Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study
Pasquale Ardimento
, Nicola Boffoli
and Giuseppe Superbo
Computer Science Department, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Via Orabona, 4, 70125, Bari, Italy
Multi Software Product Line, Software Product Line, Software Engineering, Mapping Study, Variability
Even if Software Product Line (SPL) is an established technique in software engineering, there are several
limitations of its use. This is mainly caused by the exponential increase of software systems complexity and
by the high pace of software and hardware evolution. Many of these limitations have been studied and faced
by applying the Multi Software Product Line (MSPL), an extension of the SPL. MSPL is an emerging and
novel technique based on using more than one SPL to derive a functional product system. This paper aims to
characterize the state of the art of MSPL, the main goal is to highlight the reached achievement in this field
and then discuss about the open issues or the not covered aspects of this approach. In order to make an overall
analysis inside the research community, a well-defined method of systematic mapping is applied in order to
classify, in a proper scheme, every paper strictly related to this topic. These classified results could give a valid
hint about lacks which should be investigated further.
Nowadays Software Product Line (SPL) is a common
development approach which is used in many con-
text of Software Engineering. As the term of con-
cept exploits, this technique consists in applying all
the traditional product line methods in the software
development sector. So as there are several selectable
components to build a car, also during the develop-
ment of a software system it is possible to choose
existent features/modules from a less specific plat-
form (Pohl et al., 2005). In this way it is possible
to build several customized systems for a very spe-
cific context without any additional effort in the de-
velopment stage. Despite all the advantages in costs
and time, there are some critical limitations which are
caused by the complexity of software market environ-
ment. The high pace of software and hardware evo-
lution, the frequent change of requirements and the
large size of systems make configuration and mainte-
nance of a production platform really complex. For
this reason after many year of research, an exten-
sion of this concept was identified as potential solu-
tion of these limitations: Multiple Software Product
Line (MSPL) (Krueger, 2006). This derived devel-
opment strategy is based in building new systems by
selecting features/assets from different software prod-
uct lines without altering any functionality of each
SPL platform, which are still independent between
each others. This can be applied in many contexts
as often totally disconnected fields can share sev-
eral features/assets or they can share some technol-
ogy features in their core functionalities (Marinho
et al., 2013). However as many limitations of SPL
are solved with the introduction of this new approach,
many other issues are introduced with the use of
MSPL. These problems are mainly caused by the lack
of real application as a lot of open issues still make
the management of this technique really hard. For ex-
ample working with software product lines made by
different organisations or companies it is really com-
plex as they can rely on different architecture or they
can be designed in a different way. For this reason
the degree of reuse depends on how many SPLs are
used to derive the final product. Additionally there are
no tools available for the management of a MSPL as
most of SPLs tool are extended with MSPL function-
alities which does not guarantee a complete and sat-
isfying management of the MSPL. Developers are so
forced to adapt and to interface SPLs tools to achieve
a satisfying level of usability and maintenance with a
MSPL. Finally it is possible to notice that automating
this entire process is still an open issue as it is really
complex to make decision upon the selection order of
Ardimento, P., Boffoli, N. and Superbo, G.
Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009469804700476
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 470-476
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the components available from different SPLs.
The goal of this paper is to achieve an overview of
the field of MSPL and the authors, at this aim, choose
to accomplish a systematic mapping of the existent
literature (Kitchenham et al., 2010). In general, a sys-
tematic mapping study structures the type of research,
reports and results that have been published by cate-
gorizing them and yields a visual summary, system-
atic map, of its results. In this work, the map built and
the related discussion of the findings aim to support
understanding what has been addressed by the MSPL
community for the MSPL domain and to suggest fu-
ture research guidelines in this field.
The reminder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: section 2 describes the research methodology
used for the mapping study carried out in this work,
from establishing the research questions to the result-
ing systematic map. After this, in Section 3 there is
the analysis and discussion of the results extracted
during the mapping study. Section 4 discusses the
threats to validity of our study. Finally, Section 5
summarizes the main contribution of this paper and
discusses some directions that could be investigated
by the research community.
To accomplish all the prefixed goals, the authors have
adopted Kitchenham’s approach for performing a sys-
tematic mapping study (Kitchenham et al., 2008).
This method is helpful to reach the goals of the pa-
per if there is enough available content for a specific
topic: all the final results exploit which areas need to
be still explored and studied. Figure 1 shows all the
steps of the systematic mapping process.
Figure 1: Mapping Process.
In the follows of the section, steps from 1 to 5 are
described in details and applied to the mapping of the
MSPL literature.
2.1 Definition of Research Questions
In the first step, the scope of this study is character-
ized. According to these initial suppositions it is pos-
sible to develop a schematic guideline of which ques-
tions are going to characterize the research:
RQ1: Which MSPL life-cycle step affecting vari-
ability is covered by the research community?
RQ2: Which of the found topics are less covered
and could be considered still ”open issues”?
From the results extracted through the systematic
mapping, we can infer which problems are not tack-
led inside the research works and require more so-
lution proposals. Moreover, after having populated
the classification scheme, different facets can also be
combined to answer more specific research questions:
RQ3: Concerning each topic, which level of em-
pirical evidence is reached by researchers’s solu-
tions for each specific problem?
RQ4: Concerning each topic, which type of in-
novation (metric, tool, model, method, process) is
needed to recognize an issue as ”closed”?
2.2 Conduct Search for Primary Studies
After introducing the systematic mapping method in
general, here it will be applied to the paper context in
order to extract useful information from the research
community. First of all it is necessary to choose a sub-
set of search string according to two of Kitchenham’s
criteria (Kitchenham et al., 2008):
1. Population: Multiple software product line, soft-
ware product line, hierarchical software product
line, nested software product line;
2. Intervention: variability management.
Following this criteria, it is possible to obtain a very
specific search string. However, since a search bar
of a Web browser has a limit of 150 characters, the
search string was split in 3 sub-strings:
1. ”Multi product line” OR ”Multi Product lines”
OR ”Multi product family” OR ”Multi product
families” OR ”Multi software product line” OR
”Multi software product line” OR ”Multi software
product lines” OR ”Multi software product fam-
ily” returned 595 results from 2010.
2. ”Multi software product families” OR ”Multiple
product line” OR ”Multiple product lines” OR
Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study
”Multiple product family” OR ”Multiple prod-
uct families” OR ”Multiple software product line”
OR ”Multiple software product lines” returned
2170 results from 2010.
3. ”Multiple software product family” OR ”Multi-
ple software product families” OR ”Product line
of product lines” OR ”Nested product lines”
OR ”Hierarchical product line” OR ”Hierarchical
product lines” returned 93 results from 2010.
Basically the search string should select any paper re-
garding the variability management aspect of MSPL.
All the initial papers were selected by searching any
content in scientific virtual libraries. The previous re-
search tokens were applied on one of the richest Web
search engine for scientific papers, technical reports,
theses and books: Google Scholar. This free access
powerful tool let anyone to customize the research in
terms of time and number citations. In this way it
is possible to select only the relevant content in a spe-
cific interval of time. In the specific case of this paper,
time interval for the research is set to 2010 to current
days as the MSLP concept was defined only in these
last years of research. Once the search engine returns
all the results, it is possible to select from them only
the ones coming from sources like ACM, IEEE, Else-
vier, Springer. Additionally it is also possible to se-
lect content from official conferences on that specific
topic. In this case two of the most related conference
on the paper topic are SPLC (Software Product Line
Conferences), which started in the early 2000s, and
VaMoS (Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive
Systems). During these conferences several work-
shops are held. In SPLC 2013 the organization held
a workshop upon MSLP called MultiPLE2013 from
which it is possible to select valid content. Unfor-
tunately even if during SPLC 2014, MultiPLE2014
was again scheduled, it was cancelled due several rea-
sons. During the analysis all the content coming from
this workshop will be considered part of SPLC as this
workshop was held during this conference.
