The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-enhancing
Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments
Gloria Bondel, Gonzalo Munilla Garrido, Kevin Baumer and Florian Matthes
Chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics, Technical University of Munich,
Boltzmannstrasse 3, Garching, Germany
Security, Privacy, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Environments.
Big data analytics are interlinked with distributed processing frameworks and distributed database systems,
which often make use of cloud computing services providing the necessary infrastructure. However, storing
sensitive data in public clouds leads to security and privacy issues, since the cloud service presents a central
point of attack for external adversaries as well as for administrators and other parties which could obtain neces-
sary privileges from the cloud service provider. To enable data security and privacy in such a setting, we argue
that solutions using de-identification methods are most suitable. Thus, this position paper presents the starting
point for our future work aiming at the development of a privacy-preserving tool based on de-identification
methods to meet security and privacy requirements while simultaneously enabling data processing.
Smartphones, social media, and Internet-of-Things
(IoT) are just some of the technical developments
which lead to the digitalization of our day-to-day life.
The utilization of these new technologies results in
the creation of a vast amount of data, so-called big
data, which is collected by the organizations provid-
ing digital services and products. To generate use-
ful information from the collected data, organizations
use different analytics approaches. These analytics
approaches enable the testing of hypotheses and the
identification of patterns, ultimately allowing orga-
nizations to design better products and services, en-
hance the user experience, or optimize internal pro-
Organizations often use traditional business in-
telligence approaches to analyze data. Business in-
telligence approaches transform data into a prede-
fined structure and store it on a central server (i.e.,
a data warehouse) for future processing. However,
for big data, these business intelligence approaches
are no longer applicable due to the properties of
big data, which are availability in large quantities,
requires quasi-real-time processing, and comprises
many different types of structured and unstructured
data (Laney, 2001). Instead, approaches for big data
analytics based on distributed data processing have
emerged. Distributed processing frameworks enable
faster data processing by storing data in a distributed
file system and moving the processing activities into
the data nodes, thereby enabling parallelization.
Distributed data processing is storage intensive,
making a large computational infrastructure neces-
sary. Therefore, big data analytics and cloud comput-
ing, offering efficient management and reduced cost
of IT infrastructures, are often associated (Hashem
et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2013). Nowa-
days,cloud providers even offer special products for
distributed big data processing, e.g. Cloudera
, Ama-
zon EMR
, Microsoft Azure HDInsight
, or IBM Bi-
However, big data processing combined with
cloud computing leads to security and privacy con-
cerns (Liu et al., 2015; Stergiou and Psannis, 2017).
Even if the data is encrypted while being transferred
over a network, the data needs to be stored in the
cloud in plaintext to enable data processing. This
leads to two major security issues. First of all, the
cloud presents a central point of attack for external
attackers. For example, a hacker could manage to
penetrate the cloud and gain access to sensitive data.
SSPT3X 4.0.0/
Bondel, G., Garrido, G., Baumer, K. and Matthes, F.
The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-enhancing Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0009470903380344
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 338-344
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The second security concern originates from within
the cloud service provider’s (CSP) organization. Ad-
ministrators of the CSP have certain privileges to the
data stored in the cloud, which is necessary to per-
form maintenance activities as well as to prevent mis-
use of provided resources (Li et al., 2013). However,
these administrative privileges can be abused for per-
sonal benefits, as shown in an incident in 2010, when
Google had to fire a key engineer after breaking into
the Gmail and Google Voice accounts of several chil-
dren (Krazit, 2010). Furthermore, the cloud provider
could give access to cloud resources to third parties,
e.g., to government entities for reasons of legal pros-
Overall, the risks of cloud computing inhibit the
use of big data analytics (Liu et al., 2015; Li et al.,
2013), which hinders the realization of high poten-
tials. Therefore, several approaches that address se-
curity and privacy concerns in the context of big data
analytics in cloud environments exist. However, these
approaches reduce processing performance, are often
described in a very abstract manner, do not contain
precise instructions for action, or are outdated. Thus,
it is difficult for organizations to get an overview of
current approaches, their advantages, and their disad-
Therefore, a persisting problem in big data analyt-
ics can be formulated as follows:
How can data be protected in big data cloud environ-
ments while enabling a maximum of processing func-
tionality and minimizing performance constraints as
well as utility loss?
In this context, the conflicting goals of security and
privacy, on the one hand, and preserving the util-
ity of data to enable analytics, on the other hand,
should be evaluated (Tomashchuk et al., 2019; Is-
ley, 2018). As a first step to address this prob-
lem, we identified five approaches for secure big data
analytics in cloud environments. These approaches
are homomorphic encryption, partial encryption in
combination with trusted hardware or partial encryp-
tion in combination with trusted client/hybrid cloud,
de-identification, and privacy-preserving cloud archi-
tecture. After analyzing the advantages and dis-
advantages of these approaches, we argue that de-
identification is a promising approach since it en-
ables a multitude of analysis functionalities while si-
multaneously realizing security and privacy objec-
tives. This assumption is additionally confirmed by
the emergence of several commercial tools that aim at
implementing de-identification for data processing in
cloud environments.
However, to the best of the authors’ knowl-
edge, a holistic view of the impact of different de-
identification methods on the trade-off between secu-
rity and privacy versus data analytics capabilities does
not exist. Therefore, in our future work, we aim at an-
alyzing this trade-off on the use cases of data gener-
ated by wearables and vehicles. Furthermore, we aim
at developing a privacy-enhancing tool for the easy
application of different de-identification methods.
In the following, we will first present a short def-
inition and delineation of the terms security and pri-
vacy in section 2. This is followed by an overview
of existing approaches to secure big data analytics
in cloud environments including their advantages and
disadvantages in section 3. This section also cov-
ers a short rational why we deem de-identification
methods as most suitable approach. Afterwards, in
section 4, we present existing approaches using de-
identification methods from research and practice. Fi-
nally, we conclude with a conclusion in section 5.
In this section we will introduce the concepts of secu-
rity and privacy as well as their interrelation.
We adapt the definition of security provided by
(Fink et al., 2018), who defines security as ”[...] a set
of measures to ensure that a system will be able to ac-
complish its goal as intended, while mitigating unin-
tended negative consequences”. Thus, security aims
to prevent vulnerabilities of software and hardware,
making it resilient against malicious attacks, natural
disasters, unplanned disruptions, and the unintended
use of computational resources (Hurlburt et al., 2009).
In general, privacy can be defined as ”[...] free-
dom from observation, disturbance, or unwanted pub-
lic attention [...]” (Fink et al., 2018). However, to
make the term privacy more actionable in the con-
text of computer science, the threat-based definition
of privacy provided by (Wu, 2012) is adopted: ”[Pri-
vacy] is defined not by what it is, but by what it is
not - it is the absence of a privacy breach that defines
a state of privacy”. Thus, privacy is about identify-
ing and characterizing relevant privacy threats as well
as protecting information against these threats (Wu,
2012; Solove, 2015).
Different views on the relationship between the
terms security and privacy exist (Hurlburt et al.,
2009). In most cases, security and privacy are inter-
preted as overlapping concepts. The overlapping area
between security and privacy is often referred to as in-
formation security. Information security aims at pro-
tecting different kinds of information and data from
destructive forces and unwanted actions (Mukherjee
The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-enhancing Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments
et al., 2015). The three principles confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and availability, are known as the CIA triad
that characterizes information security (Fink et al.,
2018; Domingo-Ferrer et al., 2019). These princi-
ples do not only support and shape the theoretical un-
derstanding of information security, but they are also
often used as a basis for defining privacy rules and
for protecting electronic health information (Samonas
and Coss, 2014).
However, in other cases, privacy is interpreted as
an aspect of security (Hurlburt et al., 2009). This re-
sults from the observation that some security methods
have a direct effect on privacy (Fink et al., 2018).
Summarizing, both - privacy and security - have in
common that they are concerned with the appropriate
use and protection of information. However, the con-
cepts vary concerning the scope and rationale of the
protection (Fink et al., 2018; Hurlburt et al., 2009).
