4. Generates SQL: Based on student feedback, it
is beneficial to see the correspondence between
an algebra or calculus query with the SQL query.
Our tool provides the corresponding query, in ad-
dition to the result set once the query is executed
against a database instance. This is especially im-
portant for complex queries, where the relation-
ship between the theoretical query and the SQL
statement is not straight forward. In Section 2,
we have provided some examples of such com-
plex queries.
5. Uses Tile-based Programming: The tool utilizes
visual programming, through tile-based program-
ming. No other tool provides this feature. Tile-
based programming does not only make it eas-
ier for students to write their programs, but also
has many other beneficial side effects (Guo et al.,
2008). Similar to other algorithms, algebra and
calculus can be expressed naturally using tiles.
Tiles also allow for better execution performance
because the approach a very effective way to ex-
ploit locality (Guo et al., 2008). Finally, they can
also be used to express data distribution and par-
allel computation (Guo et al., 2008). In one word,
they provide students with exposure to concepts
outside the database topics.
6. Supports Customized Quizzes and Challenges:
The tool allows educators and researchers to cre-
ate quizzes and challenges for students.
7. Collects and Logs Usage Information: Un-
like all other tools, the tool collects and logs
all types of information for educators and re-
searchers to analyze. It will help educators and
researchers look for certain patterns, identifying
student weaknesses, areas of struggle, and hence-
Learning theoretical query languages has benefits to
students since they help improve problem solving
skills. In addition, both relational algebra and rela-
tional calculus provide the theoretical foundation for
the design of SQL. Mastering these languages im-
proves the skills needed to formulate SQL queries,
specifically for queries that incorporate challenging
logic. Unlike SQL, a common challenge that impedes
the teaching and learning of these theoretical query
languages is the limited opportunity for students to
execute and validate their query statements against
an existing database. In addition, students indicated
that it would be more beneficial to them if they can
also see a corresponding SQL code to the queries for-
mulated in the theoretical languages. To the best of
our knowledge, there are very few existing tools that
support the execution of either algebra or calculus
queries. These tools have many limitations, and we
are developing a tool that answers all of these limita-
tions. Namely, our tool is Web-based, supports both
languages, not specific to a fixed database, generates
SQL for comparison purposes, utilizes tile-based pro-
gramming, and creates analysis logs.
We are thankful to the anonymous referees. Their
feedback helped us improve the paper.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education