Figure 1: The urban road map of Debrecen (left) was con-
verted to a weighted graph connecting real geographical
locations with different kinds of straight road segments
ing crossroads can be represented as a concatenated
segment list. Thus the road map of Debrecen (Open-
StreetMap, 2019) was converted to a graph, where
the nodes are planar geographical locations, the end-
points of straight road segments as it is illustrated in
Figure 1. The length of a link is defined by the dis-
tance of the nodes connected by the given link. The
links also differ in other sense because the average
speed of vehicles varies on different types of roads
(primary route, living street, highway, etc.). In our
model we assume that point-like vehicles move with
a constant velocity determined by only the road type.
In this way, it is a mesoscale approach of the traf-
fic, where microscale objects (e.g. traffic lights, junc-
tions, pedestrian crossing, etc.) are taken into account
only by the average speed.
Each vehicle have a randomly selected departure
and arrival location within the city and between them
they proceed along the shortest travel time routes.
They derive from the lengths of links and the average
speed on them using the Dijkstra’s algorithm (Dijk-
stra, 1959). The amount of vehicles in the model is
constant since the simulated time intervals are short
(circa 10 minutes) compared to the duration of the
different phases of the daily life periods of the ur-
ban traffic. Thus rush-hours or off-peak periods can
be modeled only separately. If a vehicle arrives at
its destination, a new one will be launched, just for
simplicity. The left side of Figure 2 demonstrates the
motion of three vehicles using discrete timescale for
computer simulation.
This model is quite similar to the model intro-
duced by Varga et al. (2018), but there is a huge differ-
ence. The recent model is based on the real geograph-
ical locations contrary to the former model which was
a simplified model ignoring the shape of roads and fo-
cusing on only the connections of crossroads. There
the Cartesian coordinates of vehicles were not man-
aged just the distances from the two neighboring junc-
Figure 2: (Left) Colored circles illustrate the positions of
3 vehicles in different discrete-time moments along their
routes during the time evolution. Distinct distances between
consecutive circles show the various average speed on dif-
ferent ranked road segments. (right) A time moment of the
system, where the communication ranges R of agents are
presented by green areas. Blue and red circles refer unin-
formed and informed agent, respectively, while the newly
informed agents have gradient color.
tions. In the recent work, there are nodes with degree
k = 2 along bent roads between junctions. Thus the
number of nodes is much higher resulting in more
computational effort but makes us able to study the
geographical properties of spreading.
2.2 Information Spreading
Vehicles can be equipped with smart on-board units.
Their sensors can perform different measurements
and then they are able to share this information via
short-range wireless communication. After the mea-
surement, the given car can carry the information and
in the vicinity of other vehicles, it is shared. In this
way, the source of information packets are the ve-
hicles themselves, there are no road-side units just
vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Thus useful infor-
mation (e.g. traffic or weather alerts) can spread in
this complex system. For the sake of simplicity in this
work we consider only one measurement and follow
the spreading of this information packet.
Vehicles are the agents of this ABM, having only
two states. Initially, all the agents are in an unin-
formed state denoted by S
= 0 because they have not
received information yet. Due to the sensor measure-
ment, one of the agents becomes informed (S
= 1).
It is the T = 0 time moment of the simulation. Since
agents are moving they can meet. If the uniformed
agent j is within the R communication range of the in-
formed agent i, then j becomes informed S
= 1. Thus
both of them can carry and share the information later.
See the right side of the Figure 2. There is only one
state change in this model similar to the Susceptible-
Infected epidemic model (Newman, 2010).
Spatial Characteristics of Communication in Urban Vehicular System