“professions for the blind” such as telephonist, mas-
sage therapist, balneotherapist, and shorthand typist
have in some cases become obsolete and in others
more complex. However, new professional opportu-
nities for the blind and the severely visually impaired
have also emerged
. This is particularly the case for
people with sight loss and partial sightedness who are
skilled IT workers (e.g. in the areas of application
development and system integration) and information
technology specialists in the area of database devel-
opment, for whom opportunities on the labour mar-
ket have been very good over the last 10 years. The
placement rate in this area of supported vocational ed-
ucation and training is almost 80%. Besides the good
opportunities on the labour market and attractive re-
muneration for the partially sighted, the IT sector rep-
resents an interesting area of work not least due to the
anticipated levels of accessibility. Many of those af-
fected who opt to train or study in this area see it as
their social duty to play a part themselves in creating
and advancing digital accessibility. Another reason
why people with sight loss and the partially sighted
often opt for the IT sector is that, due to their limi-
tations, those affected are more frequently forced to
deal with digital technologies. For this reason, when
dealing with digital technologies they very quickly
develop a natural acceptance and greater competence.
The dividing line when dealing with the medium of
the PC is not between the sighted and the partially
sighted, but instead between the partially sighted and
the blind. While the partially sighted use technolo-
gies such as the Microsoft magnifier which gener-
ally allows them to work in the way sighted people
work, these tools do not function for people with a
severe visual impairment or sight loss. Screen read-
ers are therefore used by these people (mainly Jaws
and NVDA). In terms of IT skills, marked differences
therefore exist between the partially sighted and the
Because of the general demand for IT-skilled per-
sonnel (Pauly and Holdampf-Wendel, 2019), a num-
ber of gateways to typical IT problems have been
developed. One such attempt is the development
of education-oriented programming languages, which
are intended to support the first steps in program-
ming (Grover, 2015), specifically for children (Baron,
2014). While these web-based programming environ-
ments have been widely successful, their accessibility
The “network for the professional participation of blind
and partially sighted people” has put together 58 qualifica-
tions for the administration activities, telecommunication,
commercial occupations, the skilled trades, landscaping,
healthcare and artistic occupations. There is also training
at universities.
for the blind and visually impaired is questionable. In
the following, education-oriented programming lan-
guages are introduced (while distinguishing graphical
and tangible programming), then, guidelines for the
verification of accessibility are presented, which are
then used to evaluate 17 programming environments.
Many of the common programming learning envi-
ronments are based on simplified programming lan-
guages, where the syntax is reduced to the essentials.
With semantic, syntax and type errors being typical
mistakes among novice programmers (Altadmri and
Brown, 2015), this allows beginners to focus on se-
mantic properties but also decimates the possibilities.
The text-based, graphical or tangible programming
languages and environments presented in this chapter
were found through:
• literature reviews of novice programming en-
vironments, mostly comparing text-based and
block-based programming environments, such as
(Xu et al., 2019),
• a web-based search, where websites (such as
(Baron, 2014)) were used to find easily accessi-
ble programming environments for children.
Although introductory courses exist for most of the
commonly used programming languages (such as
Java and Python), several text-based programming
languages and environments were specifically de-
signed for novices. One famous example is BASIC,
which stands for “Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic
Instruction Code” and was developed in the 1960s
(Kemeny and Kurtz, 1971). BASIC has since been
widely used as an introductory programming lan-
guage due to its simple syntax (Kemeny and Kurtz,
1971). Many so-called “dialects” of the programming
language were developed, including Visual Basic and
VB.NET, which belong to the most commonly used
programming languages (Stack Overflow, 2019).
Other examples of novice programming languages
include Lisp and Logo, which is a variant of Lisp.
These languages were developed at MIT in the 1950s
(Papert, 1978; Winston and Horn, 1986). Whereas
Lisp was mainly developed for the processing of lists,
Logo was developed especially for the introduction
into programming paradigms for children. Variants
of both programming languages are still used today.
Furthermore, programming environments target-
ing children as novice programmers were developed.
Evaluation of Low-threshold Programming Learning Environments for the Blind and Partially Sighted