2. We develop a time-series based analysis system
for detecting if an event of interest has occurred.
This uses traffic information from recent time pe-
riods as well as historical data (from similar time
periods on previous days or weeks) to predict
if an event of interest—defined as a long traffic
interruption—has occurred. Whether or not an
EOI has occurred depends on a key parameter—
the duration of time after reduction in traffic at a
single detector. This has an impact on the over-
all accuracy (in terms of false positives and false
negatives). In particular, we find that waiting for
60 to 90 seconds after a significant reduction in
traffic is reasonable to determine EOIs with high
accuracy and low latency.
3. We perform a Spatio-temporal analysis of all
EOIs to determine if there are hotspots (i.e. in-
tersections with a large number of consistent
EOIs) and spatial relationships (two EOIs occur-
ring at neighboring intersections within a small
time frame). This analysis shows that most of the
EOIs are limited to around 10 (out of 300) inter-
sections and roughly 5% of all EOIs are spatially
All of our methods are evaluated on six months of
data collected from Seminole County, Florida for
300+ intersections.
The existing literature pertaining to incident detection
can be broadly classified as follows:
1. Traditional systems which rely on inductive loops
and video cameras for vehicle detection.
2. Probe-based systems (GPS data from fleets of ve-
hicles like NavTech or HERE data).
3. Human reporting systems like calls to traffic man-
agement centers or the use of social media plat-
forms (like twitter).
There is also some work on using a combination
of multiple data sets. Most of the existing research in
automatic incident detection is focused on freeways
and or uses simulated data. The basic idea behind
these approaches is that if an incident occurs, there
would be a significant decrease in the occupancy at
the downstream detectors and increase in occupancy
at upstream detectors (Ahmed and Hawas, 2012), (Lin
and Daganzo, 1997), (Lee and Taylor, 1999). Urban
road networks with a high density of signalized in-
tersections behave differently from freeways due to
the influence of traffic signals, pedestrian crossings,
etc. Designing algorithms for incident detection on
arterial roads can hence be more challenging as com-
pared to doing the same for freeways. In (Jeong et al.,
2011; Teng and Qi., 2003; Jin et al., 2002; Lin and
Daganzo, 1997), incident detection models for free-
ways/highways are presented. Most of these methods
rely on detecting changes in the free-flowing state of
traffic and use thresholds for space-time detector oc-
cupancy driven by historical trends. Incidents are de-
tected by comparing current occupancy or speed value
with the derived thresholds.
There is an extensive body of research (Balke
et al., 1996; Mouskos et al., 1999; Yang et al., 2017;
Park and Haghani, 2016) on incident detection using
probe-based systems. The advantage of probe data
over fixed detector data is that probe data cover longer
sections of the road which can also be used to de-
tect secondary incidents (Yang et al., 2017; Park and
Haghani, 2016). But these algorithms highly depend
on the penetration rate of the probe car and confidence
level of the data. Also, algorithms based on human
reporting systems make use of sources like Twitter,
phone calls, Waze etc. These methods are highly de-
pendent on the availability of such data. This data is
generally sold by companies and can be expensive.
In (Gu et al., 2016), the authors presented methods
to mine tweet texts and extract information related to
incidents. The focus of our work is on using ground
sensors at intersections: this data is freely available
to transportation agencies and is routinely collected.
Also, our focus is on detecting traffic interruption
using sensor data (detector data) from road arteries.
Since the traffic patterns on arterials are significantly
different from highways, the problem is significantly
more challenging.
Existing research on incident detection on arteri-
als (Ahmed and Hawas, 2012; Lingras and Adamo,
1996) relies on simulated data (and accidents) or as-
sumes the availability of ground truth (either using
simulations or labeling). Due to this, many automatic
incident detection algorithms perform poorly in real-
world scenarios when compared to simulated environ-
ments (Parkany and Xie, 2005). Moreover, develop-
ing an incident data-set with start and end times can
be tedious and requires manual investigation by TMC
personnel. Taking into account the issues highlighted
above, this work focuses on detecting traffic interrup-
tions based on real, fixed point sensor data (detector
data) collected from signalized intersections and de-
tectors on urban road networks. In the next sec-
tion, we focus on the data processing needed for near-
realtime incident detection. Due to the real-world fo-
cus, we believe that the results presented in this paper
can be translated into practice.
Data Mining Algorithms for Traffic Interruption Detection