large as possible (b) Avoid the excessively large com-
munities. We consider value of k is 10 and shown
the evolution of communities over every 5 years span
(see Figure 8). We observe that from this Figure 8,
very few cross links in the 1985 to 1989 and very high
cross links in 2005 to 2009. This indicate the interdis-
ciplinary increase over the years.
We have studied the evolution of sub fields of physics
with the help of PACS codes used in all published ar-
ticles in Physical Review journal from 1985 to 2010.
We have constructed network using PACS codes.
First we have analyzed single field articles at differ-
ent hierarchy levels of PACS codes and observed that
high fraction of single field articles are from the fields
of Physics of elementary particles and fields, Nuclear
Physics and Condensed matter physics. We have ob-
served that this trend is uniform over all the years
by performing similar analysis for every five years.
We studied the inter and intra strength of PACS codes
and showed that Physics of elementary particle and
fields, Nuclear Physics and Condensed matter physics
is greater than one indicating that these fields have
stronger intra connections compared to inter connec-
Furthermore we studied the correlation between
the different fields of physics at different levels of
PACS hierarchy starting form first level to third level.
From the first level analysis we observed that both
structural and electronic condensed matter physics are
strongly related in the sense that many published ar-
ticles cite PACS codes from both these fields. In the
second level we analyzed strength of connections be-
tween the fields of physics using intensity plot. The
analysis shows that Nuclear Physics (20) and Molec-
ular Physics (30) have weak connections to the other
fields. Whereas there is a high cross-discipline in-
teractions between condensed matter physics (60, 70)
and interdisciplinary physics (80).
In future direction, we can quantify the interdisci-
plinary by using this PACS code network over years.
To do this we need to define a measure which mea-
sures the interdisciplinary. We constructed a PACS
network, where the nodes represents the PACS codes
and there is an edge between two PACS codes if they
have appeared in the same article. We can also create
network, there is an edge between two PACS codes
if both PACS codes used by single author. This also
gives us one more direction to measure the interdisci-
The authors would like to thank American Physical
Society for providing us with the meta data of all
Physical Review journal articles with PACS codes.
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