Software-Defined Network Security over OpenStack Clouds:
A Systematic Analysis
Nicolas P. Lane
1 a
, Guilherme P. Koslovski
1 b
, Maur
ıcio A. Pillon
1 c
, Charles C. Miers
1 d
and Nelson M. Gonzalez
2 e
Graduate Program in Applied Computing (PPGCA), Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Brazil
IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Highs, NY, U.S.A.
Cloud Computing, OpenStack, Security, Openflow.
Cloud computing infrastructure is an enticing target for malicious activity due to its network and compute
capacity. Several studies focus on different aspects of cloud security from the client (tenant) side, leaving
a gap regarding the cloud provider’s infrastructure perspective. To address this gap, this study conducts a
systematic review of the literature on OpenStack, the most adopted open source cloud operating system. We
present a qualitative assessment of security vulnerabilities related do Openflow usage on OpenStack network
management. Based on this analysis we identify a critical vulnerability which affects the cloud infrastructure
via Software-Defined Networks. This reveals the urge for having more studies focusing on the provider’s
infrastructure side and associated tools and technologies.
Cloud computing is a well-established concept of re-
source and service provisioning to which new features
and technologies are constantly being incorporated.
Cloud computing depends on several enabler tech-
nologies, particularly ones related to virtualization. In
that sense, several solutions have been developed over
the years to manage the cloud infrastructure and pro-
vide services to customers.
A cloud operating system encompasses features
both to create this cloud infrastructure, including the
setup of virtualized resources, and interfaces to allow
user access. The ecosystem of cloud operating sys-
tems comprise proprietary and open source solutions.
In terms of security, still one of the main concerns
of cloud computing, proprietary solutions can only be
inspected from its interfaces since there is no access
to the source code, therefore hindering the process of
investigating vulnerabilities (CSA, 2017). In contrast,
open source solutions allow a thorough investigation
of internal mechanisms.
OpenStack, one of the most prominent open
source cloud platforms, stands out in terms of source
code auditing, project maturity, versatility, and con-
stant updates (Wen et al., 2012; Mullerikkal and Sas-
tri, 2015; Vogel et al., 2016; Iqbal and Dagiuklas,
2017). In its 18
release (codename Rocky) (Open-
StackRocky, 2018a), OpenStack organises its net-
works using three NDs (Network Domains) (Rosado
and Bernardino, 2014): management, guest, and pub-
lic. These NDs comprise networks managed by four
SecNDs (Security Network Domains): management,
guest, public, and data (OpenStack, 2018a). Net-
working is a fundamental cloud building block which
depends on a combination of technologies such as
VLAN, L2 tunnelling, and SDN (Software-Defined
In this paper we present the results of a system-
atic review of OpenStack security literature. We fo-
cus on OpenStack’s SDN-related mechanisms due
to vulnerabilities identified in the past (Thimmaraju
et al., 2016) and its relevance to the current Open-
Stack architecture. We identified a general lack of
studies on cloud networking performance and secu-
rity, in particular regarding cloud operating systems.
Also, most existing studies focus on a client per-
spective. Only one of the surveyed studies analyses
performance from an infrastructure provider perspec-
tive (Sciammarella et al., 2016), and none of them
Lane, N., Koslovski, G., Pillon, M., Miers, C. and Gonzalez, N.
Software-Defined Network Security over OpenStack Clouds: A Systematic Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0009471304230429
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), pages 423-429
ISBN: 978-989-758-424-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Studies on OpenStack SecNDs (Security Network Domains).
Addressed network security domain Focused upon
Public Guest Management Data Client Provider
(Lar et al., 2011) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Ristov et al., 2014) 3 3 3 7 3 7
(Carlsson, 2015) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Felsch et al., 2015) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Astrova et al., 2016) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Thimmaraju et al., 2016) 7 7 3 3 7 3
(Qiu et al., 2017) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Benjamin et al., 2017) 3 7 7 7 3 7
(Thimmaraju et al., 2018) 7 7 3 3 7 3
address provider security. This is especially impor-
tant for IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) since it is
the provider’s responsibilities to implement protec-
tion mechanisms and deploy secure infrastructure ser-
vices (CSA, 2017).
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2
presents the motivation for the investigation; Sec-
tion 3 presents OpenStack networking and SDN; Sec-
tion 4 presents a vulnerability vector; Section 5 analy-
ses a particular set of vulnerabilities identified in this
study; and Section 6 presents related work.
Our initial investigation efforts revealed a limited
number of studies related to OpenStack SecNDs, as
presented in Table 1. In each cell of the table the
symbols 3 and 7 indicate if a particular aspect is
addressed or not by each studied work. Most of
the studies addressed the public SecND, which is
focused on the client perspective of the cloud to
show potential customers the benefits of cloud com-
puting. Other client-focused studies have also been
published in less quantity over the years addressing
other SecNDs (Venzano and Michiardi, 2013; Sci-
ammarella et al., 2016). However, only two works
covered provider’s cloud infrastructure (Thimmaraju
et al., 2016; Thimmaraju et al., 2018). This lack of
provider-side studies is not desirable, especially con-
sidering that vulnerabilities (and potential mitigation
solutions) typically are a product of a wide spectrum
investigation of the mechanisms involved. One ex-
ample is the SDN-related vulnerability (Thimmaraju
et al., 2016) which could be exploited to compro-
mise the OpenStack’s cloud infrastructure. Moreover,
the consequences of a provider-side vulnerability may
spread through all infrastructure, therefore compro-
mising all its users. This motivated a more thorough
research of infrastructural security vulnerabilities fo-
cusing on the provider’s mechanisms.
3 OpenStack AND SDN
OpenStack’s main networking service is called Neu-
tron. Further technologies can be added using its
API (Application Programming Interface). Exam-
ples include FWaaS (Firewall-as-a-Service), SDN,
LBaaS (Load-Balancer-as-a-Service), and VPNaaS
(Virtual-Private-Network-as-a-Service) (OpenStack-
Rocky, 2018b). Particularly, SDN applied to Open-
Stack enhances the cloud network infrastructure man-
agement by providing elasticity, flexibility, and net-
work programmability. SDN separates switching
logic in the data plane and control plane, centring
its management over a single dedicated controller
or a cluster of distributed controllers that act as
a single entity through the use of location trans-
parency (Ku
zniar et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2015; Ma-
soudi and Ghaffari, 2016; Singh and Jha, 2017).
The SDN abstraction comprises three planes. The
application plane allows applications to request net-
work services to the control plane. The controller
communicates with the data plane and the switches
will forward the data at the physical layer based on
flow tables, which are managed by the SDN con-
troller. The SDN abstraction is solely based on vir-
tualization technologies. These three planes commu-
nicate using two specific types of APIs: the north-
bound API, for bidirectional communication between
the control plane and application plane; and the south-
bound API, for bidirectional communication between
control plane and data plane.
There are several SDN standards, such as Open-
Flow and ForCES. OpenStack uses OpenFlow, the
most prominent open source implementation for the
southbound API. The specification depends on the
support for the SDN controller solution and for the
vSwitch solution.
OpenStack’s network infrastructure is organised
in different NDs as presented in Figure 1. The public
ND comprises the external network, the public net-
work, and the API network. The management ND
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
comprises the storage network and the management
network. The guest ND only contains the guest net-
Figure 1: Network infrastructure of an OpenStack cloud.
NDs are used for servicing tasks and also for in-
ternal communication rules between cloud services
required for operability and portability. In Figure 2
the OpenStack NDs are presented with some exam-
ples of main services and their relation to OpenStack
Figure 2: OpenStack services associated to NDs.
Each ND has specific security mechanisms de-
fined by the SecND, which also specifies if communi-
cation between two NDs is possible and how it should
be conducted while addressing trust levels required by
each ND. The services associated to the SecNDs are
presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3: OpenStack services associated to security NDs.
4 OpenStack SDN Vulnerability
Based on the initial literature review we conducted
systematic research. We verified that OpenStack uses
Open vSwitch among several SDN and vSwitch con-
troller technologies. A SDN controller must be able
to communicate with Neutron through REST (Rep-
resentational State Transfer) in order to be supported
by OpenStack. Currently there are three main solu-
tions: Floodlight, OpenDaylight, and Ryu. Each solu-
tion has specific attributes, such as support for differ-
ent OpenFlow specifications and for different imple-
mentations of TLS (Transport Layer Security). There
are also similar aspects, such as open source projects
which support the same communication protocol.
Regarding vulnerabilities, we adopted two selec-
tion criteria to identify and evaluate SDN vulnerabil-
ities in OpenStack: 1)The results reported by the au-
thors of each study, focusing on main findings and the
potential impact of these vulnerabilities; and 2)Our
own analysis of the implications of the vulnerabilities
over the affected technologies regarding implementa-
tion, development, and official documentation from
each of the described projects.
Since OpenFlow is a common denominator for
these solutions, our systematic review used the fol-
lowing search string: “OpenFlow vulnerability OR
OpenFlow vulnerabilities OR OpenFlow flaw OR
OpenFlow flaws OR OpenFlow vulnerability* OR
OpenFlow vulnerabilities* OR OpenFlow flaw* OR
OpenFlow flaws*”. We adopted several scientific
search tools, such as Web of Knowledge, Engineer-
ing Village, and Scopus SciVerse. Table 2 presents
details of the results regarding the search tools used.
A hyphen indicates that the access to the tool was
restricted. Symbols 3 and 7 indicate service avail-
ability. This study was conducted until Decem-
ber 23, 2019.
Table 2: Scientific research tools and results.
Scientific research tool Results Promising Service tool
results status
Web of Knowledge - - 3
Engineering Village - - 3
Scopus SciVerse - - 7
IEEE Xplore 29 11 3
ACL DL 5.552 0 3
Science Direct 127 1 3
Springer Link 27 2 3
BASE 2 0 3
Scirus - - 7
InSpire HEP 0 0 3
CiteSeerX 1.787.998 0 3
DBLP 0 0 3
Ingenta Connect 0 0 3
Google Scholar 100 17 3
Due to the lack of studies addressing OpenStack
provider perspective, we also mapped all technolo-
gies with known vulnerabilities used in OpenStack.
The results are presented in the mind map in Figure 4,
which shows five major classes of potentially vulner-
able technologies. Our study focuses on SDNs since
there is a significant number of security reports re-
lated to it. Also, the figure addresses related technolo-
Software-Defined Network Security over OpenStack Clouds: A Systematic Analysis
Figure 4: Technologies associated to OpenStack.
gies specifically from the management network since
it is a very restricted network in terms of access from
the provider’s network. To the best of our knowl-
edge, these aspects have been not properly addressed
by previous works. One possible reason for this fact
is that this level of SecND is typically regarded as se-
cure, and therefore does not require further investiga-
tion, or because it does not directly face users, so the
main threat that could compromise the internal infras-
tructure are malicious insiders. However, the level of
trust delegated to this SecND heavily depends on ex-
isting bridges it has with other SecNDs, which lowers
its trust level. This is illustrated by Figure 5.
Figure 5: Trust between different OpenStack SecNDs,
Adapted from (OpenStack, 2018b).
Following the methodology and preliminary results
presented in the previous sections, we identified sev-
eral security vulnerabilities associated to technologies
used by OpenStack. Also, we identified chain re-
actions that might occur if a vulnerable technology
is used by another more complex technology that is
used by OpenStack, which consequently can be used
to exploit OpenStack infrastructure. This led to the
definition of a vulnerability vector which allows to
evaluate all the identified vulnerabilities. This vec-
tor affects OpenStack infrastructure solely through its
SDN-related mechanisms. The results are presented
in Table 3. Table 3 shows a total of 11 vulnerabili-
ties. We provide a qualitative classification based on
the severity and potential impact on OpenStack in-
High Severity: Vulnerability with potential to
compromise the SDN controller, subduing Neu-
tron’s architecture and allowing an attacker to
take control of the OpenStack infrastructure or
highly compromise its operability (Thimmaraju
et al., 2016). From the control plane the attacker
acquires privileged and unrestricted access over
OpenStack infrastructure.
Average Severity: Vulnerability with potential to
obtain sensitive information and even modify it,
which combined with other attacks has the po-
tential to compromise specific areas of the SDN
architecture. This access, however, is limited in
terms of privilege to a specific node.
Low Severity: Vulnerability with potential to ac-
quire information about the SDN architecture.
This typically is an initial step before launching a
more dangerous attack, so although it might have
low severity, it must be stopped before the attacker
acquires enough information about the system to
then compromise it with more severity.
Nine of the identified vulnerabilities are related to
ambiguities in OpenFlow specification (from version
1.0.0 on 2009 to 1.5.1 on 2015), most due to the lack
of a clear feature definition. The other two vulnerabil-
ities identified in our study are due to the implementa-
tion of unspecified services in regard to the OpenFlow
specification. One vulnerability only affects Open-
Daylight, while the other affects all controllers tested.
The most severe vulnerability is related to the usage of
the TLS 1.0 implementation for SDN controller com-
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Vulnerability vector over OpenStack’s SDN architecture.
Open source affected solutions
SDN controllers vSwitches
Floodlight 1.2 OpenDaylight Fluorine Ryu 2.28 OvS 2.10.90
Index Implicates Vulnerability alias Severity
Man-in-the-Middle High 3 3 3 3
2 Switch authentication High 3 3 3 7
3 Flow table Flow Table overlap Average 3 3 3 7
Excessive requests
towards the SDN
DoS– I
Low 3 3 3 7
Low network
intrusiveness DoS – II
Average 3 3
authorization criteria
for distributed
SDN architecture
High 3 3 3 7
Undefined granular
for distributed SDN
High 3 3 3 7
Switch tampering
High 3 3 3 3
9 Information
link information
disclosure – I
Low 3 3 3 7
disclosure – II
Low 3 3 3 7
Host tracking
Host hijacking attack Average 7 3 7 7
Table 3 also reveals that the majority of the iden-
tified vulnerabilities is related to excessive number
of requests to the SDN controller. An alternative
OpenFlow specification was produced in 2013 (ONF,
2013) to address this particular issue. However, the
security aspects are still not being adequately ad-
dressed in a timely fashion once discovered. A signif-
icant number of security studies (NWG, 2012; Chung
et al., 2013; OTHMAN, 2013; Dover, 2013; Ben-
ton et al., 2013; Kloti, 2013; Kandoi and Antikainen,
2015; Tiwari et al., 2014; Hong et al., 2015; Brooks
and Yang, 2015; Kandoi and Antikainen, 2015; Chel-
lani, 2016; Thimmaraju et al., 2016; Cui et al., 2016;
Agborubere and Sanchez, 2017; Dargahi et al., 2017;
Mostovich et al., 2017; Li et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
2018; Mutaher et al., 2018; Bhatia et al., 2018; Ilyas
and Khondoker, 2018) identified vulnerabilities in
OpenFlow and we observed that they usually exploit
the same vulnerability or a small variation over the
years until present time (2019). The vulnerability vec-
tor we engineered only maps vulnerabilities relevant
to the OpenStack SDN context, which operates along
with the OpenFlow southbound protocol of communi-
cation. Several of these vulnerabilities were first dis-
covered circa 2013 and they still affect the OpenFlow
Figure 6 summarises our findings in terms of num-
ber of vulnerabilities associated to each solution or
technology. Most vulnerabilities are associated to
OpenFlow’s specification. If the specification ad-
dressed vulnerabilities and issues already identified
by previous works, changed the TLS cryptography
standard to the required, and if OpenStack SDN re-
lated technologies implemented the appropriate TLS
standard at least four out of eleven ( 36%) vulnerabil-
ities would be mitigated, several with high severity.
Figure 6: Vulnerability distribution across technologies.
Due to the lack of studies focusing on the security
of management networks, we also analysed works
related to networking performance. (Venzano and
Michiardi, 2013) evaluate OpenStack’s capacity to
execute applications with high data volume. The au-
thors did not address aspects related to security. (Sci-
ammarella et al., 2016) provide a characterisation of
Software-Defined Network Security over OpenStack Clouds: A Systematic Analysis
management network traffic. The authors also did not
address security of these networks.
(Thimmaraju et al., 2016) provide a proof of con-
cept for vulnerabilities in Open vSwitch applied to
OpenStack. The authors exploited this vulnerability
over the SDN data plane, compromising the manage-
ment network domain and therefore acquiring unre-
stricted access to the cloud infrastructure. Finally,
(Thimmaraju et al., 2018) propose a new threat model
for virtual switches to satisfy the requirements identi-
fied in their previous study.
This work proposes a vulnerability vector addressing
security aspects related to technology and implemen-
tation with focus on the SDN technologies used by
OpenStack. We identified eleven vulnerabilities with
different levels of severity, which are related to the
potential damage they might inflict to OpenStack’s
infrastructure. Those with the highest severity can
be exploited to fully compromise the infrastructure.
Moreover, several of these vulnerabilities can be mit-
igated by adopting newer and more secure methods
to protect the traffic between different planes and se-
curity domains. We intend to extend our research to
other open source cloud platforms.
The authors would like to thank the support of
the LabP2D/UDESC, providing its facilities and re-
sources to the accomplishment of this research.
FAPESC supported LabP2D infrastructure.
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Software-Defined Network Security over OpenStack Clouds: A Systematic Analysis