these evaluations led to the implementation of 15
additional improvements. Even though the method
is certainly more time-consuming than metric-based
evaluation, the approach is very comprehensive and
able to evaluate specific evolution scenarios, e.g. the
most likely ones or the (presumably) most risky ones,
whereas metrics are oblivious to this. Moreover, it
incorporates the valuable knowledge of system stake-
holders into the analysis and therefore provides a
more human-centric evaluation. Lastly, our prototyp-
ical tool support can mitigate manual efforts. For con-
venient reuse and transparency, we published the tool
and all evaluation artifacts on GitHub
In conclusion, the method is now ready for first
industrial case studies, from which we expect fur-
ther refinements. As future work, industry evalu-
ations are therefore the most important line of re-
search. The method can only be reliably judged and
improved based on its application with diverse real-
world systems and stakeholders. Moreover, a system-
atic combination of this method with a metric-based
approach (Engel et al., 2018; Bogner et al., 2019b)
could lead to promising evaluation synergies. As an
example, structural maintainability metrics could sup-
port stakeholders during scenario effort prediction or
for the final evaluation.
We kindly thank Patrick Koss for his support with
the empirical studies and implementation work. Sim-
ilarly, we thank Gerhard Breul for his support with
method design and tool implementation. This re-
search was partially funded by the Ministry of Sci-
ence of Baden-W
urttemberg, Germany, for the doc-
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering