having
finished photographing a pale spaghetti squash and
now trying to classify it. Moving their gaze between
the ground and their app, these students discussed
which details and classification to assign to the photo.
One said, “That’s an egg,” another responded, “I know
it’s an egg,” and a third student said, “No it isn’t, it’s
a plant, it’s a squash, can’t you see the stem?” The
second replied, “Oh yeah, it is,” and the third contin-
ued, “That has to be like an ostrich egg.”
5.2.3 Tactile Interactions
Students also interacted tactilely with particular
elements while photographing them. We observed
students, while adding details or classifying their pho-
tos, move closer to plants to touch leaves or kneel to
feel the grass. For instance, one student, when trying
to determine whether a plant was cabbage, moved
closer to touch its large leaves. Several other students
knelt to get closer to the ground to touch and take pho-
tos of an insect they had spotted. (See Fig 2 for the
classification screen).
5.3 Social Interaction
5.3.1 Peer Engagement
Social interaction started immediately upon engaging
with the NG app, with students helping peers discover
new app features. Throughout the activity, students
engaged in robust social interactions that involved not
only showing each other their photos and earned
badges, but also copying each other by photographing
nature elements that their peers showed interest in or
had photographed. They also provided suggestions to
each other on which nature elements would be inter-
esting to photograph, and helped each other find
photos to complete challenges. In one instance, a stu-
dent ran up to her friend, who was crouched down
taking a photo of a plant, and excitedly told her, “I
found a purple flower!” Her friend asked where, and
she gestured for her friend to follow her. They both
walked quickly to a garden bed where she pointed to
a flower close to the ground. Her friend immediately
crouched down to take a close-up photo of the flower
and then she checked her friend’s progress with the
flower challenge.
NG app students were often exploring together
and engaged in collaborative discussions about what
they found and how to name or categorize their pho-
tos as with the example of the “ostrich egg, spaghetti
squash” above. In another instance, a student took a
photo of the same shrub as his friend and asked, “Oh,
what should I put in here? [referring to the Detail
screen],” to which his friend responded “shrub, I
guess.” The first student exclaimed, “Oh snap! Yeah,
I earned a new badge!” and his friend replied, “It
looks like I earned a badge, too.”
We also observed more competitive interactions
between students, such as comparing their total number
of photos, completed challenges, and earned badges.
One girl remarked, “You made it a competition,” while
another responded, “If it is a competition that means I
won [referring to their badge counts].”Students
seemed to find competing to earn badges motivating to
find new things to photograph in nature.
5.3.2 Playful Interactions
Students seemed to be having fun with each other
when they were using the NG app, showing excite-
ment when they were sharing what they noticed. In
one instance, a student excitedly called to his friends,
“Oh come here! Come here! I wonder what this is!”
kneeling to get close to a plant, “this is so cool!His
friend responded, “It’s a spiky broccoli” following
his friend to take a photo of it as well. Students had
fun exchanging ideas about what captions to add to
their photos. While photographing a stone figure, for
instance, one student referred to it as a “fat snail” and
both giggled. The other said, “Put it in the Stones and
Amphibians collections” and continued to laugh. Stu-
dents also celebrated with each other when they
earned a badge; for example, we observed three stu-
dents high fiving each other when they earned a badge
for taking a photo of a rock.
5.4 Opportunities for Continued
Due to the short duration of the study, we did not an-
ticipate that our analysis would uncover substantial
evidence relating to opportunities for continued en-
gagement with the app. Nevertheless, we did identify
several indicators that we believe increase the chances
of students’ re-engagement with the NG app (Fig. 3,
bottom right). For example, students’ evident engage-
ment in the activity and their positive emotions—both
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
described above—suggest they would be inclined to
use the app again in the future.
Students expressed verbally in the post-activity
discussion that they would use the app if they had it
on their own devices. Several students said they were
motivated by the challenges and desired to earn
badges. One student in the NG app session explained,
Getting [the] Aspiring Botanist badge makes me
want to earn more badges.” He continued “I’ll prob-
ably do the challenges…I think this would get me
outside Facebook draws you in.” This
positive desire for continued engagement frequently
manifested in the post-activity discussions, as stu-
dents talked about the many ways they were
interested in continuing to use the app beyond the ses-
sion to document nature on hikes, while camping, and
even in their own home gardens.
5.5 Science Discourse
Certain features of the NG app appeared to facilitate
discussions between students about the natural ele-
ments in the surrounding area of the activity. Students
engaged in science discourse as they collaborated to
categorize their photos in collections and when
choosing the classification options (Fig. 3, top right).
For instance, one student asked his friend, “Are
humans mammals?” while trying to classify the photo
he took of his friend. Another student pointed out to
his friend, “Did you see the hummingbird? then
added as he was trying to classify the photo he took,
Is it a songbird?”
Several other students asked their science teacher
repeatedly about the plants they did not recognize. At
one point, two students were asking the teacher ques-
tions about plants when a student, crouching on the
ground, exclaimed to get his teacher’s attention,
“Wooo! Is it a broccoli?” At the same time, another
student moved close to touch a plant and asked the
teacher, “Is it a cabbage?The teacher pointed to the
plants in sequence and explained, “We got kale,
chard, and this, I don't know what this is, but I have
seen it at the grocery store.” Then another student
said “Is it rainbow choy?”
Students also discussed the influence of seasons
and geographical location on the nature elements they
observed, noticing that some plants grow in certain
seasons, as illustrated by the earlier example of one
student who wondered how she could find a flower in
winter. Students also discussed animal behavior. As
one student searched for an animal to complete the
mammals challenge, another student said to him,
“There's no animals out in the rain."
5.6 Mobility
Across all of the NG app sessions, we observed stu-
dents moving at a slower speed and scanning their
surroundings more carefully as they searched for nat-
ural elements to photograph in the community garden
(Fig. 3, top right). We hypothesize that this intention-
ality of movement supported their focused attention
on nature. Students were also more likely to kneel
down and position themselves closer to the natural el-
ements they saw while using the NG app.
In addition, we noticed that students in the NG
sessions showed distinct patterns of movement in
small groups as they explored their natural surround-
ings together. Compared to the Camera app groups,
NG app students were more likely to move in clusters
and stay closer to friends, whether to compete or col-
laborate on completing challenges and identifying the
elements in the community garden (Fig. 3, bottom
left). We suggest that this spatial mobility was also
critical to how students influenced each other’s photo
choices, as they were more likely to point out and dis-
cuss natural elements in their surroundings when they
moved together.
5.7 Basic Camera App Group
Compared to students using the NG app, students in
the Camera app group displayed notably different pat-
terns of behavior in each of our four etic and two emic
themes, as described below.
5.7.1 Personal Relevance
Overall, we documented less evidence of students
forming a personal connection to the activity when
using the Camera app. When we did see a personal
connection, it tended to be around photography rather
than nature. In one of the sessions, for example, a stu-
dent uttered, "I love photography," and a fellow
student responded, "I know, same" while they were
both capturing photos using the Camera app. This
finding is not surprising when one considers that the
two main features of the Camera app were the photo
capture and photo gallery; nothing in the app
prompted students to connect personally with nature
beyond the name of the app (NatureCollections) and
the researcher’s initial prompt to take pictures of na-
ture during the activity.
5.7.2 Focused Attention
In the Camera app sessions, students’ interactions
with their surroundings appeared to be mediated pri-
marily through the device. The majority of the
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?
students looked through their phone screens to frame
potential elements they considered photographing.
For instance, one student mumbled while focusing the
camera on a specific shrub, “Let's take some more
pictures of this.” Throughout the interaction, his gaze
remained on the screen; he never looked directly at
the bush. Students’ attention seemed to be focused on
the aesthetic aspects of nature elements when decid-
ing what to photograph. When asked in the post-
activity focus group sessions, students explained that
vivid colors, light patterns, and unique shapes were
things they were interested in capturing. One student
explained, “Anything that's brightly colored or seems
unique," and another replied, “Really colorful stuff,
colorful plants, colorful step stones, or yeah, like
plants.” Students also mentioned the composition of
elements, experimenting with different camera angles
when framing photos. For instance, one student
showed a researcher a photo he had taken of a small
plant, noting, “Look, I sorta make it look like a tree…
I took it from underneath.” We did not observe stu-
dents articulating observations of specific non-
aesthetic characteristics (e.g., identifying the type of
plant), as we did in the NG groups. We also did not
observe students in this group move closer to or touch
the different nature elements they photographed.
5.7.3 Social Interactions
Students in the Camera app groups displayed notably
different patterns of peer interaction, engaging in fewer
app-related, nature-focused interactions with their
peers. The interactions were more likely to be mediated
through the phone screen as students took photos of
one another and played offline games. For instance, we
observed a group of students walking around the com-
munity garden together. They slowed down together in
three different areas and spent no more than 5 seconds
in each area. They had little interaction with each other
while taking photos, which were often of different
things. There was little discussion among them about
their photos. The playful interactions we observed in
this group typically consisted of posing for or taking
photos of and with their peers rather than nature. Dur-
ing the post-activity debrief, students were excited to
share with researchers the photos they had taken of
themselves and their peers.
5.7.4 Opportunities for Continued
Overall during the Camera app session, we did not
observe the same level of excitement among students
using the app. On the contrary, many students ap-
peared to be disengaged from the photo-taking
activity. Nearly two-thirds of the students in one ses-
sion turned to an offline game on the device’s default
browser (the phones had no data plans and were not
connected to WiFi) out of self-reported boredom.
5.7.5 Science Discourse
Similar to the NG app groups, we did observe some
students discussing what counts as nature. However,
these conversations appeared to be prompted primar-
ily by the title of the app (NatureCollections). For
instance, one student yelled when his friend tried to
take a picture of a garden trellis grid, “That's not na-
ture enough!” In fact, one group of students thought
that the Camera app could only take photos of nature.
They quickly abandoned this idea (and their focus on
their natural surroundings) when they tried to take a
selfie and the photo appeared in their gallery.
5.7.6 Mobility
During the Camera app sessions, students appeared to
be more aimless and wandering in their movements.
We observed students move faster through different
parts of the environment, snapping pictures in a seem-
ingly haphazard way. In these sessions, students
displayed a tendency to search alone for things to
photograph, and they gave photos only momentary
focus before moving on. This led to students being
scattered and spread out in different directions during
the activity.
In the current work, we investigated whether and how
the NatureCollections app as a whole succeeded in
triggering children’s situational interest in nature. Our
analysis of sixth-grade students’ interactions with Na-
tureCollections showed that the app’s features
collectively supported the four behavioral elements of
personal interest that we investigated: personal rele-
vance, focused attention, social interaction, and
positive experiences for continued. In addition, we
documented two emergent themes in our analysis:
children’s distinct patterns of mobility around the
community garden and their engagement in science
discourse with peers. Both of these behaviors related
to and supported the four dimensions of interest de-
velopment. Our findings point to the effectiveness of
the interest-centered design framework used to design
NatureCollections (Kawas et al., 2019). We conclude
that, collectively, the design strategies embodied in
the NatureCollections app hold promise for solving
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the problem of children’s decreased time spent and
interest in nature (Clements, 2004; Holt et al., 2015;
Lohr & Pearson-Mims, 2004), with implications for
supporting interest-driven learning about nature
(Klemmer et al., 2005; Louv, 2008).
Our video analysis revealed how the design fea-
tures of NatureCollections supported specific
dimensions of interest development model (Hidi &
Renninger, 2006). Moreover, our analysis of the stu-
dents in the comparison Camera app group showed
that the absence of these design features produced no-
tably different behaviors in children. For instance, the
NG app succeeded in supporting children’s focused
attention on the natural elements in their surroundings
through features such as “Challenges,” which prompt
children to search for specific elements in nature, and
“Photo Classification,” which requires children to fo-
cus on specific characteristics of an element in order
to identify it. Although children in the basic Camera
app group also focused their attention on natural ele-
ments in their environment, the Camera app’s limited
palette of features, both of which emphasized taking
pictures rather than exploring nature, resulted in fo-
cusing children’s attention on the act of setting up and
taking aesthetically pleasing photographs rather than
on the characteristics of the nature element they were
photographing. In this way, the Camera app func-
tioned much like prior outdoor mobile learning
technologies, which have consistently faced chal-
lenges associated with focusing children’s attention
on their device at the expense of engaging with their
surroundings (Cahill et al., 2010; Kamarainen et al.,
2013; Sobel et al., 2017).
Similarly, the “Onboarding” and “My Profile”
features, among others, supported children’s self-di-
rected, personalized exploration of nature. Lacking
such features, children in the Camera app group
tended to connect personally to the act of photog-
raphy, if they formed a personal connection at all.
