By tinkering, we understand a self-directed, playful
exploration of material. Often starting with a seem-
ingly undirected investigation of the material, after a
while self-chosen goals are set, experiments are de-
fined and executed to achieve the goal. Subsequently,
observations and interpretations lead to the next goal
to choose. In an iterative process the tinkerer ex-
plores the material of a given toolbox and the pos-
sibilities how to get it working, by a series of exper-
iments and interpretations of the results of the exper-
iments (see (Resnick and Rosenbaum, 2013)). This
process is guided by serendipity rather than structure
(Libow Martinez and Stager, 2013) having trial and
error at its core.
Conceptually, the actual notion of tinkering is
shaped by the maker movement
. This movement was
initiated by the MIT with its first fablab in 2002. Fa-
blabs provide tools for prototyping, next to classical
workshop environment also laser cutters, 3D-printers
and open source hardware, and make them accessible
for the public. Makers are often amateurs and hob-
byists who create new products, for their individual
usage, or for value in the community. Tinkering and
making are related, where tinkering emphasises the
explorative aspect of making.
The material part of tinkering is often viewed as
physical. However, according to (Resnick and Rosen-
baum, 2013): We see tinkering as a style of making
things, regardless of whether the things are physical
or virtual. You can tinker when you are programming
an animation or writing a story, not just when you
are making something physical. The key issue is the
style of interaction, not the media or materials being
used. One abstraction level higher, tinkering would
also be possible with concepts or in completely dif-
ferent domains (e.g. gaming, health, music, philoso-
phy). In the context of this paper, we use algorithms
and data structures as material to tinker, which is ex-
plicitly non-physical.
We understand tinkering as a mindset for learning
(Libow Martinez and Stager, 2013). The goal of the
tinkering process for the student is to create an origi-
nal prototype. Our, the teachers’, goal is that the stu-
dents get familiar with the material of the toolbox and
learns to apply it, as well as training their serendipity
and creativity.
From the maker perspective tinkering is at the
heart of making things. The maker movement
to have adopted tinkering as one of its core activities,
as the way of learning new skills, working with phys-
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maker culture
ical materials and source of inventiveness. For exam-
ple The Exploratorium (Wilkinson and Petrich, 2014)
has been developing kits, books and materials aimed
at STEM education for all ages, focusing on sparking
curiosity, enabling creativity and making fun. Tin-
kering from a maker perspective usually starts with
(re)building an existing idea or concept (from a kit,
book or other sources) and use that as ’seed’ or start-
ing point for new things to build.
From an engineering perspective mastering mate-
rial is a key skill. Mastering the material, knowing its
properties, potential, and how to use it to get things
to work, is essential for any design or engineering,
being at a university or outside. Engineering typi-
cally strives for an effective solution to a problem. We
are convinced that the tinkering approach is a key to
mastering material. Exploration and experimentation
are at the core of tinkering and results precisely in
the knowledge about the material. It generates hands-
on knowledge and reflection on the experiments con-
ducted, (as knowing in action in (Sch
on, 1983)), it
cultivates serendipity for what could be a working so-
lution. Reflection on the experiments is an important
step in the learning process, as in (Tawfik and Kolod-
ner, 2016) stated: the more effort the reasoner has
put into identifying what can be learnt from experi-
ence and when the lessons might be useful to pertain,
the better the learner will be able to label the expe-
riences and apply them for future use. In addition,
mature tinkerers and engineers have a technological
theory and scientific foundations in their toolbox, and
also know how to apply these within their design pro-
cesses (Boon, 2006).
From an academic perspective the tinkering mind-
set also stimulates core scientific activities, such as
raising questions, performing experiments, observ-
ing, interpreting, and theory forming. These skills
come short in curricula that are dominated by courses
that focus on teaching existing theory, but not how to
go beyond or how to apply it. Tinkering requires these
activities on a small scale (depending on the level of
material provided) and trains them. Especially, set-
ting up a meaningful experiment also requires tinker-
ing. Therefore, we consider tinkering as an essential
part of academic education, next to science. To go
even a step further on the perspectives on engineering
and academia, in (Libow Martinez and Stager, 2013)
(p41) the claim can be found that tinkering is exactly
how real science and engineering are done.
From a teaching perspective we understand tin-
kering as a mindset for learning (Libow Martinez and
Stager, 2013). For the students, the goal of the tinker-
ing process is to create an original prototype. Our, the
teachers’, goal is in the first place that the students get
Tinkering in Informatics as Teaching Method