To provide a more personal experience, the customers
can connect their Voice Assistant account to the SEG.
Then the user can play their favorite music, open
their calendar, turn on/off Smart Home devices and
leverage other user-specific services associated with
a given account. In the case of ride-sharing applica-
tions, the user profile can be dynamically associated
with a given vehicle. When a new passenger is picked
up, a session on Alexa is created with the given user’s
profile. The session is cleared when the ride ends.
Another promising area of future enhancement is
provisioning the integration with wearables (Gusikhin
et al., 2016). Typically, wearables provide at least one
type of biometric sensor, such as a heart rate moni-
tor, skin temperature sensor, or blood oxygen sensor.
Using this biometric data, the system can parameter-
ize the intensity of the action. For example, if a user
requests “Increase temperature,” the current version
of the system would always increase the temperature
by 5 degrees. If skin temperature is available, the in-
crease of the cabin temperature can vary based on the
sensor data.
The critical aspect of intelligence is the ability to
learn user preferences to anticipate and automatically
adjust ambience based on the context. While our cur-
rent prototype is focused on dialogue-based interac-
tion, the next step in the system development would
be to implement machine learning capability.
The paper discusses the opportunities and benefits
of Ambient Intelligence within vehicle environment.
The advancement of intra- and inter- vehicle connec-
tivity technology, proliferation of connected devices
and sensors, and the emergence of Personal Voice As-
sistants enable the efficient implementation of vehi-
cle AmI even as an aftermarket feature. To illustrate
this point, the paper presents a prototype that inte-
grates Amazon Alexa personal voice assistant with
vehicle in-cabin ambient control. The ambient control
is exemplified by vehicle climate control and brought-
in scent dispenser by Inhalio. The proposed system
provides the capability for easy interaction to adjust
in-cabin ambiance using commonly used natural lan-
guage expressions and commands.
The prototype of the system has been evaluated
at the Internal Technology show. The evaluation has
been done by representatives from different groups
representing different company functions, including
engineering and non-engineering. The evaluation
shows that this functionality has been positively per-
ceived. The results of the study showed that non-
engineering functions had more positive responses
than engineering.
The paper also discusses potential future direction
of the development to further enhance and simplify
the interactions. Another area of enhancement in-
cludes the integration with machine learning to facil-
itate ambient intelligence to anticipate the user needs
based on the prior experience and environmental con-
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Integration of Voice Assistant and SmartDeviceLink to Control Vehicle Ambient Environment