Self-guided, personalized exploration also had the ef-
fect of drawing children’s attention to surprising
elements in their surroundings, which they experi-
enced as enjoyable, particularly when they shared
them with their friends. Children using the Na-
tureCollections app displayed excitement engaging
with their environment and with their peers, and they
conveyed their interest in continued engagement with
the app beyond the study session. In contrast, children
using the basic Camera app quickly lost interest in
both the app and the activity. These differences sug-
gest that it was the NatureCollections app and its
unique set of design features, rather than the mere
novelty effect of using a smartphone to take photo-
graphs of nature, that succeeded in triggering
children’s situational interest in nature.
Although our analysis focused on teasing out indi-
vidual design features and tying them to specific
behavioral indicators of interest development, we un-
derscore that it is the system as a whole that supported
the emergent behavior of a triggered situational interest
in nature. To help make this point, consider the find-
ings related to social interaction. Children in both the
NatureCollections sessions and the Camera app ses-
sions engaged in social interactions with their peers
during the activity. However, features such as “My
Friends,” “Challenges,” and “Badges” shaped chil-
dren’s social interactions in distinct ways compared to
the basic Camera app group. Importantly, the distinct
quality of social interactions we observed in the Na-
tureCollections sessions appeared to support other key
dimensions of Hidi and Reninger’s interest develop-
ment model. For example, children helped each other
discover the app’s various features, such as how to use
the “Photo Classification” and “Challenges” features to
tailor a personally relevant and meaningful app expe-
rience that involved focused attention on nature. They
further supported each other’s focused attention by ex-
ploring their environment together, giving each other
suggestions about what to photograph, and helping
each other to classify the nature elements in their pic-
tures. In addition, their playful interactions around
collecting, classifying, and earning badges contributed
to their engagement in and enjoyment of the activity,
which we interpret as increasing their likelihood to re-
engage in the activity in the future (Azevedo, 2013;
Hidi & Renninger, 2006). By contrast, the social inter-
actions we documented among children in the Camera
app sessions were centered to a greater degree on tak-
ing photos of each other rather than exploring and
taking photos of their natural surroundings. These so-
cial interactions were neither nature-oriented nor were
they supportive of the other dimensions of interest de-
velopment. This example highlights the novel
contribution of this work: we have provided empirical
evidence that embodying the design strategies of the
interest-centered design framework in NatureCollec-
tions can support children’s interest development in
Our study included students from an affluent school,
limiting the generalizability of our results. Moreover,
NatureCollections: Can a Mobile Application Trigger Children’s Interest in Nature?
although the participants’ racial diversity was reflec-
tive of the city in which the study was conducted, it is
not representative of the broader US population. As
prior research has shown, attitudes with nature are in-
fluenced by demographic variables (Lohr & Pearson-
Mims, 2004; Louv, 2008). Therefore, it would be use-
ful to evaluate NatureCollections with students from
diverse backgrounds to determine whether they re-
spond differently to the app. Further, the current study
was conducted as part of a school-based science class
and took place in a natural setting (i.e. community
garden). Students behaviors with the app and the out-
door activity might be different in other contexts (e.g.
urban settings) when they are not surrounded by na-
ture and when they are not being observed by their
We also had a camera crew with videography
equipment, which might have altered students’ be-
haviors. However, because these limitations apply to
both groups across sessions, we are optimistic that
distinctions in behavior between app groups remain
In future work, we will deploy the Na-
tureCollections app in the field over a longer period
of time to evaluate whether it succeeds in triggering
children’s interest in nature over the long-term.
We presented a comparative, in-situ study examining
the extent to which the features of the NatureCollec-
tions app, developed from an interest-centered design
framework, supported children’s triggered situational
interest in nature. We found that, in the short-term,
NatureCollections succeeded in triggering situational
interest by connecting to students’ personal interests,
focusing their attention on the natural elements in
their surroundings, encouraging social interactions
among their peers, and promoting positive feelings–
evidence we interpret as a likelihood to re-engage
with the app. Compared to the basic Camera app
group, students using the NatureCollections app also
displayed different patterns of movement and science
discourse with their peers that further supported their
engagement with nature. This study contributes em-
pirical evidence that the interest-centered design
framework can be used successfully to develop mo-
bile applications that support children’s interest-
centered engagement in nature.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education