In the future, there is no need to continue writing
code generators for each engine used. While UE4
uses Skookum Script, this is not available in Unity
and hence a code generator for C# was needed. It
would be an enhancement to combine these two
initiatives in one and use a shared code generation
target. LUA would actually be a good choice for the
target language since it is supported by Unity as well
as Unreal Engine 4. Furthermore, it has a fairly small
footprint (Glasberg & Bresler, 2006) such that even if
a target game engine doesn’t support LUA, it could
easily be added.
The inclusion of generic function calls such as
“push and call” from figure 2 allows for LUA to work
in an aspect-oriented fashion on any created LUA
script as long as it’s registered in the .gs file. This is
an attractive and extensible solution since
theoretically one could add Blueprint support very
easily. The CPP composition specification would
only need to register the C++ call sites which are used
for Blueprints and this would work. Due to time
constraints, the current research has not included
Blueprints, however they are very popular in UE4
development (Wang & Nordmark, 2015). Adding
support for these would be critical to widespread
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