Computational Logic in the First Semester of Computer Science: An
Experience Report
David M. Cerna
1,2 a
, Martina Seidl
1 b
, Wolfgang Schreiner
2 c
, Wolfgang Windsteiger
2 d
and Armin Biere
1 e
Institute of Formal Methods and Verification, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Logic, Education, Automated Reasoning.
Nowadays, logic plays an ever-increasing role in modern computer science, in theory as well as in practice.
Logic forms the foundation of the symbolic branch of artificial intelligence and from an industrial perspective,
logic-based verification technologies are crucial for major hardware and software companies to ensure the
correctness of complex computing systems. The concepts of computational logic that are needed for such pur-
poses are often avoided in early stages of computer science curricula. Instead, classical logic education mainly
focuses on mathematical aspects of logic depriving students to see the practical relevance of this subject. In
this paper we present our experiences with a novel design of a first-semester bachelor logic course attended
by about 200 students. Our aim is to interlink both foundations and applications of logic within computer
science. We report on our experiences and the feedback we got from the students through an extensive survey
we performed at the end of the semester.
Recently, J. A. Makowsky and A. Zaman-
sky (Makowsky and Zamansky, 2017) reported
on an undesirable, but ubiquitous fact: courses on
logic are slowly disappearing from the computer
science curriculum at many universities. This has
nothing to do with logic being outdated. For example,
at the very basic level of computing, there is a close
relationship between circuits and Boolean formulas
and at a higher abstraction level, Boolean formulas
are core concepts in all modeling and programming
languages. Because of its rich inference mechanisms,
logical formalisms form the basis of the symbolic
branch of artificial intelligence (Russell and Norvig,
2010) and the core of modern verification technology
relies on automated reasoners that evaluate logical
formulas. For decades, the desire and necessity for
verified hardware and software has grown in major
software and hardware companies (Kaivola et al.,
2009; Calcagno et al., 2015; Cook, 2018) driving
investments in advancing logical reasoning tools.
While logic remains fundamental and pervasive,
its importance is not directly obvious in the way it is
classically taught. The classical logic course covers
syntax and semantics of various logical languages,
proof systems and their properties for proving or
refuting logical formulas, and maybe some encoding
of combinatorial problems like graph coloring. Exer-
cises are often very abstract and solved with pen and
paper. We experienced that from such exercises it is
unclear to students what are the practical applications,
and often logic is perceived as just another math
subject. This teaching approach is in strong contrast
to our research, where we develop efficient reasoning
software for solving practical problems from AI
and verification and where we use the theoretical
concepts for proving that our approaches are indeed
correct. Hence, it was a question for us to ask if we
can integrate the practical, computational aspects
of logic into our courses such that our students not
only learn the basics of logic but also understand
how to apply logic in application-oriented settings.
Therefore, we completely redesigned our “Logic”
course, a mandatory course in the first semester of the
Cerna, D., Seidl, M., Schreiner, W., Windsteiger, W. and Biere, A.
Computational Logic in the First Semester of Computer Science: An Experience Report.
DOI: 10.5220/0009464403740381
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 374-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
computer science bachelor of our university. For all
kinds of logic we teach, we also give some software
tools to the students allowing them to quickly gain
some hands-on experiences. We have successfully
applied this approach for the last five years. The
informal feedback has so far been extremely positive.
To capture the feedback in a more structured way,
we developed a questionnaire which we distributed
among the students participating in the most recent
iteration of our course. In this paper, we report on
the setup of our course, the questionnaire, and its
As early computer systems became larger and more
complex, awareness and costs of failures such as the
Pentium-FDIV-Bug (Chen et al., 1996; Reid et al.,
2016) raised. It is at this point, in the late 1980s
and early 1990s when the necessity of verification
technology and other logic-based methods was re-
alized and their inclusion within computer science
curricula was addressed. Also, during this period
we find our early references to literature discussing
the addition of logic to computer science curricula.
An important work wrote around this time, “Logic
for Computer Science” by Steve Reeves and Michael
Clarke (Reeves and Clarke, 1990) highlights some
important topics which are considered in our course.
Interestingly, as covered in the preface of the sec-
ond edition, this book was of high demand and a
second edition was released 13 years later. How-
ever, this work still takes a more classical approach
to the subject. The book “Mathematical Logic for
Computer Science” by Mordechai Ben-Ari (Ben-Ari,
2012), first released in 1993, has gone through three
editions, the last of which, released in 2012, discusses
prevalent subjects such as SAT solving and verifica-
tion techniques, topics discussed in module 1 and 2
of our course. Such topics are discussed in (Huth
and Ryan, 2004) as well. The importance of fun-
damentally logical questions to computer science is
ubiquitously stated in Literature. Even earlier work
by Jean Gallier (Gallier, 1985) covers the relationship
between the theorem-proving methods and topics as-
sociated with computer science. By far the most clas-
sical work on this subject, to the best of our knowl-
edge, is “the science of computer programming” by
David Gries (Gries, 1981) which approaches pro-
gramming from a logical perspective. For more mod-
ern works considering a similar approach to Gries
consider “Software Abstractions: Logic, Language,
and Analysis” (Jackson, 2012). There have also been
a few influential works from this early period dis-
cussing approaches to logic education at several uni-
versities, it’s relation to software engineering, and
adoption of logic within curricula (Barland et al.,
2000; Vardi, 1998; Lethbridge, 2000; Page, 2003;
Wing, 2000). Furthermore, the following works
(Kaufmann et al., 2000a; Kaufmann et al., 2000b; Re-
infelds, 1995; Goldson et al., 1993) have provided in-
teresting case studies concerning particular ways of
integrating logic within the computer science curricu-
lum. Particularly related to our approach is (Kauf-
mann et al., 2000a) focusing on the use of the ACL2
theorem prover within the classroom.
Other then these collections of essential topics
from logic for computer science there have also been
studies of how certain didactic tools can be used for
logic and computer science education. While we do
not directly discuss how particular tools ought to be
used in the classroom setting, we see further inte-
gration and development of the discussed method-
ologies into future iterations of the course. For
example “Signs for logic teaching” (Eysink, 2001)
which discusses representations and visualizations
for the transfer of knowledge with respect to logic.
Metaphorical games used in our course, especially
in module 1, can be considered as visual aids in the
learning process. The use of “serious games” for
computer science education has also been investi-
gated as of recently (Edgington, 2010; Muratet et al.,
2009; Lee et al., 2014). Many of these investigations
focus on programming or are indirectly related to pro-
gramming, however, serious games for logic educa-
tion have also been considered (Hooper, 2017).
Concerning the central topic of this paper, a
discussion of our attempt to keep logic in com-
puter science, there is the influential paper by J. A.
Makowsky and A. Zamansky ”Keeping Logic in the
Trivium of Computer Science: A Teaching Perspec-
tive” (Makowsky and Zamansky, 2017) which we
mentioned already in the introduction. This is not
the only work of these authors concerning the difficult
task of keeping logic in computer science (Makowsky,
2015; Zamansky and Farchi, 2015; Zamansky and
Zohar, 2016). The problem addressed in these cases
is how to connect the problems faced by students to
the underlying concepts of logic they are presenting.
Also related to our course design is the adaption of
proof assistants like COQ (development team, 2019)
to make them usable in a classroom setting (B
and Kreitz, 2017; Knobelsdorf et al., 2017). While
these works focused on introducing and using one
specific tool, we present a course setting where we in-
tegrate multiple automated reasoning tools for teach-
ing basic concepts of computational logic. Related
Computational Logic in the First Semester of Computer Science: An Experience Report
in a broader sense, is computer-based logic tutoring
software like (Huertas, 2011; Ehle et al., 2017; Leach-
Krouse, 2017) that support the training of students.
In the computer science curriculum of our university,
the course “Logic” is scheduled in the first semester
of the bachelor. As a consequence, we are confronted
with a very heterogeneous audience of about 200 stu-
dents including students who had only a one-year
computing course at their high school as well as stu-
dents who attended a five-year technical high school
with a special focus on digital engineering and de-
sign. By offering a mix of mandatory and optional
exercises, we let the students decide themselves how
much they want to go into the depth of the topics dis-
cussed in our course.
The course consists of 12 lectures and 12 exercise
classes. Both lecture and exercise classes are taught
by professors of computer science or mathematics.
Each lecture is a 90 minutes presentation of new con-
tent. After a short break, there is a mini-test, followed
by an exercise class of 45 minutes. In the exercise
class, the practical exercises covering the content of
the same day’s lecture are discussed for putting the
theory into practice. Only part of the exercise sheet is
solved in class, while the rest is left for practicing at
home. The solutions of these exercises are not graded
and can be discussed in the online forum of the course
that is moderated by the professors.
For organizational reasons, the course is split into
three modules: (1) propositional logic, (2) first-order
logic, and (3) satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).
The first module takes four weeks, the second mod-
ule takes six weeks and the third module takes two
weeks. Each week the students have to take the afore-
mentioned mini-test of 15 minutes. The test is about
the content that has been covered in the lecture and
exercise class of the previous week. It is closed-book
and there are multiple-choice questions as well as
free-style assignments. The mini-tests are manually
graded by the professors—usually within a day. No
mini-test can be repeated or taken at a later point in
time. Each mini-test is worth up to 5 points. For pass-
ing the course, at least two positive mini-tests ( 2.5
points) have to be in the first module, three positive
mini-tests have to be in the second module, and one
positive mini-test has to be from the third module. Up
to four mini-tests can be replaced by a so-called lab
exercise. The lab exercises are a kind of homework in
which the students have to use logical software tools
or solve some programming tasks. In addition to these
lab exercises, there are also the weekly challenges,
small bonus exercises, which allow the students to
earn an extra point for the mini-test of the current
week. The weekly challenges typically involve some
sort of logical software as well.
One of the main distinguishing features of our
course is the early adoption of reasoning technology.
With this, the students immediately get an impres-
sion of the practical opportunities offered by logic. In
the following, we report on three showcases illustrat-
ing the tool-based reasoning tasks integrated into our
3.1 Playing with SAT & SMT
To get experience in applying solving technology on
practical reasoning problems, we ask the students to
solve games with the aid of a SAT solver. A popular
assignment is the encoding of Sudoku puzzles. The
task is to translate the rules of 4 × 4-Sudoku into
propositional logic. The
rules are as follows: Given
a 4 × 4 grid, each of
the small fields must con-
tain exactly one of the
numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) such
that (1) no number oc-
curs twice in a row, (2) no
number occurs twice in a
column, and (3) no number occurs twice in the four
2 × 2 grid (see figure). We also give the students a
Sudoku instance that is not completed yet. The chal-
lenge is now to decide if this given Sudoku instance
does have a solution. Even for these small sized Su-
dokus, the question is hard to answer without tool
The straight-forward encoding of the Sudoko sim-
ply reuses the ideas of graph coloring that was exten-
sively discussed in the lecture before. The fields are
represented by the nodes of the graph. The fields that
may not contain the same numbers are connected in
the graph. Solving the Sudoku then boils down to the
question if there is a coloring of the graph using four
colors such that no connected nodes have the same
color. The formula is of a size such that it still can
be generated by hand. However, some students prefer
to implement a small script that outputs the encoding.
For solving the formula, we developed a front-end for
recent SAT solvers that uses an input format students
find more natural than the standard input format DI-
MACS, which is a list of numbers.
The language of propositional logic only provides
Boolean variables and connectives. Hence the propo-
sitional encoding reduces the Sudoku-solving prob-
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
lem to a graph coloring problem. Later in the course
we introduce SMT (Barrett et al., 2009) (Satisfiability
Modulo Theory) that extends propositional logic by
data structures like arrays or other data types like inte-
gers. Now the students can reformulate their Sudoku
encoding by exploiting these advanced language fea-
tures, learning that with more expressive languages
encodings often become easier. The reasoning itself
becomes more involved at this stage or even infeasible
(depending on the concepts that are included in a lan-
guage extension) and therefore we mostly rely on tool
support (SMT solvers) in this part, even though we do
explain basic algorithmic aspects of SMT solving.
3.2 Automatic Checking with RISCAL
RISCAL (RISC Algorithm Language) is a language
and associated software system for the formal mod-
eling of mathematical theories and algorithms in first
order logic (Schreiner, 2019). In contrast to interac-
tive proof assistants (such as the Theorema system de-
scribed below), RISCAL requires no assistance, but is
able to fully automatically check the validity of theo-
rems and the correctness of algorithms.
RISCAL is an educational software (Schreiner,
2019) in contrast to other software, such as
TLA (Cousineau et al., 2012), of similar design, thus
motivating our use of the software. As an educational
software, its intended use is to give insight into the
meaning and purpose of first order logic a more ex-
pressive but also more difficult language than propo-
sitional logic (the domain of SAT & SMT); e.g., first
order logic is able to describe the complex relation-
ships required in mathematical theories or in the for-
mal specification of computer programs. In particular,
RISCAL can quickly demonstrate that an attempted
first order logic formalization is (due to errors and
omissions) not adequate; this is actually the problem
that students (and experts) have to deal with most of
the time but that is not well addressed by proof-based
tools (the construction of proofs is tedious and the in-
ability to derive such a construction does not neces-
sarily demonstrate that the goal formula is invalid).
RISCAL has already successfully supported
courses on the formal specification and verification
of computer programs at our university (Schreiner,
2019). In our course it was used as a learning aid
during the first half of the module 2. In detail, stu-
dents were issued three bonus assignments consisting
of prepared specification templates in which students
had (as demonstrated by corresponding examples) to
fill in the missing parts of formalizations; after each
step they could apply the RISCAL checking mech-
anisms to determine whether their entries were ad-
equate. The correctness of submissions could thus
be completely self-checked before actually handing
them in; teaching assistants mainly verified their plau-
RISCAL was distributed in the form of a pre-
configured virtual machine to be executed on the stu-
dents’ own computers; videos were prepared to de-
scribe the installation of the use of this software.
While we experienced few technical problems, never-
theless some students may have shied away from the
use of the software, because of the technical require-
ments and/or the mode of interaction with it (which
required the manipulation of text files). Alternative
solutions are being considered for future iterations of
the course, such as an (already developed) web-based
exercise interface.
3.3 The Theorema Proof Assistant
Theorema is a mathematical assistant system (Buch-
berger et al., 2016) based on the well-known Soft-
ware system Mathematica (Inc., ). Theorema is freely
available (Buchberger et al., 2016) (GNU GPL), stu-
dents need Mathematica installed, which is afford-
able since many universities own a campus-license of
Mathematica. Theorema is a Mathematica package,
i.e. it just consists of a folder to be copied to the right
location. By design, Theorema aims to support the
mathematician during all phases of mathematical ac-
tivity. While this serves as a philosophical goal, the
current implementation of Theorema can compute ex-
pressions built-up by numbers, tuples, and finite sets
and automatically prove statements expressed in The-
orema’s version of higher order predicate logic. Com-
putation is a useful tool for checking adequacy of defi-
nitions, because checking its behavior on several finite
cases can give certainty that the definition as written
fits. This is similar in spirit to what RISCAL (Sec-
tion 3.2) does when checking specifications. How-
ever, Theorema was used in our course mainly for
its proving capabilities. We consider correct logi-
cal argumentation and doing (simple) mathematical
proofs an important competence being taught to com-
puter science students. According to our philosophy,
a thorough understanding of “mathematical proving”
as a (mainly) syntactical process on sets of predicate
logic formulas (hypotheses and the proof goal) deter-
mined by their syntactical structure helps students do-
ing their own proofs. The goal of using a theorem
prover in this setting is not to convince students that
certain statements are true. Rather, they should learn
from the prover how it proved some theorem. We con-
sider the automated prover as a proof tutor, and stu-
dents can train as many examples as needed.
Computational Logic in the First Semester of Computer Science: An Experience Report
The key feature of Theorema is that it generates
human-readable proofs using inference rules inspired
by natural deduction. It is though not a classical
natural deduction calculus as explained in literature
and taught in our course because Theorema aims at
human-like proofs (in contrast to e.g. a minimal set of
inference rules). Theorema was used in the proving
section of the “First Order Logic” module. Students
were offered three bonus exercises with increasing
difficulty, where in each exercise they received a The-
orema notebook with a theorem already contained in
there. Exercise 1 was quantifier-free, Exercise 2 con-
tained alternating quantifiers, and Exercise 3 needed
auxiliary definitions that were also part of the note-
book. In all three, it was possible to get an automated
proof of the theorem without further configuration of
the system. (Note that, in general, a user can fine-
tune the prover by switching on/off certain rules and
by setting rule priorities.) The bonus exercises were
meant as a preparation for the Theorema Lab Exer-
cise, where the task was to first use Theorema to prove
a theorem and then prove the theorem with pencil and
paper, being of course allowed to use the Theorema-
proof as a model.
In this section, we cover the design of our question-
naire, the evaluation, and the results.
4.1 Questionnaire Design
A typical end-of-semester questionnaire (usually re-
ferred to as a course evaluation) is used to evaluate
the effectiveness of the lecturer, the overall presenta-
tion of the course material, and the evaluation method
(grading system) of the students. The center for teach-
ing and learning at UC Berkeley provides an outline
of a typical end-of-semester evaluation
. Such evalu-
ation forms usually include generic questions such as
“The course (or section) provided an appropriate bal-
ance between instruction and practice?” which are to
be answered by selecting from a discrete scale.
There has been a large number of investigations
into various aspects of such evaluation forms, as cov-
ered by Nicole Eva (Eva, 2018) and even journals
dedicated to the subject (Spooren and Christiaens,
2017) (an interesting paper from such a venue). While
design and execution does come into question (Mc-
Clain et al., 2018) much of the literature is concerned
with effectiveness and bias. In our case, the effec-
tiveness of the questionnaire was not of the highest
priority because we were not using it for evaluation,
rather we want the opinion of the students as to how
the overall presentation affected their understanding
of the material. As mentioned in (Lee et al., 2018)
we wanted to gain an understanding of the student’s
conceptual gains and their relationship to the presen-
tation. Thus, our foremost goal was to make the ques-
tionnaire engaging enough to get the students to com-
plete it. Towards increasing student engagement we
decided to make our questionnaire mostly free-form.
As documented in literature, this design choice in-
creased the difficulty of analysis. See Figure 1 for
the first two questions of eight questions.
Instead, we asked students to draw curves for un-
derstanding vs. time and interest vs. time. Addition-
ally, they were provided the opportunity to mark three
points on the curve which were significant to their ex-
perience. The macrostructure of the course allows the
students to have reference points, i.e. three mostly
distinct modules, thus allowing easier evaluation.
The rest of the questions included in the ques-
tionnaire concern the inclusion of software within
the course and how the software was included in the
course. For the past four years, each iteration of the
course introduced software as either a bonus exercise
or as a part of a lab assignment. Questions 5, 6, and
7 were designed to see if the software and its integra-
tion into the course is mature enough to make it an
explicit part of the grade, i.e. students may also lose
points for not completing assignments using the soft-
ware. The final question concerns students’ thoughts
about an experimental game-based approach to teach
propositional satisfiability.
4.2 Evaluating Student Illustrations
Rather than asking students to provide a written de-
scription of there experiences we ask them to draw
curves depicting their understanding and interest over
the course of the semester. Space was left (see Fig-
ure 1) for the students to provide a short description
of any particularly important parts of the course which
influenced their understanding or interest. Coordinate
grid provided to the students was divided into three
sections, one for each module of the course. Out of
the 134 questionnaires handed in, 131 of them had il-
lustrations in the provided charts, roughly 98% of
the questionnaires
We evaluated the curves drawn by students by first
placing them into 5 catagories: Constant, Linear,
For more details see the technical report: https://ww 5885/Report.pdf.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: The first two questions of our questionnaire. The
left side provides space for student illustrations. The right
side provides space for highlighting important activities.
Parabolic, Saw Tooth, and Other. Furthermore per
module, we considered the Slope (either -1,0, or 1),
the Maximum (either 0,.25,.5,.75, or 1), the Mini-
mum (either 0,.25,.5,.75, or 1), Jump (either yes,no),
and Drop (either yes,no).
Using these measures we were able to define the
Concavity of the curves, i.e. slope between mod-
ules. Note Students where not provide with a discrete
scale on the y-axis thus, we had to apply the scale dur-
ing evaluation. This scale spanned the interval [0, 1]
in .25 increments. To denote significant changes in
value, we added the Jump and Drop features which
state whether a module contains a significant positive
change (Jump) or negative change (Drop)
4.3 Questionnaire Results
Understanding and interest in the course where highly
correlated and thus we focus on student illustrations
of understanding. The majority of students drew
parabolas with a minimum within module 2, i.e. a
majority were concave down. The second most com-
mon curve type was saw-tooth with a minimum in
module 2 with a further drop occurring in module 3.
Note module 3 is essentially first-order logic without
quantification, i.e. term manipulation rather than ex-
plicit proof construction. Overall, the majority of stu-
dents understood less and were less interested as the
course progressed. The significant number of saw-
tooth illustrations points to issues with the computa-
tional aspect of formal reasoning being difficult for
students to grasp. This may be the first time many of
the students have seen formal reasoning. Our survey
provides preliminary evidence that developing tools
and software for these topics would be a worthwhile
endeavor. Concerning proof construction, systems
have been developed already, using COQ (Knobels-
dorf et al., 2017) and Z3 (Ehle et al., 2017). How-
ever, to the best of our knowledge, no one has focused
A spreadsheet containing all results may be found here: 5885/
on educational tools for the computational aspects of
first-order reasoning.
Together, these results account for 66% of the
illustrations for understanding. Many students had
praise for the portion of module 2 focusing on the
application of first-order reasoning to software veri-
fication aided by RISCAL. The particularly problem-
atic topic was proof tree construction which invari-
ably required sound application of formal reasoning,
i.e. logic without direct application. It is precisely
this approach to formal reasoning which resulted in a
loss of student interest and understanding.
Many students mentioned that lab sessions and the
introduction of software increased their interest in the
course, but according to the illustrations this did not
necessarily mean they understood more. The software
was mainly introduced as part of the weekly chal-
lenges, When asked why they completed a weekly
challenge, the most common answer was for cred-
its (one of the problems with extra credits (Norcross
et al., 1993; Pynes, 2014)). Some students pointed
out their desire to increase their understanding. It is
not clear if the software inadvertently had some effect
on student understanding. This not been investigated.
Clearly computational logic is an essential part of
computational thinking. There is an increased need to
equip students of computer science and related fields
with the important skill of applying logic to formal-
ize system properties and reason about software and
hardware systems. The introduction of our Logic
course as a mandatory course in the Bachelor curricu-
lum is the reaction to a request by the applied fac-
ulty in our department. The goal was to educate stu-
dents in such computational aspects of logic. Our own
experience in applying formal technology in Industry
confirms this view. A fundamental understanding of
the algorithms of logical reasoning is also important
to efficiently apply logical reasoning tools in practice.
It turned out that the main challenge is how to teach
these skills, focusing on the practical aspects of logic,
ignoring classical more abstract concepts, less impor-
tant from the computational point of view.
We addressed this challenge by (1) emphasizing
concepts most relevant in practical applications of
logic, (2) letting the students gain hands-on experi-
ence in using automatic and computer-assisted logical
reasoning tools, and (3) providing immediate feed-
back through weekly mini-tests, weekly challenges,
and lab exercises. To assess the effect of our mea-
sures we presented students with a questionnaire at
Computational Logic in the First Semester of Computer Science: An Experience Report
the end of the semester. The results show that the last
two measures are very effective. Students appreciate
the way we teach logic on concrete problems too.
As expected the more classical part of the lecture
was considered the most difficult one. We are try-
ing to make it more accessible in the future. In par-
ticular, we already decided to completely remove the
discussion of complexity and decidability and rely on
later courses in the curriculum to cover these (impor-
tant) concepts. We are further investigating how to
use games or puzzles to introduce quantifiers. An-
other big concern of the students was the usability of
the software. To address this issue we will expand the
use of web technology and will work on an app-based
approach too. But in general, we got the impression
that the course was very well received by the students.
It produced low-drop rates compared to other courses
without compromising on quality.
For us as teachers, the most striking lessons are as
follows. First, even though evident in hindsight, you
can teach advanced modern logical reasoning tech-
niques such as SAT and SMT in the first semester.
Students seem to like the hands-on experience they
get with these topics. Second, automatically checking
first-order logic properties on simple programs makes
first-order logic much more accessible. Third in an in-
troductory course on Logic, one should remove all the
more abstract and philosophical topics of logic and
post-pone it to later more specialized courses. Fourth,
and most unexpected, we learned about the impor-
tance of presentation to usability of the introduced
tools. What seems simple to us in terms of usability
may be a barrier for students, for example, the diffi-
culty of installation, the complexity of the interface,
Finally, we concluded that computational logic is
much simpler to understand and teach than program-
ming. In our experience, this applies not only to first-
year students of computer science but also to other
fields and on all levels of education. As a conse-
quence, we suggest that attempts to spread compu-
tational thinking throughout society should not focus
on teaching programming skills only. Logic is essen-
tial too and at least with the focus on computational
logic we propose it is easy to integrate successfully
into a technical curriculum.
Suported by the LIT LOGTECHEDU project and the
LIT AI Lab both funded by the state of upper Austria.
Barland, I., Felleisen, M., Fisler, K., Kolaitis, P., and Vardi,
M. Y. (2000). Integrating logic into the computer sci-
ence curriculum. In Annual Joint Conference on Inte-
grating Technology into Computer Science Education.
Barrett, C. W., Sebastiani, R., Seshia, S. A., and Tinelli,
C. (2009). Satisfiability modulo theories. In Hand-
book of Satisfiability, volume 185 of Frontiers in Ar-
tificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 825–885.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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