2.3 Screening of Papers
To reduce the corpus and enable this study’s repro-
ducing, the following inclusion criteria and exclusion
criteria were established.
Inclusion criteria:
Peer-reviewed studies published in journals, con-
ferences, and workshops.
Studies are accessible electronically.
From title, abstract, and keywords we can deduce
if the paper focuses on contributing MSPL.
Exclusion criteria:
Studies not available in English.
Studies to be excluded from a systematic peer-
review, such as websites, books, slides, teasers,
curricula, short papers and editorials of less than
two pages.
Studies where MSPL is mentioned as future ap-
plication, related work, or broad context only.
We applied both the criteria to the following meta-
data: abstract, title and keywords. This step aims at
eliminating only the publications clearly not within
our study’s scope and publications failing on formal
requirements (such as being available in English). It
was necessary to discard most of the documents from
the results of the queries as most of them are not re-
lated with the paper main topic. Anyway, all studies
with any doubt about their relevance to the study topic
were included to be evaluated in the next step on the
base of their full text. At the end of this step we ob-
tained the results shown in table 1 where the main
sources that contribute to the paper goal are listed.
Table 1: Resulting Papers.
PAPERS (2010-2019)
Elsevier 5
Springer 6
VaMoS 5
Others 7
2.4 Keywording using Abstract
After filtering the relevant content from the entire
research community, the authors read all the collected
paper to make a double check if they are really
relevant to the paper goal and to classify the relevant
ones. The classification scheme was made by a set
of categories representing the underlying population.
To exploit all the covered aspects of MSPL by the
research community, the classification scheme was
composed of three aspects which are MSPL Topics,
Evidence and Innovation.
Facet 1: Topics of MSPL. Nevertheless as MSPL
differs from SPL, they share the same core idea: vari-
ability management. This crucial aspect means, as
the term suggests, managing variability in software
final artifacts. This occurs obviously during the en-
tire lifecycle of the product line as it is really impor-
tant to track every change in variability points in or-
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
der to avoid obsolescence inside the SPL (more de-
tails in (Clements and Northrop, 2002)). This task
is even harder in MSPL as more SPLs are involved
in the variability management. These crucial life-
cycle steps of SPL are a good guideline to analyze
how MSPL can be organized in the same way, there-
fore such steps have been chosen as MSPL variabil-
ity topics because they could be considered a strong
landmark for the classification of all existent papers
related to MSPL. This facet aims to address the dis-
cussion of RQ1, RQ2 and it is structured as follows:
Domain Engineering: in the early stages of the de-
velopment of a PL, as in every software life-cycle,
developers collect information from stakeholders
regarding the domain. In this way it is possible to
target which are the common and variant assets,
along with their feature modeling and evaluation
of the product line scoping (a.k.a. domain analy-
Product Derivation: once an abstract view of the
domain is established thanks to the previous step,
it is time to focus on variability in software archi-
tecture modeling and construction. This means
that in order to establish a working PL, it is
mandatory to design different compositions of
common and variant assets according to the re-
quirements collected previously (a.k.a. architec-
ture design);
Product Configuration: as it occurs in every de-
velopment process, also in the PL life-cycle there
is a step where each final product is configured by
selecting certain parameters and variables accord-
ing to each operative context (a.k.a. implementa-
Product Line V&V: in order to guarantee a good
level of quality of the final artifact, developers fol-
low several rules and constraints to design optimal
test cases which are always based upon the opera-
tive context of the final product (a.k.a. verification
and validation);
Product Line Maintenance: once the product is
released and finally executed, as it happens for
every software product, there is the most expen-
sive phase of a product life-cycle: maintenance.
In this context maintainers focus on keeping track
of versions, dealing with changes in requirements
at all abstraction levels and correct any issue re-
lated with the use of any final artifact (a.k.a. evo-
lution and change).
Facet 2: Evidence. Evidence facet aims to support
the discussion about the RQ3. We adopted the exist-
ing classification defined by (Wieringa et al., 2006),
in this way it is possible to categorize all the papers as
follows (each paper was classified to belong to exactly
one research type):
Early Research Advanced (ERA) Paper: a paper
with a new way of looking at existing issues, in-
cluding surveys, mapping studies and systematic
Solution Proposal Paper: a novel solution for a
problem is proposed or it can be a significant ex-
tension of an existing technique. The potential
benefits and the applicability of the solution can
be explained by means of an illustrative example.
Validation Paper: novel solutions are investigated
(for example, by means of a controlled experiment
in a laboratory), hypotheses are stated and statis-
tics are shown but they are not evaluated yet in a
real world project.
Evaluation Paper: solutions are applied in a real
world project and an empirical evaluation is con-
ducted to prove their efficacy in a rigorous way,
based on measures collected in a real context.
Experience Report: the paper simply reports the
practical experience whether some technique or
methodology is good or bad inside a real context
(industrial or laboratory).
Facet 3: Innovation. To address RQ4, we classified
the publications according to the innovative solution
proposed to solve a specific open issue, such classifi-
cation is inspired by (Petersen et al., 2008):
Overview: which includes surveys, mapping stud-
ies and systematic reviews;
Process/method: which includes a workflow of
activities, rules or procedures about how things
should be done (i.e. how to recognize common
and variant assets);
Model: defining a formal abstraction of variability
details and related semantics and notations;
Metric: describing a metric plan to measure vari-
ability at different levels;
Tool: developing a software tool that support dif-
ferent aspects of MSPL variability.
2.5 Data Extraction and Mapping
As soon as all the related papers were classified prop-
erly, a systematic map is built (figure 2). Thanks to
this plot, it is now possible to have statistics about
each category content and sketch an overview of how
the research community covered MSLP topic. By
Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study
looking at the schematic map it is possible to see
which are the most covered subtopics and the ones
that lack of content.
More precisely all the papers characteristics are
categorized in a bubble plot. This plot is made up
of two two-dimensional (x-y) scatter-plots with fre-
quency bubbles for each intersection. The first one
connects all the innovation facet with all the steps of
MSPL process. Meanwhile in the second plot there
is the conjunction between evidence facet and steps
of MSPL process. The bubble size is directly propor-
tional to the number of papers that are characterized
by the intersection of any two categories. Finally it
is important to point out that the total number of the
frequencies is not the same as the total number of the
papers as they may have different facet.
Supported from the systematic map (figure 2), the fi-
nal results of the systematic mapping process can be
analyzed and discussed in this section in order to ad-
dress the research questions reported in 2.2.
RQ1: ”Most Covered MSPL Steps”. By looking at
”MSPL topic” of the systematic map it is possible to
notice that: 27 papers (55.10%) focused on domain
engineering; 30 papers (61.22%) focused on product
derivation; 23 papers (46.93%) focused on product
configuration; 9 papers (18.36%) focused on prod-
uct line V&V; 6 papers (12.24%) focused on prod-
uct line maintenance. As it is possible to see from
the statistics domain engineering and product deriva-
tion are the most covered topic in this paper research.
This means that researchers started of course to mine
the topic by starting from the first crucial steps of
MSPL development. According to the map in fig-
ure 2 many researchers provided their own innova-
tive contribution in these two topic mainly in terms of
process/method or model. Additionally, it is possible
to observe from the corpus references (see ??) that
these two topics are often covered at the same time,
also product configuration is covered well enough and
with this topic it is possible to find a strong relation
to product derivation as they are strictly linked and
studied at the same time. So, we can realize that in
general, steps that in the lifecycle are strongly con-
nected to each other are often dealt simultaneously in
the same paper.
RQ2: ”Less Covered MSPL Topic”. What is not
enough covered by activity research, is for sure the
last two phases of the development cycle: product
line V&V (9 papers, 18.36%) and product line main-
tenance (6 papers, 12.24%). Regardless of the in-
novation and the evidence facets, V&V and mainte-
nance remain the current open issues in the research
field, this might suggest that testing, fixing and evolv-
ing a MSPL could be valid topics that can be inves-
tigated more deeply. This lack of content is probably
related to the challenges of domain engineering and
product derivation that are still being discussed. For
this reason it is possible to recognize a priority pattern
among the MSPL topics: once domain engineering
and product derivation are going to have standardized
approaches, research community will probably focus
their attention on the maintenance and testing side (in
fact, such papers have been published only in the last
five years).
RQ3: ”Level of Empirical Evidence”. Here there
is an average distribution between three of ve facets
as solution proposal, validation papers and evalua-
tion papers are nearly equally distributed: 14 papers
(28.57%) were solution proposal; 16 papers (32.65%)
were validation papers; 13 papers (26.53%) were
evaluation papers. This means that researchers were
focused on testing approaches, trying solving prob-
lems and even conducting empirical validation as 13
papers were evaluation papers. On the other hand
it was possible to retrieve only 2 experience reports
(4.08%) and 4 ERA papers (8.16%): the cause of the
lack of the first kind of papers is related maybe to the
lack of real application of MSPL. Meanwhile for the
ERA papers the lack of content is related to the lack
of necessity in writing this typology of paper about
MSPL field (number of papers to investigate in this
field was low).
RQ4: ”Innovation Needed”. Speaking about in-
novation facet 35 papers (71.42%) provide a new
process/method; 16 papers (32.65%) provide a new
model; 12 papers (24.48%) provide a new tool; 9
papers (18.36%) provide a new metric; 3 papers
(6.12%) provide an overview on the topic. Many re-
searchers have been focused on proposing new pro-
cesses/methods to solve all the open issues regarding
MSPLs. Despite of this, a third of the papers con-
tributed also with a new model that helped this young
development approach to be recognized and used in
the software industry. Additionally many tools and
extensions of theme were proposed to make the use
of this approach less complex. Nonetheless there is
a low quantity of metrics paper as it is still complex
to measure precisely the variability at different lev-
els. Finally overview paper are only two for the same
reason of the low quantity of ERA papers.
In conclusion, in the last decade many new ap-
proaches were designed and even used in real use
cases. By looking at these new approaches, it is very
easy to observe that most of them are strictly related
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Topic coverage according to the Innovation and Evidence facet.
to the most common topics among the available pa-
pers on MSPLs: “Processes/Methods” regarding the
innovation facet and “Validation” regarding valida-
tion paper. Hence it is obvious that there is a strong
trend emerging from the research community: finding
a practical and pragmatical use of the MSPL. In addi-
tion to this, it is also clear that Delta-oriented Multi
Software Product Lines (Damiani et al., 2014), IN-
VAR approach ”plug-and-play” for variability models
(Dhungana et al., 2011) and AGILE product line en-
gineering applied to MSPLs (Hayashi and Aoyama,
2018) are example of practices/processes that have
been tested on real use cases simulations. Most of
the new approaches focuses on the crucial steps of a
solid MSPL: Core Assets Development and Product
development.This underlines that a successful MSPL
can be achieved only if a good basis is established.
To judge the quality of our work it is necessary to dis-
cuss the following threats to the validity of the study.
Construct Validity. The findings presented in section
3 are valid only for our sample of papers. Hence, we
ensured the inclusion of as many relevant papers as
possible. To achieve this, the research tokens were
applied to the Google Scholar digital library in or-
der to capture venues not published at the other li-
braries. Then, we applied the research tokens also
to the main repositories of resources dealing with the
selected topic. Furthermore, we did not restrict our
search to papers mentioning “Multi Software Prod-
uct Lines” explicitly but also included terms closely
related to MSPL, without narrowing it to the exact
terms. This enabled us to capture related publications
without focusing on the very specific, partly ambigu-
ous, modeling terminology. Another threat avoided
regards the definition of the inclusion/exclusion crite-
ria in the screening activity. We decided to consider
the title, abstract, and keywords metadata. We also
decided to include all papers we were uncertain in or-
der to avoid the exclusion of relevant publications due
to the lack of investigation. In the next step, first, all
the papers were read and, then, inclusion/exclusion
was decided. Finally, to improve construct validity
in the future we should consider also the papers that
do not use the term “multiple software product line”
even though they are clearly discussing MSPL do-
main modeling techniques, for example among the
main works of this type there are (Bagheri et al.,
2011) (Hubaux et al., 2013) (Urli et al., 2014).
Internal Validity. To mitigate the threat related to
the data extraction performed for screening (inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria) and classification, the
authors decided to discuss the problematic papers
among them. The classification was performed in
blocks of at most 45 minutes broken up by at least
15-minute breaks in order to avoid the threat arising
from fatigue. The adopted classification scheme com-
prises three facets that correspond to the four defined
research questions.
Conclusion Validity. Regarding the conclusions, we
have discussed various issues that could lead to wrong
conclusions in the context of threats to internal and
external validity. For the study’s replicability, we
detailed the complete research method in section 3,
which enables replicating every phase of this mapping
External Validity. Obtained results cannot be gener-
alized to other problems domains.
Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study
In this paper, we present the results from a systematic
mapping study in the field of Multiple Software Prod-
uct Lines (MSPL). This paper summarizes interesting
insights into the state of the art with the aims of:
understanding what are the most covered topics of
the research in MSPL;
highlighting the open issues that need to be filled
by future research;
evaluating the level of empirical evidence reached
by researcher’s solutions addressing the topics,
identifying which types of innovations are most
needed today
Our classification scheme reflects the historical back-
ground of multi software product lines in the period
2010-2019 and it follows the taxonomy of the life-
cycle steps of a product line. Our study highlights
how, currently, researchers mainly aim at developing
innovative contributions in terms of methods, mod-
els, and tools. Anyway, as the MSPL field is still in
a young stage, most of these papers are only a de-
scription of approaches that are most validated in a
testing scenario. Their efficacy is not still based on
empirical evidence. There are no papers, in fact, that
clearly describe a real validation through detailed ex-
perimental design, data collection process and valid-
ity threats analysis. Therefore, according to our study,
community research is called to bridge the gap of the
evidence-based research, to increase the investigation
of maintenance and V&V of MSPLs and, finally, de-
fine standard models and metrics to evaluate the effi-
cacy of the MSPLs.
Bagheri, E., Ensan, F., Gasevic, D., Boskovic, M., et al.
(2011). Modular feature models: Representation and
configuration. Journal of Research and Practice in
Information Technology, 43(2):109.
Clements, P. and Northrop, L. (2002). Software product
lines. Addison-Wesley Boston.
Damiani, F., Schaefer, I., and Winkelmann, T. (2014).
Delta-oriented multi software product lines. In Pro-
ceedings of the 18th International Software Product
Line Conference-Volume 1, pages 232–236.
Dhungana, D., Seichter, D., Botterweck, G., Rabiser, R.,
Grunbacher, P., Benavides, D., and Galindo, J. A.
(2011). Configuration of multi product lines by bridg-
ing heterogeneous variability modeling approaches. In
2011 15th International Software Product Line Con-
ference, pages 120–129. IEEE.
Hayashi, K. and Aoyama, M. (2018). A multiple prod-
uct line development method based on variability
structure analysis. In Proceedings of the 22nd
International Systems and Software Product Line
Conference-Volume 1, pages 160–169.
Hubaux, A., Heymans, P., Schobbens, P.-Y., Deridder, D.,
and Abbasi, E. K. (2013). Supporting multiple per-
spectives in feature-based configuration. Software &
Systems Modeling, 12(3):641–663.
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The educational value of mapping studies of soft-
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32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Soft-
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Krueger, C. W. (2006). New methods in software prod-
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more, Maryland, USA, August 21-24, 2006, Proceed-
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Marinho, F. G., Andrade, R. M., Werner, C., Viana, W.,
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Urli, S., Blay-Fornarino, M., and Collet, P. (2014). Han-
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Requirements engineering, 11(1):102–107.
The paper references that belong to
our corpus can be found at the URL:
colo/view or it can be required by sending an email to
the authors.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering