DE BUG - Foun d p r o p agat i o n ma p pin g ' aml :/ / A M L 1Pro j e c t # t his . F u nctionV i e w @ F u n c tionVie w I D ' fo r ' S i m u lation V i e w @MUK '
DE BUG - E x trac t ed M a ppi n g P ath : th is . F u n c t i onView@ F u n c t i o nViewID
DE BUG - Foun d S u b Conc e p t ' Func t i onVie w ' in C onc e pt ' K 2 0 _ 5 0 _D_15_ B E 1 0 _ MKL '
E R R O R - C oul d not f ind Att r i bute ' F u nctio n V i ewID ' in Sub C o ncep t ' F uncti o n View '
E R R O R - E rro r r e s olvi n g at t r ibut e ' F uncti o n V iewID ' fo r pat h ' t his . Funct i o nView ' in e leme n t ' K20_ 5 0 _ D _ 15_BE1 0 _ M K L '
E R R O R - E rro r p r o cess i n g at t r ibut e pa th 'am l :// A M L 1Proj e c t # t his . F u n ctionVi e w @ F u n c tionView I D '
DE BUG - Foun d p r o p agat i o n ma p pin g ' aml :/ / A M L 1Pro j e c t # t his . F unction V i e w @ D e script i o n ' fo r ' S i m u l ationV i e w @ R E MARK '
DE BUG - E x trac t ed M a ppi n g P ath : th is . F u n c t ionVie w @ D e s c r iption
DE BUG - Foun d S u b Conc e p t ' Func t i onVie w ' in C onc e pt ' K 2 0 _ 5 0 _D_15_ B E 1 0 _ MKL '
DE BUG - Foun d A t t ribu t e ' Des c r i ptio n ' in E lem e nt ' F u n ction V i ew '
DE BUG - Foun d p r o p agat i o n ma p pin g
Listing 1: Debug output.
increased for the setup of the testing pipeline: Do-
main experts and engineers have to collaborate and
externalize implicit knowledge into meta-metamodel,
the domain-specific language templates and the con-
straints test files. However, during our improvement
initiative we already observed positive benefits as eas-
ier bug tracking and error reporting, as well as the
reduction of common mistakes such as non-unique
identifiers or missing subconcepts. We assume that
similar to (Bhat and Nagappan, 2006), the additional
set up effort is similar in such a specialized domain
as production systems engineering as in the industrial
case studies. However, the benefits of such a TDD
approach can increase the productivity of domain ex-
perts and technical stakeholders immensely. Meta-
and domain models can be adapted and still be vali-
dated and debugged against previously designed tests.
Consistency and traceability are major issues in the
production systems engineering domain and in the
representation of engineering knowledge and exper-
tise. Due to various disciplines and the diverging tool
and format landscape, consistency and other checks
are tedious and error-prone, if conducted manually.
Domain experts often are not modeling experts, and
therefore are not able to test their domain models
systematically. Thus, we have presented a testing
pipeline to support discipline-specific model engi-
neering in the production systems engineering do-
main. Through an iterative process with a domain ex-
perts, an industrial use case and an experienced model
engineer, we designed an appropriate architecture and
models, showing real-world application of test-driven
model engineering methodology. The error reports
simplified the communication with the domain expert
to convey issues in the models, and also the resolving
of such issues. Although, we used specific technolo-
gies, our service architecture can be used as a base
model for other applications and prototypes in this
field. The results are promising to extend the appli-
cation of our approach and to measure its impact with
industrial partners in the future. For future work, the
extension to additional disciplines and other models
need to be done. Furthermore, the usability of our
solution should be also extended, since the configu-
ration and implementation is currently done via bash
scripts and the implementation of new tests only avail-
able to experienced engineers.
The financial support by the Christian Doppler Re-
search Association, the Austrian Federal Ministry for
Digital & Economic Affairs and the National Foun-
dation for Research, Technology and Development is
gratefully acknowledged.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems