Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution
Eladio Dom
1 a
, Beatriz P
2 b
Angel L. Rubio
2 c
and Mar
ıa A. Zapata
1 d
Dpto. de Inform
atica e Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas, Univ. de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Dpto. de Matem
aticas y Computaci
on, Univ. de La Rioja, La Rioja, Spain
KPIs, Performance Measurement, Evolution Framework.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are becoming essential elements for measuring business performance. In
recent years, KPIs management has been the subject to sustained interests for researchers and practitioners
alike, deriving into a large research corpus of approaches addressing aspects in matters as varied as modelling,
maintenance or expressiveness of KPIs. In particular, since both businesses and processes have to be adapted
to ever-changing requirements, the KPIs that measure their performance must evolve accordingly. However,
based on a previous review of the literature, we found that little attention has been paid to the provision of
mechanisms to manage KPIs evolution. Our long-term research goal is to provide a fully proposal for support-
ing KPIs evolution management. In this position paper, we present the first ideas of a conceptual framework
for addressing this issue, proposing a pattern-driven KPI evolution specification and a KPI evolution meta-
model made up of two interconnected views. Our proposal is general enough to be applied regardless of the
specific KPIs management approach being used.
Today’s data society provides an opportunity for en-
terprises and institutions to access a wealth of infor-
mation of many different types. Since continuous
business improvement is a must-have goal for any or-
ganization, proper use of available information can
lead to changes in procedures, processes and systems.
Changes can be triggered by different causes, such as
modifications of the business strategy, correction of
detected errors, legislative updates or technological
adaptations (Cognini et al., 2018).
In order to determine the aspects that must be im-
proved, it is necessary to measure the performance of
business activities. That is the reason why the defi-
nition and use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
within information systems has become widespread
in any business area. In view of the relevance of
KPIs, it is natural that research on this topic is in-
tense and extensive. Despite this (or precisely be-
cause of it), there does not exist a standard model for
KPIs definition and use. In (Dom
ınguez et al., 2019)
we addressed this problem, approaching our solution
by performing a literature review and defining a KPI
management taxonomy, which captures, in a unified
way, the overall properties of KPIs gathered in the
literature. This taxonomy is unfolded in ve dimen-
sions, each one answering a different question: What
is measured by a KPI?, What features are consid-
ered?, What is a KPI measured for?, What artifacts
are used?, and What are the characteristics of each
approach? (for details, we refer to (Dom
ınguez et al.,
One of the findings of this KPIs taxonomy is that
very few works or approaches consider KPIs cus-
tomization and evolution management as one of their
characteristics. If, as explained, any area of busi-
ness management needs to introduce changes to adapt
business to new circumstances, KPIs that measure the
performance (of the activities) of that area should also
be modified accordingly.
Making use of the terminology that is presented
in (Reichert and Weber, 2012), in the context of
Process-Aware Information Systems we could speak
of KPI flexibility to refer to any aspect related to mod-
ifications that can be considered in performance in-
dicators. Reichert et al. (Reichert and Weber, 2012)
differentiate between four different variants for the
notion of process flexibility: variability (implies the
existence of different process variants); looseness
Domínguez, E., Pérez, B., Rubio, Á. and Zapata, M.
Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0009465604630469
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 463-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(processes are not fully pre-specified); adaptation
(process instances are adapted to cope with emerg-
ing events); and evolution (the capacity of modify-
ing a process permanently to accommodate evolving
Although all these variants could be transferred to
the KPIs domain, we focus on the specific issue of
KPIs evolution. In view of the large number of dif-
ferent approaches to KPIs management, and that few
of them consider KPI evolution aspects (Dom
et al., 2019), our long-term research goal is to build
on a KPI evolution framework that can be used with
whatever particular KPIs approach. This is certainly a
complex aim, as evolution can be considered on many
levels. On the one hand, and from a business per-
spective, it is necessary to determine what specific
changes in KPIs need to be considered in order to
achieve business goals. On the other hand, from the
software engineering prism, it is necessary to have an
infrastructure that allows the transfer of those changes
(fixed at the business level) to an implementable con-
ceptual model. Therefore, we intend to deal with KPI
evolution in a conceptual comprehensive manner but,
at the same time, bearing in mind that the implemen-
tation must be achievable. In this position paper we
present some aspects of a framework that allows the
development of conceptual models of KPI evolution.
To achieve this goal, we rely on a notion of KPI evolu-
tion pattern and on a KPI evolution metamodel which
includes both a structural and an execution view.
This paper is organized as follows. Next, we out-
line the related work of this research. In Section 3, we
describe our approach for KPIs evolution, illustrating
it by means of two examples of application. Finally,
conclusions and further work are set out in Section 4.
We start by considering works that deal with KPIs
evolution, and end up with works that address evo-
lution in a general way, not linked to a specific scope.
One relevant proposal in the literature that high-
lights the need to consider evolution in performance
measurement is (Kennerley and Neely, 2002). How-
ever, this work, on the one hand, focuses on the fac-
tors that affect that evolution and, on the other hand,
raises the discussion at the level of measurement sys-
tems, and does not descend to the detail of specific
indicators. In this sense, the notion of measure redef-
inition is considered in (Sch
utz and Schrefl, 2014).
However, this approach is somewhat limited, as it
considers that the different elements of a measure (di-
mensions and rule of calculation) are simply overrid-
den when redefinitions are included. One step further,
Diamantini et al. (Diamantini et al., 2016) consider
the effects of classic create/update/delete operations
of KPIs and, in particular, point to the need of consis-
tency checking on the set of indicators. In a slightly
different line, authors of (Friedenstab et al., 2012)
present the abstract syntax of a specification language
of measures that includes connections with other re-
lated elements (processes and dashboards). These
connections enable the traceability of the modifica-
tions that have been made. As another example, del-
ıo-Ortega et al.s work (del-R
ıo-Ortega et al., 2013)
defines indicators called Process Performance Indi-
cators (PPIs), which are directly linked to business
processes, connecting the evolution of the former to
the changes made to the latter. The same authors
in (Estrada-Torres et al., 2016) address the question
of variability in PPIs.
The interest in considering the evolution of KPIs
does not only occur in research articles, but also
in concrete practical applications. For example, the
Health Information and Quality Authority states in its
report (HIQA, 2013) that “a plan to review the KPI at
regular intervals with a view to refinement in response
to stakeholder demands or improved data availabil-
ity” is necessary. This report also asserts that, since
“health services are continually evolving”, it is fun-
damental that KPIs give answers to these changes. In
an even more general context, IBM introduces the no-
tion of KPI history (IBM Knowledge Center, 2011) in
the description of its tool Business Process Manager.
This is “an optional feature that you can use to track
and analyze KPI changes over time”.
With regard to works that address evolution in
software engineering or information systems contexts
in a general way, most of them are based on models
and metamodels (Cicchetti et al., 2012; Dom
et al., 2011; Pons et al., 2000; Ruiz et al., 2013).
These strategies mainly focus on aspects such as
structuring issues of evolution (Pons et al., 2000),
tracing aspects (Dom
ınguez et al., 2011; Ruiz et al.,
2013), or comparing and merging of models’ version-
ing (Cicchetti et al., 2012). In the case of KPIs evolu-
tion, conceptual modeling can also be used as a de-
velopment strategy. But, as far as we know, there
is no KPI evolution metamodel in the literature. We
particularly claim that conceptual modeling in KPIs
evolution could be considered manifold. For exam-
ple, it can provide methods for gaining better under-
standing not only of the very complex relationships
between the elements directly involved in the evolu-
tion of KPIs, but also of the implications such changes
may carry (such as side effects a change in a KPI may
have on other business elements or on related KPIs).
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Another aspect considered when tackling business
activities behaviour is to take advantage of the use
of patterns (Ruiz et al., 2013). Patterns are recog-
nized to be a very useful construct to capture recur-
ring concepts within a particular domain. Aimed at
being generic and reusable in a wide variety of scenar-
ios, they are specified in a language- and technology-
independent way (Russell et al., 2016). But again, we
are not aware of any pattern devoted specifically to
KPIs evolution.
Aimed at giving a proposal for supporting KPIs evo-
lution, we have slightly inspired in the framework
for business processes model evolution presented
by (Ruiz et al., 2013). Specifically, in (Ruiz et al.,
2013), authors propose a pattern-driven specification
for models evolution by means of two artefacts: a pat-
tern definition metamodel (defined based on the ideas
from (Pfister et al., 2011)) and an evolution meta-
model (for which they based on (Bernstein, 2003)).
Starting from these ideas, in this paper, we contribute
with a fine grained support for evolution aspects ap-
plied to the particular case of KPIs definition. More
specifically, we have defined a KPI evolution meta-
model which includes two complementary views (a
structural view and an execution view), which are
built upon concrete KPI evolution patterns provid-
ing a semantic description of different KPI changes.
Next, we describe in detail these two main parts of
our approach.
3.1 KPI Evolution Patterns
Our main goal for defining KPI evolution patterns is
to capture commonly occurring changes in KPIs, so
that they can be applied to different KPIs manage-
ment proposals. In order to determine our pattern-
driven specification for KPIs evolution, we have con-
sidered, not only different change pattern specifica-
tion proposals (Mulyar et al., 2008; Ruiz et al., 2013;
Reichert and Weber, 2012), but also the taxonomy for
KPIs management we proposed in (Dom
ınguez et al.,
2019) which includes KPIs evolution aspects (del-
ıo-Ortega et al., 2013; Diamantini et al., 2016;
utz et al., 2016).
As for the former works (Mulyar et al., 2008;
Ruiz et al., 2013; Reichert and Weber, 2012), all con-
sider several pattern specification elements, which are
a name, an abbreviation, a description of its func-
tionality, and illustrating examples to clarify the pat-
tern’s use. Besides these aspects, as (Mulyar et al.,
2008) does, we have considered it appropriate to in-
clude a motivation aimed at identifying the nature of
the modifications in the environment which can trig-
ger the change. As a way of example, in Table 1 we
show a KPI evolution pattern, named Update Calcu-
lation Rule (UCR), describing the change of the cal-
culation rule of a KPI. Several circumstances can mo-
tivate the need to make this type of change, from a
revision in the company’s policies to a simple correc-
tion in the definition of a KPI. For example, in Table 1
two situations exemplifying the use of this pattern are
mentioned. One of them is related to the educational
context and gathers a modification in the evaluation
criteria of an on-line course. The change is intended
to penalise the number of wrong answers given by the
students, so that KPI ‘Session Learning Adequacy per
Training Step’ (SLATS) (Calabro et al., 2015) calcu-
lated as the sum of the ‘Correctness Score per Train-
ing Step’ (CSTS) and ‘Reload Cardinality per Train-
ing Step’ (RCTS), is changed applying a factor of 1.5
to the number of reloads (CSTS + 1.5*RCTS). The
other example is associated to sustainability and en-
vironmental standards which are changed as new reg-
ulations are established and environmental research
evolves. For instance, the G4 Sustainability Report-
ing Guidelines (Global Reporting Initiative, 2015)
were superseded by the GRI Sustainability Reporting
Standards (GRI Standards) (Global Reporting Initia-
tive, 2016). Several changes are introduced by GRI
standards, among them, as an illustrative example for
this article, we will use the fact that instead of calcu-
lating only the total weight of waste, two indicators
are introduced in GRI standards for calculating sepa-
rately hazardous and non-hazardous waste. As a con-
sequence, the calculation rule of the total waste indi-
cator is changed to be transformed into the sum of the
two new indicators (total waste = hazardous waste +
non-hazardous waste).
As for aspects specifically related to KPIs evolu-
tion, we have based on the three different character-
istics (modification, traceability and change propa-
gation) involved in KPIs evolution established in the
taxonomy we presented in (Dom
ınguez et al., 2019).
