to explain grading results is a must and further work
should be directed towards the combination of mod-
ern language models with explainable capabilities.
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of the most important is that our experiment was car-
ried out on only one dataset. Other datasets like BEE-
TLE or DT-Grade (Banjade et al., 2016) could also
be used to confirm the promising characteristics of
BERT and XLNET for ASAG. Another limitation is
that that we did not use the largest BERT model due
to limited computing power. We also note that we
could not go beyond 10 epochs, and as a result ad-
justed our early stopping based on the observation on
this 10 epoch experiment.
We plan to address the above-mentioned limita-
tions in future work. We also intend to explore ensem-
bling BERT with other classifiers to boost the grading
performance, especially by considering features that
were successful in the SOTA.
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grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Re-
search Council of Canada (SSHRC).
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