1. Safety of pedestrians and bicyclists by study-
ing the nature of the anomalous vehicle trajecto-
ries and also the statistics of occurrence of these
anomalies (counts of anomalies depending upon
the hour and day of the week)
2. Effective tuning of signal timing based on demand
profiles. It also helps us compare the new tech-
nologies such as video-based monitoring and ex-
isting technologies such as induction loops.
The approach presented in this paper can be used
to develop a system that uses edge-based video-
stream processing to convert video data into space-
time trajectories of individual vehicles and pedestri-
ans. These trajectories are transmitted and stored to a
centralized system for intersection level and city wide
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
present existing work on trajectory analysis in Sec-
tion 2. The background information for our applica-
tion may be found in Section 3, while the method-
ology developed as part of this paper is presented in
Section 4, which includes computing distance mea-
sures and clustering trajectories along with case-
studies for some intersections. The conclusions are
presented in Section 6.
The general advancement of location acquisition tech-
nologies has made it feasible to generate a massive
database of trajectories for different kinds of entities,
such as vehicles, hurricanes, migratory animals. It re-
quires data mining techniques to gain insight into this
massive dataset. Feng et al. (Feng and Zhu, 2016),
Mazimpaka et al. (Mazimpaka and Timpf, 2016),
and Banerjee et al. (Banerjee et al., 2019) describe
the fact that a complete trajectory data mining appli-
cation involves components for data collection, data
preprocessing, management and storage, query pro-
cessing, data mining, and privacy protection. Most of
the existing work on trajectory data mining focuses
on trajectories at a macro level, such as those through
cities, states, countries, or continents, where trajec-
tory data in collected using satellites or an appropri-
ate satellite-based radio navigation system. Examples
are vehicle positioning data, or data from hurricanes
or animal movement (Lee et al., 2008), activities in
and around a city (Loecher and Jebara, ). Unlike
this work, the focus of this paper is on the analysis
of object trajectories at signalized intersections us-
ing trajectory clustering to find patterns and anoma-
lies of traffic behavior with reference to the signaling
phase of the intersection as well as the spatial con-
straints. The trajectory data is collected from videos
installed at the intersections, and the trajectory data
is fused with SPaT data from the intersections. SPaT
data may be obtained either from high-resolution con-
troller data or from DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range
Communications) RSU (Roadside Unit). In the fol-
lowing we briefly describe some of the related work
in this area.
Trajectory clustering algorithms may be di-
vided into three groups, namely, supervised, semi-
supervised, and unsupervised algorithms. This dis-
tinction arises if labeled data is used to aide in the
clustering where the labels uniquely identify the clus-
ters (Bian et al., 2018). We use unsupervised clus-
tering in this work, and the user can just invoke
the algorithm without having to input any labeled
data. Model-based unsupervised clustering strate-
gies use probabilistic models for clustering trajecto-
ries (Morris and Trivedi, 2011). Gaussian Mixture
models and hidden Markov models are used in (Mor-
ris and Trivedi, 2011), to model the trajectory coordi-
nates and the trajectory dynamics, respectively. An-
other existing unsupervised clustering strategy is it-
erative (Lloyd, 1982), where the cluster centers are
found and updated iteratively. In our work, we use a
hierarchical clustering scheme where the trajectories
are first clustered based on their general direction of
movement using geometrical properties of the trajec-
tories. Then spectral clustering is applied on each tra-
jectory cluster to identify the typical pattern of move-
ment and associated anomalies.
Clustering a given set of objects involves comput-
ing the pairwise distance between them so that the
closest objects may be clustered together. Thus, the
concept of a distance measure is essential for clus-
tering trajectories. A trajectory is a time-series and
one of the existing distance measures used in litera-
ture for a time-series is the longest common subse-
quence (LCSS (Vlachos et al., 2002), edit distance
with real penalty (ERP) (Chen and Ng, 2004), dy-
namic time warping (DTW) (Kruskal and Liberman,
1983) and FastDTW (Salvador and Chan, 2004). Ap-
plying DTW or FastDTW directly to the trajectories at
an intersection collected in real-time using video pro-
cessing is not effective, because location coordinates
are often dropped due to artifacts of video process-
ing and occlusion. Partial trajectories results in a very
high distance value for two otherwise similar trajec-
tories ( Figure 2). We have developed a new distance
measure that is more effective for these type of tra-
jectories. The distance measure is based on the warp
path of two trajectories. The warp path is obtained by
applying FastDTW, and using the warp path, we de-
Clustering Object Trajectories for Intersection Traffic Analysis