While the first one, modification, is intrinsically re-
lated with the KPIs modification itself, the other two,
traceability and propagation, could be considered or
not. Due to this optionality and based on an idea
proposed in (Reichert and Weber, 2012), we have in-
cluded in the patterns specification a design choices
section (see Table 1). Different implementation op-
tions for the traceability and propagation aspects can
be specified in this section.
Traceability helps to maintain information about
the different business elements related with the KPIs
Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution
Table 1: Example of a KPI evolution pattern.
Pattern UCR: Update Calculation Rule
The calculation rule of a KPI is updated
- A modification in the evaluation criteria of an on-line course, penalizing the number of wrong answers,
can imply a change in the KPI "Session Learning Adequacy per Training Step” (SLATS) (Calabro et al.,
2015) adding, for example, a factor of 1.5 to the number of reloads.
- A company supersedes the G4 Sustainability Guidelines (Global Reporting Initiative, 2015) for the GRI
Standards (Global Reporting Initiative, 2016), so that the changes introduced in the GRI Standards must
be considered in the calculation of KPIs.
Several reasons can motivate a change in the calculation rule of a KPI, for example, a change in the goals of
the company, a change in the business processes or a change in other KPIs involved in the calculation rule.
- To store or not the information related with the change that provokes the calculation rule modification
(goal, process, KPI, …)
- The previous calculation rule is deleted or stored in order to know the evolution over time.
- The previous values of the KPI are deleted or stored together with the previous calculation rule.
- The relationships between KPIs must be updated according to the new calculation rule and the
calculation rules of other related KPIs must be rewritten accordingly.
- Other KPI attributes, such as, value type, target or status options, must be analyzed to decide if they
should be modified
Properties such as identity, equivalence and consistency among the KPIs must be evaluated (Diamantini et
al., 2016). If the consistency is not preserved, then the modification will not take place.
Influenced by: Create KPI (Pattern CK), Delete KPI (Pattern DK), Update Calculation Rule (Pattern UCR)
Influences: Update Target (Pattern UT), Update Calculation Rule (Pattern UCR)
(goals, processes or the KPIs themselves) and to keep
a historical trace between the different evolution ver-
sions. For example, the relationship between Pro-
cess Performance Indicators (PPIs) and business pro-
cess elements is considered in (del-R
ıo-Ortega et al.,
2013). As for Pattern UCR, this type of relationship
can allow us to trace the processes whose changes
provoke a modification in the calculation rule of KPIs.
Propagation, for its part, is related with the incre-
mental update mechanisms necessary for maintaining
coherence among the different involved elements of
KPIs. For example, redefinition of calculated mea-
sures is proposed in (Sch
utz et al., 2016) as conse-
quence of customization processes. As another ex-
ample, a change in the calculation rule of a KPI may
involve the modification of its target value.
Other pattern specification aspects considered
by (Mulyar et al., 2008) are the issues related with
problems potentially encountered when using the pat-
tern, and solutions for overcoming these problems. In
the case of KPIs evolution, we consider it necessary to
specify the consistency conditions that need to be ver-
ified and that can be compromised by an inadequate
change, as well as, the actions to be performed when a
change does not preserve these conditions. For exam-
ple, conditions of identity, equivalence and coherence
among calculation rules are considered in (Diaman-
tini et al., 2016) together with reasoning tools to fa-
cilitate KPIs management.
Finally, to make it explicit the relations of prop-
agation between patterns, a related patterns aspect
is specified (also included in (Reichert and Weber,
2012)), indicating the patterns influenced by the pat-
tern that is being defined (influences) and the patterns
by which it is influenced (influenced by). For exam-
ple, as we show in Table 1, the Pattern UCR influ-
ences the Update Target pattern (or Pattern UT) since,
as said before, a change in the calculation rule of a
KPI may involve the modification of its target value.
Besides, the Pattern UCR is influenced by the Create
KPI pattern (or Pattern CK) and the Delete KPI pat-
tern (or Pattern DK) since the creation or deletion of
KPIs can imply the redefinition of a calculation rule,
as shown with the waste indicator example. These
other patterns are described in the supplementary ma-
terial (Supplementary material, 2020). Additionally,
as presented in Table 1, the application of Pattern
UCR can itself influence the application of the same
pattern to another KPIs (thus, the pattern can be influ-
enced by itself).
3.2 KPI Evolution Metamodel
As previously stated, our KPI evolution metamodel
includes two complementary views (a structural view
and an execution view), which are built upon our KPI
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Traceability aspects
Propagation aspects
Modification aspects
Consistency aspects
Structural view
Execution view
Figure 1: KPI evolution metamodel.
evolution patterns proposal. In Figure 1, we show
these two views and the way they are interconnected.
While the structural view deals with the structural as-
pects of the evolution as defined by the KPI evolu-
tion patterns (see top of Figure 1), the execution view
concerns the application of such patterns, registering
mainly the way in which concrete KPI instances un-
dergo modifications as patterns are instantiated (see
bottom of Figure 1). Both views reflect the differ-
ent key elements identified by our KPI evolution pat-
terns proposal, but from different perspectives: struc-
tural definition and applications’ instances, respec-
tively. More specifically, in addition to specify KPIs
changes themselves (modification aspects), the main
idea behind both views is to cope with the remainder
key evolution aspects as identified by our patterns’
structure (that is, not only traceability and change
propagation issues, but also consistency conditions,
and influences/influenced by patterns’ associations).
Before going on to describe each view, we would
like to remark that, trying to be as general as pos-
sible, we will explain our evolution metamodel us-
ing the terminology of the taxonomy we presented
in (Dom
ınguez et al., 2019). However, it must be
noted that the evolution metamodel can be used with
whatever external KPIs management approach (such
as the PPINOT metamodel (del-R
ıo-Ortega et al.,
2013) or the KPIOnto ontology (Diamantini et al.,
2016)). For example, in the case of the Pattern UCR
of Table 1, the KPIInvolvedElement would corre-
spond to ‘calculation rule’ according to (Dom
et al., 2019), but it would be referred as ’measureDefi-
nition’, if the PPINOT metamodel is considered, or as
‘formula’, if the KPIOnto ontology is chosen. That is,
the entities involved in the evolution of a KPI would
correspond to concrete elements of the chosen KPI
management approach (a metamodel, an ontology, a
taxonomy, etc.).
Structural View. As for the structural view (see top
of Figure 1), it includes a Pattern metaclass with
the basic definition information of each KPI evolution
pattern (such as the name, abbreviation, etc.). The en-
tities concerned by a KPI modification are represented
by the KPIInvolvedElement metaclass. Thus, the
KPI entities involved in a KPI evolution pattern are
represented in the metamodel by the association be-
tween the Pattern and KPIInvolvedElement meta-
classes. At the same time, these entities can be ele-
ments directly or indirectly involved in the KPI evolu-
tion pattern (Ralyt
e and L
eonard, 2017). On the one
hand, the entities directly concerned by a KPI modi-
fication are those elements explicitly involved in the
Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution
KPI pattern (for example, the calculation rule in the
Pattern UCR). On the other hand, we refer to the enti-
ties indirectly concerned by a KPI modification as any
other element not explicitly involved in the KPI evo-
lution pattern (for example, the target of a KPI in the
Pattern UCR).
Traceability or consistency aspects regarding ei-
ther direct or indirect entities, are represented by
the association metaclasses TraceOperation and
ConsistencyCondition, respectively, between the
Pattern and KPIInvolvedElement metaclasses (see
Figure 1). For example, if we have decided to ap-
ply the Pattern UCR so that it traces previous val-
ues of modified calculation rules, an instance of the
TraceOperation is created, linking the Pattern in-
stance corresponding to the Pattern UCR and the
KPIInvolvedElement instance with name ‘calcula-
tion rule’. This allows us to trace any evolution
aspect of a KPIInvolvedElement as consequence
of the application of a pattern. Similarly, linked
with a KPIInvolvedElement instance named ‘KPI’,
a ConsistencyCondition instance would be created
to show consistency requirements with other KPIs, as
defined by the Pattern UCR. Propagation aspects are
represented by the PropagationOperation meta-
class which registers the side effects of the evolu-
tion pattern on other related entities. This fact is
represented in Figure 1 by the influencedBy and
influences association roles.
Execution View. Regarding the execution view
(see bottom of Figure 1), as described previously,
it represents aspects regarding the application of
evolution patterns as established in the structural
view. In particular, this view is linked with the pre-
vious one by means of the relationship between the
Pattern metaclass and the PatternApplication
metaclass. Each time a pattern is applied, a
PatternApplication instance is created which is
linked with the corresponding Pattern instance.
The PatternApplication metaclass includes
concrete attributes (such as the commitDate, with
the moment in which the pattern’s application takes
place, the committer, and any remarkable com-
ment she/he considers necessary to make). More
specifically, as authors suggest in (Cicchetti et al.,
2012), we advocate to represent not only “who”
performs the change (in contrast to (Ruiz et al.,
2013) which does not consider change’s responsibili-
ties), but also “when” such changes are performed.
This view mainly defines entities representing
application instances of the ones defined in the
structural view (AppliedPropagationOperation,
AppliedTraceOperation and AppliedConsis-
tencyCondition, together with the AppliedKPI-
InvolvedElement). In particular, as an evolution
pattern is applied, this view registers concrete
evolution traces from a source element version
(AS IS) to another target version (TO BE) of
such an element (both instances of the external
As a way of example, we use the SLATS KPI (Cal-
abro et al., 2015), included in Table 1 to exemplify
our patterns approach. As we have said before, lets
suppose that we want to change the calculation rule
of this KPI, currently given by ‘Correctness Score per
Training Step’ (CSTS) plus ‘Reload Cardinality per
Training Step’ (RCTS), and we proceed to apply the
Pattern UCR. Before executing this pattern, the corre-
sponding consistency conditions are checked to make
sure that the change will not contradict any previously
defined KPI. If the result is affirmative, an instance
of the AppliedConsistencyCondition is registered
per any checked KPI. Thus, the pattern’s application
takes place, evolving the KPI’s calculation rule from
the current calculation rule instance (AS IS), given
by CSTS + RCTS, to the evolved calculation rule in-
stance (TO BE) represented by CSTS + 1.5*RCTS. As
for propagation aspects, they are present in the waste
indicator example where, in particular, the redefini-
tion of the calculation rule of the waste indicator is
influenced by the creation of the two new indicators
(‘hazardous waste’ and ‘non-hazardous waste’). In
this case, the propagation task would result in two
instances of the AppliedPropagationOperation
metaclass, each one linked with an instance of the
PatternApplication metaclass corresponding to
an application of the Pattern CK (influences role),
and on the other hand, with the instance of the
PatternApplication metaclass related to the appli-
cation of the Pattern UCR (influencedBy role).
This paper presents our research proposal to define
and develop mechanisms for supporting KPIs evolu-
tion management. In particular, we propose to sup-
port KPIs evolution by means of a KPI evolution pat-
tern notion and a KPI evolution metamodel, made up
of two interconnected views. The goal of the long-
term research we are developing is to provide a gen-
eral framework for dealing with KPIs evolution.
In order to develop this general framework, sev-
eral lines for further research must be addressed.
Firstly, the conceptual proposal presented in this pa-
per must be applied to real scenarios analyzing its
advantages and detecting improvements that may be
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
incorporated. In addition, the integration of our
proposal within other KPIs management approaches
(such as the PPINOT metamodel (del-R
et al., 2013) or the KPIOnto ontology (Diamantini
et al., 2016)) must be studied, determining the way
in which the elements of our proposal are embedded
properly in such proposals. Finally, mechanisms for
giving automatic support to our overall approach must
be proposed, based on the possibility of improving
tools already developed for the management of KPIs.
This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness, project number
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Accessed on January 2020.
Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution