no modifications are necessary for the NEs, SDN con-
troller, NFV components, etc.
We have built a new system, despite other ar-
chitectures and projects found in the literature, be-
cause we believe that future telecommunications and
cloud computing networks will eventually use SDN
and NFV platforms and will require management
tools/platforms as well. Even if an SDN or NFV
based network already exists, it is possible to deploy
our solution.
This paper presented our platform and its main
components. Additionally, the essential services for
control/management plane communication were de-
scribed. The reason to design a whole platform in-
stead of an isolated service is that other self-healing
functions may be implemented in the future using the
platform. Examples of these functions include the
healing of hardware resources (memory, CPU, disk,
etc.) in a datacenter, instantiation of new NEs for high
traffic, software reboot, reset of components, and so
Since this is a position paper, the evaluation of
the solution is in progress. Our platform needs to be
compared with other solutions. We intend to prepare
an environment with virtual and physical NEs and di-
verse NFV components. To do this, we will use a lab-
oratory environment inside our university connected
to a facility in a local telecommunications company.
We believe our evaluation experiments can be ini-
tialized as soon as possible. The tests intend to prove
the effectiveness of this Management Layer platform
against solutions placed on Control Layer or inside
SDN applications.
As future work, our research group long for fin-
ish the development, effectiveness, and performance
tests; develop other self-healing functions inside the
SHE and design other self-* capabilities in the archi-
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (Capes) - Finance Code 001. It also received
support from the Algar Telecom.
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