In this section, we will first present existing ap-
proaches for big data analytics as well as their advan-
tages and disadvantages. Fig. 1 presents a schematic
overview of the different approaches. Due to the
tremendous potentials of big data for organizations,
several approaches to solving security issues of big
data analytics in the cloud have been proposed in the
Homomorphic Encryption. This approach describes
the use of an encryption scheme, which allows the
processing of encrypted data (see Fig. 1, a). Fully
homomorphic encryption would allow arbitrary pro-
cessing of encrypted data, but as of today, no such
encryption scheme exists. However, scientific liter-
ature presents several partially homomorphic algo-
rithms, allowing to perform limited functionality on
encrypted data, e.g., data aggregation (Paillier, 1999;
Castelluccia et al., 2005; Lu et al., 2012), cosine sim-
ilarity (Lu et al., 2014), and order-preserving search
(Agrawal et al., 2004). Due to the limited functional-
ity as well as losses in processing performance, homo-
morphic encryption schemes are not relevant in prac-
Partial Encryption in Combination with Trusted
Hardware. The approach is based on the integra-
tion of a trusted hardware device into the public cloud
infrastructure. The trusted device runs as an au-
tonomous compute element that the cloud administra-
tor cannot access (Bajaj and Sion, 2014) (see Fig. 1,
b). First, the user of this approach splits the data into
sensitive and not sensitive data, which is uploaded to
the public cloud in ciphertext and plaintext, respec-
tively. The processing of not sensitive data is done
directly in the public cloud. However, if the sensitive
data needs to be processed, it is first transferred onto
the trusted hardware, where it is decrypted, processed,
encrypted, and sent back to the cloud. The public
cloud passes the resulting plaintext and the ciphertext
on to the client, who has to decrypt the processing
results of the sensitive data and merge it with the re-
sults of the not sensitive data. This way, the sensitive
data is never in the public cloud without being en-
crypted. Since the trusted hardware is integrated into
the cloud infrastructure, this approach can only be im-
plemented by the CSP, which requires trust that the
trusted hardware is not compromised. Furthermore,
splitting a dataset into two parts and processing each
part individually leads to performance losses. Again,
several examples are presented in research (Bajaj and
Sion, 2014; Eguro and Venkatesan, 2012; Arasu et al.,
2013; Pires et al., 2016), but few implementations ex-
ist in practice, e.g., Intel SGX
Partial Encryption in Combination with Trusted
Client/Hybrid Cloud. Similarly to partial encryp-
tion in conjunction with trusted hardware, the data set
is split into sensitive and non-sensitive data. How-
ever, this time, the sensitive data is not sent to the
public cloud but stored and processed in a private
cloud (Hacig
us¸ et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2013)
(see Fig. 1, c). Disadvantages of this approach are that
the client has to maintain one or more local servers af-
ter all. Moreover, performance issues due to inter-site
communication arise.
De-identification of Data. De-identification methods
are approaches that make it difficult to restore the link
between an individual and his or her data by removing
or transforming specific data points (Kushida et al.,
2012). Before uploading the data to the public cloud,
it is sanitized using different de-identification meth-
ods, e.g., pseudonymization, generalization, charac-
ter masking, or suppression (see Fig. 1, d). The
risk of using de-identification techniques is that ”re-
identification attacks” can be launched to identify
specific individuals (Kushida et al., 2012). Privacy
models provide a means for measuring the likeli-
hood of re-identification attacks and thus for defin-
ing different levels of privacy (Tomashchuk et al.,
2019). Privacy models are, for example, k-anonymity
(Sweeney, 2002), l-diversity (Machanavajjhala et al.,
2006), t-closeness (Li et al., 2007), and differential
privacy (Dwork, 2006). However, re-identification at-
tacks can still circumvent privacy models by linking
more data to the anonymized dataset, creating unique-
ness of each entry, and therefore establishing a link
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
back to an individual’s identity.
Privacy Preserving Cloud Architecture. The cloud
architecture presented by (Li et al., 2013) removes
control rights of the provider, ensuring that the CSP
can not access any dataset stored in the cloud (see
Fig. 1, d). However, CSPs want to keep their control
rights to prevent misuse of their cloud infrastructures.
Similar approaches are proposed by (Pacheco et al.,
2017; Jr. et al., 2016)
All the solutions presented have certain advan-
tages and disadvantages. One of our underlying as-
sumptions is that the CSP is not trustworthy. Thus,
we can exclude the approach of partial encryption in
combination with trusted hardware. Also, we omit
the approach of a cloud architecture that preserves
data privacy, since to the best of the authors’ knowl-
edge, currently no cloud provider implements such an
architecture. The limited functionality and reduced
processing performance of homomorphic encryption
hamper the exploitation of big data analytics. Thus,
we do not consider homomorphic encryption for se-
cure and privacy-enhancing cloud computing any fur-
ther. Although the approach of partial encryption in
combination with a Trusted Client / Hybrid Cloud
does not realize many of the advantages of using
public clouds, this approach is not completely ex-
cluded. For example, small amounts of data, such as
keys used in encryption, can be stored on on-premise
In summary, in our future work, we will focus
on de-identification methods to implement privacy for
big data analytics in cloud environments. This ap-
proach enables a multitude of functionalities while
simultaneously realizing security as well as privacy
objectives and does not require the client to trust
the CSP. Besides, depending on the security and pri-
vacy requirements, a higher or lower level of secu-
rity and privacy can be achieved by the selected de-
identification methods, which makes it possible to im-
plement different use cases. Finally, it is also possi-
ble to assess the risk of re-identification attacks using
privacy models, and thus to evaluate the choice of de-
identification methods and, if necessary, adjust them
In this section, we present existing approaches to se-
curity and privacy for big data analytics in cloud en-
vironments, as presented in research and practice.
Many scientific publications emphasize the rele-
vance of secure big data analytics in cloud environ-
ments, e.g., (Liu et al., 2015; Stergiou and Psan-
nis, 2017; Zissis and Lekkas, 2012; Neves et al.,
2016). However, focussing on solutions based on de-
identification methods, the number of publications is
significantly smaller. The use of encryption for secure
big data analytics in the cloud, which is not homomor-
phic encryption, is limited to the use of the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) (Sachdev and Bhansali,
2013). There are also examples for generalization of
data, such as (Prasser et al., 2017; Wan et al., 2015;
Dankar et al., 2012; Prasser et al., 2016), that mainly
deal with health data and are affiliated with the prod-
uct ARX Data Anonymization Tool.
A concrete context in which the de-identification
of data plays a vital role is in the area of personal
health data (PHI) in the USA. In 2002, the revised
version of the HIPAA Privacy Rule was adopted,
which sets national standards for the protection of
medical records and other personal health informa-
tion (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
nN). Under HIPPA, personal health information, if
de-identified as required, may be used and disclosed
for any purpose.
The Safe Harbor Model, not to be confused
with the entirely different and currently non-existent
EU Safe Harbor, specifies what data must be re-
moved or generalized. Several initiatives automate
HIPAA de-identification, such as ZIPpy Safe Har-
bor De-Identification Macros for SAS (Chatfield and
Parker, 2018). However, HIPAA Safe Harbor de-
identification methods are limited and have been
shown to be insufficient for protection against re-
identification attacks (Sweeney et al., 2017).
In the meantime, however, other tools emerged
that were originally developed for the purpose of im-
plementing HIPAA Safe Harbor, but now also of-
fer more extensive de-identification methods. These
include Privacy Analytics Eclipse
, ARX Data
Anonymization Tool
or the Google Cloud
Healthcare API
. However, all of these products still
have a strong focus on health data and therefore are
often based on standards for interoperability of health
data (e.g. FHIR
Other products that offer the de-identification of
data commercially are Anonos
, IBM InfoSphere
The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-enhancing Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments
Figure 1: Overview of existing approaches for privacy-securing big data analytics in cloud environments.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Optim Data Privacy
, Data Sunrise
and Privitar
However, these products offer only a single, or a lim-
ited set of de-identification methods (e.g., dynamic
pseudonymization of Anonos, character masking of
Data Sunrise) and only selected databases can be used
as Big Data infrastructure.
In this position paper, we address a persisting prob-
lem in big data analytics, which is concerned with
the trade-off between protecting security and privacy
while at the same time enabling analysis functional-
ity. We present existing approaches for preserving the
security and privacy of big data analytics in cloud en-
vironments and argue that de-identification provides
the most promising approach. This assumption is sup-
ported by the emergence of commercial tools for en-
abling security for cloud environments applying de-
identification methods. However, to the best of the au-
thors’ knowledge, no holistic analysis of the trade-off
between different de-identification methods and anal-
ysis functionality currently exists. Therefore, our fu-
ture work aims at analyzing this trade-off in a use case
focusing on data generated by wearables as well as on
vehicle-generated data. These results will provide the
basis for the implementation of a privacy-enhancing
tool applying different de-identification methods.
This work was sponsored by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant
01IS17049 / X-DACE. The responsibility for the con-
tent of this publication lies with the authors.
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