In this paper, we present the results from a systematic
mapping study in the field of Multiple Software Prod-
uct Lines (MSPL). This paper summarizes interesting
insights into the state of the art with the aims of:
• understanding what are the most covered topics of
the research in MSPL;
• highlighting the open issues that need to be filled
by future research;
• evaluating the level of empirical evidence reached
by researcher’s solutions addressing the topics,
• identifying which types of innovations are most
needed today
Our classification scheme reflects the historical back-
ground of multi software product lines in the period
2010-2019 and it follows the taxonomy of the life-
cycle steps of a product line. Our study highlights
how, currently, researchers mainly aim at developing
innovative contributions in terms of methods, mod-
els, and tools. Anyway, as the MSPL field is still in
a young stage, most of these papers are only a de-
scription of approaches that are most validated in a
testing scenario. Their efficacy is not still based on
empirical evidence. There are no papers, in fact, that
clearly describe a real validation through detailed ex-
perimental design, data collection process and valid-
ity threats analysis. Therefore, according to our study,
community research is called to bridge the gap of the
evidence-based research, to increase the investigation
of maintenance and V&V of MSPLs and, finally, de-
fine standard models and metrics to evaluate the effi-
cacy of the MSPLs.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering