data with unambiguous, shared meaning. Seman-
tic interoperability may apply to IoT specific con-
cepts (e.g.”event” or ”action”) or domain-specific
concept (energy, health ...).
Both the W3C architecture and cloud.iO have sup-
port for domain-specific semantics. However, this as-
pect is not the focus of this paper.
The targeted interoperability is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. In this example, two applications can inter-
act with Things connected through three platforms
because all components implement the digital twin
interface. On the other hand, the two applications
can interact together to share access to their Things
through their digital twins. These interactions are
possible since both applications understand the nor-
malized syntax of the digital twins.
Figure 1: Interoperability between applications and IoT
Different projects have addressed the application -
platform interoperability question. symbIoTe (
et al., 2019) provides an abstraction layer to harmo-
nize IoT platforms. Compliant platforms can reg-
ister their resources to symbIoTe. Applications can
then discover resources using the symbIoTe semantic
search engine and later on access them in a homo-
geneous way. symbIoTe recognized the importance
of standardization since its Core Information Model
is based on the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology,
a W3C recommendation, and on the OGC Sensor-
Things API.
Another project proposing interoperability for IoT
is BIG IoT (Jell et al., 2017). BIG IoT’s goal is to
build an IoT ecosystem with multiple IoT platforms,
services, and applications through the definition of a
uniform platform interface known as BIG IoT API.
The BIG IoT API and its information models have
been built in collaboration with the W3C’s Web of
Things Interest Group.
These projects and others paved the way for in-
teroperability. However, large-scale deployment re-
quires a stable interface definition backed by a recog-
nized standardization body like W3C.
The W3C standardization work related to IoT is held
by the Web of Things (WoT) Interest Group (WoT
IG) and the Web of Things Working Group (WoT
WG). The latter has released two candidate recom-
mendations: the Web of Things (WoT) Architecture
(Kovatsch et al., 2019) and the Web of Things (WoT)
Thing Description (Kaebisch et al., 2019).
The WoT architecture is made up of four building
• The WoT Thing Description defines an informa-
tion model for Things based on a semantic vo-
cabulary and a serialized representation based on
• The WoT Binding Templates specify syntactic
and protocol-related information for Thing ac-
• The WoT Scripting API proposes a program-
ming interface that allows applications to dis-
cover, fetch, consume, produce, and even expose
WoT Thing Descriptions.
• The WoT Security and Privacy recommendation
provides security-related guidelines for all com-
The main concepts of the WoT architecture are ex-
plained in this paragraph. A normalized digital twin
is called a Thing and is defined as “the abstraction of
a physical or virtual entity (...) described by standard-
ized metadata”. The latter are registered in a JSON
formatted Linked Data document named Thing De-
scription (TD). The entity interacting with a TD is
called a Servient. It is defined as a software com-
ponent that implements one or many WoT building
blocks. Servients can be Consumers, which are en-
tities “that can process TDs (...) and interact with
Things”. TDs allow Consumers “to identify what ca-
pabilities a Thing provides and how to use the pro-
vided capabilities” (Kovatsch et al., 2019). Inter-
action Affordances link the “what” and the “how”
for each capability. “Whats” are named Interac-
tions, whereas “hows” are Protocol Bindings follow-
ing WoT Binding Templates.
3.1 Things Description (TD)
A TD is basically a collection of Interaction Affor-
dances. Three types of Interactions suffice to model
nearly all Interactions found in IoT devices and ser-
• A Property describes a state of a Thing. A Con-
sumer can read it and possibly also write it.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security