Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour of Working and
Non-working Estonian Older Adults as Compared to Students
Marianne Paimre
School of Digital Technology, Tallinn University, Narva Road 25, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour (OHISB), Digital Divide, Older Adults, Young People,
Abstract: This article focuses on online health information seeking behaviour (OHISB) of Estonian older adults who
either continue or have stopped working after retirement. In order to shed light on the digital divide between
generations their OHISB was compared to that of university students’. 30 interviews with seniors and 20 with
university students were conducted followed by a think aloud protocol. The results of this study suggest that
there might not be any major differences in OHISB between working pensioners, who due to the nature of
their work have regular access to computers, and the young people. On the other hand, the working and non-
working older adults may differ markedly in this respect. The fully retired seniors not using computers or
other digital devices, cited lack of skills as the main reason for their inactivity. In order to successfully harness
all the benefits of digital solutions, the economic situation and digital skills of the senior citizens in full-time
retirement should be improved first. This article highlights the digital divide in that particular age cohort
warranting further investigation.
Today, people retrieve information on health and
diseases mostly from the online environment (Dahl et
al, 2018; Fox & Rainie 2014). In the more affluent
societies, elderly people are the fastest-growing
segment of Internet users and various IT health
applications have been developed for them
(Richardson et al, 2019; Wildenbos et al, 2019;
Naszay et al, 2018). However, in poorer countries
seniors are often referred to as being deprived of the
benefits of digital society (König et al, 2018).
Statistics reveal a large digital divide between
generations especially in Eastern European countries,
and within the elderly population itself (People in the
EU, 2017).
In Estonia, heralded as the most successful digital
country in the world (Hankewitz, 2019), healthy
lifestyle apps have become increasingly popular
among younger people. It has turned out that more
than 70% of young people aged 16–24 had been
looking for health information in the last 3 months
(Statistics Estonia, 2017). At the same time, 40% of
the 65–74-year-olds do not use the Internet at all
(Statistics Estonia, 2019). Nevertheless, the ones that
need information on health and diseases the most are
seniors because of their failing health.
One of the features characteristics of Estonia, the
former Soviet republic is that its ICT sector is known
to be well advanced, yet the general standard of living
lags behind the developed countries with one of the
most conspicuous poverty rates among the older
adults in Europe. Thus, it is no wonder that the gap
between young and elderly people's use of ICT is in
Estonia larger than in the Nordic countries (European
Social Survey, 2019), because economic pressures
can be one factor preventing seniors’ access to ICT.
This article will focus on Estonia’s elderly
people’s online health information seeking behaviour
(OHISB). The primary concern for the author was
whether and how employed older adults differ from
their non-working peers in seeking health related
information. In order to shed some light on the digital
divide between generations, seniors’ OHISB is
compared to that of university students.
Health information seeking behaviour in general
means how individuals seek information about their
health, risks, illnesses, and health-protective
Paimre, M.
Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour of Working and Non-working Estonian Older Adults as Compared to Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0009424700770084
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 77-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
behaviours (Lambert & Loiselle, 2007; Jakobs et al,
2016; Mills & Todorova, 2016) referring also to a
series interaction diminishing uncertainty with
respect to health status (Tardy & Hale, 1998). OHISB
is usually understood as information seeking in online
environment (Risk & Petersen, 2002).
Internet usage is associated with quality of life and
well-being for the elderly people (Tennant et al,
2015). This can be also a significant tool for
supporting the senior citizens to avoid social isolation
and when solving issues associated with living
arrangements and seeking information related to
health (Rich et al, 2019). On the contrary, poor access
to ICT resource and insufficient digital skills can lead
to detachment from digital health resources, delayed
diagnoses, increased rates of hospitalization and poor
health outcomes and increased morbidity and
mortality (Berkman et al, 2011). Internet, as an
information source on health-related topics, is much
appreciated because searches can be conducted
subject to specific criteria e.g. particular symptoms or
illnesses. Print papers and magazines, although a
medium most favoured by older people, are
expensive and therefore not frequently bought or
subscribed to.
It is also paramount to study elderly people’s
OHISB to make modern healthcare systems more
effective and to develop even smarter applications in
the years to come. As the health of the older people in
Estonia tends to be poor, old-age pensions are on the
small side and the health care system overburdened,
various online health resources and IT applications
could be of considerable assistance to the senior
The rest of the article is organized so that the
following section will provide an overview of the
previous studies on older adults’ OHISB. Thereafter
a description of the methods used in this study will be
introduced followed by the main results of the
interviews and conclusions.
Research on older adults’ ICT use often highlights
digital divide between generations (Din et al, 2019;
König et al, 2018; Brandtzæg et al, 2011; Xie & Bugg,
2009; Korupp, & Szydlik, 2005; Compaine, 2001).
Several studies have demonstrated that elderly people
often lack of technical and internet search skills and
are reluctant to use computers for medical purposes
(Wu and Li, 2016; Niemelä, Huotari, and Kortelainen,
Previous studies have also found that the elderly
people obtain health information from social
networks, such as healthcare providers, family
members and friends, and less from information
systems, such as the Internet, broadcasts, and
television (Pálsdóttir 2012). Research indicates that
the elderly has greater trust in those with whom they
can discuss their health actively as opposed to non-
living sources such as the Internet (Chaudhuri et al,
2013). Seniors’ most frequently search for health
information after an appointment with a doctor
(Medlock et al, 2015).
Education and familiarity with Internet searching
affect significantly task performance. Health, Internet
search experience, and information credibility
influence decisions to seek for information online.
Better education is associated with greater e-health
literacy. Females and those highly educated, report
greater use of Web 2.0 for health information
(Tennant et al, 2015).
Some researchers have examined behavioural
features of query formulation, search strategies, and
results evaluations (Huang et al, 2012). Rockmann
and Gevald found that computer self-efficacy (CSE)
and outcome expectations regarding internet-based
health information act as primary determinants of
individual’s intention to use eHealth offerings
(Rockmann and Gevald, 2015).
Erikkson-Backa and her colleagues in Finland
examined older Finnish adults’ self-perceived
capability to access, evaluate, understand and use
health related information and their perceived ability
to influence their health themselves, and the
relationship between these factors and their current
health, health behaviour and information seeking
(Erikkson-Backa et al, 2018). Results showed that
both a stronger belief in one’s capability to master
health information and to act in a healthy manner
were positively linked to better health and health
behaviour as well as more active information
Studies on health information needs reveal older
adults’ interest in special diseases, diagnoses,
treatments, drugs, healthcare, and health policies, but
also their changed need over time along with changes
in their health conditions (Washington et al, 2011;
Xie et al, 2010; Torp et al, 2008). There are also
indications that eHealth skills differ strongly among
the elderly people’s cohort (Medlock et al, 2015). For
example, Broekhus and her colleagues (2019)
emphasized the need for more in-depth analysis of
how age-related barriers influence the user
acceptance of eHealth. They studied how age
differences affect usability evaluations in eHealth and
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
found that the 55–64 age group encountered
significantly fewer usability issues compared to the
65+ age group.
According to Lam and her colleagues (2016),
existing research investigating students’ e-health
behaviour comes mainly from the medical and
nursing area (Edirippulige et al, 2008; Hercigonja-
Szekeres, Ilakovac, & Šolić, 2012; Clark, Baker, &
Baker, 2009), and thus, research on OHISB of
youngsters conducted in the fields of social sciences
and information technology is highly welcomed (e.g.
Lam et al, 2016).
It could be supposed that as young people are
usually very fond of ICT, they are also competent in
information seeking. However, some scholars refer to
their lack of competences in retrieving health
information. For example, Clark and his co-authors
(2009) found that adolescents often lack knowledge
in e-health (Clark et al, 2009).
Using a cross-sectional study design of 420
undergraduate and postgraduate students participated
in an online survey in Australia, they explored
students’ understanding of and attitude towards
eHealth, frequency of online activities and soft-ware
usage, confidence learning and using ICTs, and
perceived learning needs. They found that, although
students reported regular use of ICT, their
understanding of eHealth was uncertain or limited
(Lam et al, 2016).
Zhang (2012) explored college students' use of
social networking sites (SNS) for health and wellness
information and their perceptions of this use. He
found that using social networking sites for health and
wellness information was not a popular behaviour
among college students. Participants were also
sceptical about the quality of information, concerned
about the lack of medical knowledge of their friends
or peers and wary about possible social risks and
invasion of privacy. He concluded that SNS-s seem
not to be a well-perceived platform for health and
wellness information.
Thus, based on earlier research it is evident that
older people often face difficulties in using a
computer and, also finding relevant online health
information. However, the elderly is not a monolithic
group regarding Internet use, but some are more
familiar with ICT than the others. For young people,
on the other hand, searching for information about
health and illnesses is not a very popular activity. At
the same time, also they may face problems finding
the relevant information.
In this study, in-depth interviews were applied to
reveal seniors’ and students’ OHISB complemented
by ‘think-aloud’ method. The latter enabled to assess
the search logic employed by the users when
answering questions proposed by the researcher.
All together 50 interviews were carried out. Thirty
interviews were conducted with seniors who either
continue (15) or have stopped working after
retirement (15) were conducted. Also, twenty
interviews with students of the University of Tartu
(13) and Tallinn University (7) were carried out.
First, five interviews with elderly people
attending various courses at a day center, but not
working any more, were conducted in May 2018.
These seniors (all 65+) of which four were females
and one male regularly participated in an arts and
crafts class and a sports club for seniors. One person
had graduated from the university, two had post-
secondary non-tertiary education, the other two had
upper secondary education. More five interviews with
seniors (65+) in full retirement in another centre were
conducted in the beginning of 2020. Three of them
had upper secondary and two higher education. Two
older people (80+) claimed to be suffering from
certain chronic illnesses. Others claimed to be in good
Also, five non-working seniors were questioned
who responded to the calls to participate in the study
published in Maaleht newspaper (Rural Paper) in
December 2019.
Only six unemployed persons
responded, one (claiming not to have access to the
Internet) was excluded. All the informants were older
than 65.
In addition, all together 10 interviews with
employed older adults were conducted at the above-
mentioned universities. Five of them were members
of the administrative staff (all female) and five
belonged to the teaching staff (2 male and 3 female).
Five employed seniors were included later after the
above-mentioned call was published (all female).
Three of them worked in some hospital (1 GP, 1
specialist, and 1 secretary). The rest were officials (2).
According to the interviewees, they were in good
health considering their age (65+).
Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour of Working and Non-working Estonian Older Adults as Compared to Students
With respect to students, first, three Tallinn
University students were interviewed in autumn 2018
and four in 2019. In autumn 2019, 13 interviews were
also carried out with students at the University of
Tartu. All the interviews were recorded with a voice
recorder and processed thematically (based on the
aspects listed below) on a computer by the
MAXQDA software.
The following aspects were touched upon: 1)
whether and how often they claim to use modern
information technology for seeking information on
health and diseases; 2) what are the main reasons to
use/not to use Internet for medical purposes; 3) what
kind of information they seek for, and 4) what are the
preferred sources and how they value/trust them.
Subsequently, the OHISB of voluntary four
students and four seniors were examined in more
detail. The respondents were asked to perform three
tasks on the computer. Two of them were about
finding an answer to a question regarding specific
diseases (what is listeriosis and how to avoid it and
what is vitiligo and how to treat it). The last question
was related to establishing a diagnosis with the help
of a computer (if you experience ringing in your ears,
then what could that be and what should be done).
The participants were asked to think out loud while
solving a problem what was recorded by the
researcher. This provided more objective information
on digital skills in addition to self-reporting
Thus, as part of the initial stage, the study set out
to establish how the elderly and students themselves
comment on their OHISB, digital skills and trust in
information sources. During the second stage, the
information behaviour of the respondents was
assessed by asking them to solve a number of health-
related problems on the computer.
The interviews revealed different patterns in health
information seeking between the elderly persons who
continue working and those in full-time retirement.
Those who were working reported significant interest
in online information seeking and frequent
information retrieving on health and diseases.
Ten out of fifteen working older adults in this
study reported searching for health information every
week. As they often use computers anyway because
of their work, they also look up information on health
conditions as well on healthy lifestyles. The
university employees claimed to read health articles
regularly from the newspapers’ and magazines’
online editions. A lady (65) noted:
“If you sit behind the computer all day long then you
inevitably also read the news, and if you come across
a fascinating piece about medicine you just keep on
They claimed to search actively for the medical
information by googling, but they also visit special
websites dedicated to diseases (e.g.,, or Estonian dental care portal Another lady (62) from the other
university said:
“Sometimes you might think that oh, I’m not feeling
too good and wish to learn more about a possible
condition that either you or someone close to you
might have. Then I start to Google. Or simply go
directly to some health-related web-page I know.”
Especially seniors working in hospitals claimed to
prefer certain special web-sites (medical news portal, health counselling environment, National Institute for Health
Development etc). They pointed out their
source-criticism. On the other hand, two university
officials who did not have a higher education claimed
to use health information of varying degrees even
an alternative online paper Telegram was considered
as a trustworthy information source. Officials and
university employees said to prefer rather online
newspapers’ health sections, e.g.
or health page of popular news-portal
On the contrary, the interviews with seniors in
full-time retirement reported lack of access to the
Internet and smart devices, thus they have almost no
means of accessing digital health information.
Several non-working pensioners reported a
heightened interest in health issues but admitted that
they do not know how to use a computer in order to
conduct relevant online searches. For instance, a fully
retired 75-year-old lady complained:
”I am actually interested in all these health issues and
digital solutions. However, there is a big ‘but’ I don’t
know how to use a computer. My girlfriends are the
same, none of us knows how. Nobody has taught us. I
don’t even have a smartphone. I suppose we could
even afford one as we are all drawing a pension. But
what’s the use in buying it if you do not know how to
operate it We need proper training, special
Another non-working lady (76) claiming to get
the relevant health information from especially from
a popular rural newspaper Maaleht, also expressed
desire to use online information, but reported lack of
skills in using ICT.
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
On the contrary, some seniors, especially older
ones (80+), were resolute in saying that they are not
into modern ICT at all.
ˮOh, you know, it’s a young people’s thing. I have
absolutely no interest in this. So far, I have managed
just fine without any computers and cell phones. What
can they do for me? If I need health information, I’ll
ask my doctor.”
Contrary to study conducted by Zhang (2012), which
suggests that young people are not too keen on
searching for health information online, the results of
this study reveal considerable interest in health
matters among university students. To illustrate this,
a 23-year old MA student disclosed:
ˮIt of course depends on the week. Sometimes, when I
suspect I have contracted something, then I am
constantly looking for more information on it. And
then a week goes by without any online activity on
health-related matters. If I need information, then I’ll
first turn to Estonian language sites, for example, However, there are also some
sites in English that I visit relatively often.”
Female students were more inclined to look up health
information – all of them had searched for something
on health at least twice over the past week.
It would only be reasonable to assume that young
people are more interested in disease prevention
aspects (e.g. how to remain healthy, how to retain or
obtain healthy weight, which physical exercises are
most efficient, etc), yet according to them, they pay
more attention to descriptions of various symptoms
and treatment recommendations.
Forum posts were also regarded as useful sources
of information by students. Other people’s stories and
experiences were deemed valuable in making health
decisions, e.g. which doctor to see, etc. A female MA
student added:
ˮI often read posts left by others because their
experiences fascinate me. /---/. For example, I had a
tooth problem just recently, so I had mu root canal
done, but it got worse. Then I immediately checked if
and what others have posted about it in forums.”
Finding a good doctor is apparently also high on
young people’s agenda. A female student of Tallinn
University declared:
”I originally come from Rakvere (a small town in
Estonia) and I am currently looking for a family doctor
in Tallinn. I am honestly rather confused about who to
pick. Luckily, every year the biggest Estonian daily
newspaper Postimees ranks the best GP practices in
Estonia. However, the list is not complete, and you
might not even get an appointment with the top ones,
this is why I also try to see what’s being said about
different doctors in forums who is being commended
or criticized on”
Two students had supplied user-generated content:
the first one had commented on a health issue in one
of the forums, the other had contributed to a Facebook
thread on vaccination in response to the publication
of a relevant article. Neither of them had initiated any
topics/discussions in online communities or
platforms. On the contrary, seniors had neither
generated nor distributed any health-related online
content on their own.
Young people noted that they only read content
that originates from a reliable online source.
According to them, the list of websites offering
reliable health information includes hospitals
(, public research institutes, e.g. the
National Institute for Health Development (
and specialists ( that show up on the first
page of Google. They were convinced that the search
results displayed by Google first were actually worth
reading. Yet, they admitted that some material which
might seem interesting enough to read (e.g. forums
and alternative media sources) and maybe even
ranked high on Google should be taken with a grain
of salt. However, in case of conflicting opinions – the
official source says one thing, but it is second-guessed
in forums then the authors of forum posts tend to
prevail in this dispute. A 30-year-old historian, is a
good case in point:
”For instance, if I have a medical problem then I always
consult with forums first to see what other people are saying
about it. If discrepancies exist between the information
published by some official site and forum, then I believe the
latter, i.e., forum post.”
Conversely, the elderly place their trust in official
sites as opposed to forums. They preferred official
sources and newspaper online versions next to
While the employed seniors themselves did not
think too highly of their digital skills (only 4 in 15
were content with their IT skills), then the results of
the actual tasks given to them revealed that seniors
did not perform less well than the young. Moreover,
seniors who often used computers were able to find
the correct diagnosis corresponding to the original
description provided by the researcher faster and
more efficiently. This could be explained by the fact
that in the course of their longer lives they have had
to look up various conditions on the Internet, i.e., they
have had more practice. But it could also result from
the fact that seniors working at the university, in the
Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour of Working and Non-working Estonian Older Adults as Compared to Students
hospital or public services are simply better
information seekers than students as they use more
accurate search words or more relevant sources for
their queries as well as resort to more efficient search
strategies (e.g. when googling for the answer they
were quick to find the website of the Health Board or
some health information site where Estonian
language articles are presented in a concise manner
together with the necessary explanations).
To illustrate this further, when trying to learn
about listeriosis and how to avoid it, some students
immediately started searching for this information in
foreign language scientific articles or student papers
stored in digital libraries to retrieve some useful
references, yet it would have been much faster to get
the correct answer by visiting the websites of the
Health Board or Tartu University Hospital.
In summary, both the elderly and young people
were very interested in the health issues. It was
somewhat surprising that students often claimed to be
searching for diseases. Elderly people with higher
education and still working seemed to be the most
source critical. Unlike the elderly, young people often
sought health information in forums and sometimes
share health related content on social network sites.
Several senior citizens claimed not to use computers
were actually very interested to search health
information online. They complained about lack of
It is important to keep in mind that the elderly
have very different online behaviours and digital
competencies when developing health applications.
The study revealed great differences in OHISB
between working older adults and those in full
retirement. If a person uses a computer at work every
day, then he/she is also more inclined to look up and
obtain health information online. Two thirds of
employed seniors claimed to search for health-related
information every week. They both passively
consume medical news from the newspapers and
health magazines online editions and actively search
special medical information websites. Often concern
about one’s health is a driving force for information
seeking. Employed older adults also highly valued
their information-seeking skills.
On the contrary, interviewees not working any
more replied that they made very little use of the
Internet. They did not regard online information as
reliable and claimed to get almost all the essential
health and disease-related information from the so-
called live sources, e.g. mostly from their medical
doctors or newspapers’ health pages. However,
several non-working pensioners claimed that they
would like to use IT and would even have the
necessary means to purchase a computer or some
similar device, but nobody had taught them how to
use such gadgets. Others, especially the oldest
respondents, also referred to lack of interest.
Young people’s interest in disease and health
information proved to be much greater than originally
anticipated. The elderly employees could be
distinguished from students mainly in respect of not
actively generating and sharing health content on the
Internet. In contrast to the results of some studies
conducted abroad (e.g. Zhang 2012), it can be said
that for Estonian youth online has become a kind of
leisure activity.
When developing digital applications, the
disparities in readiness to use ICT among the older
demographic in Estonia should not be overlooked.
However, some of them cope equally well with the
young and are actively seeking health information
from online sources. Others lack any experience with
computers and smartphones although they would like
to use them. The third group is simply not interested
in digital technologies.
As many non-users in Estonia also belong to the
55–65 age bracket, training programmes designed for
people 55+ should be launched as a matter of
As the sample was too small, the study did not
allow to analyse the impact of various background
factors (e.g., family status, occupation, education) on
OHISB. One of the shortcomings of the study lies in
the fact that the sample failed to include any seniors
working in positions where performance of their
duties does not involve regular use of computers.
This qualitative research serves as an introduction
to a more comprehensive survey which will collect
data regarding OHISB and online health literacy
among Estonian older adults (55+) as well as their
aptitude for various applications. This allows for an
identification of distinct older adults' profiles in their
OHISB and a better grasp of their needs/difficulties
in using e-health.
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ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health