5.1 Report of a Female Student
“I started the studies of Computer Science with no
prior programming experiences. As the introductory
software-engineering course started, I soon found out
that I was (1) one of the few students with no prior
programming experiences and (2) one of the very few
girls, which was quite intimidating. Because of the
high demands and rapid pace, students dropped out
week per week. In my opinion, these are the main
reasons for the high drop-out rate:
Collaboration: Students had to complete weekly as-
signments independently. Collaboration was not
allowed and in case of similar codes, the home-
work of all the students involved did not count.
However, especially beginners benefit from col-
laboration and improve their skills by learning
from and talking to each other. It could be ar-
gued, that students can indeed collaborate, they
only have to develop different algorithms. Nev-
ertheless, for students who are also not familiar
with algorithmic thinking, this can be a huge chal-
lenge. And in reality, aren’t software project usu-
ally planned and realized in teams?
Pace and Demands: As a programming beginner, I
needed to dedicate the major part of my time to
this course to be able to keep up the speed. Be-
sides my job and other courses, this meant very
long nights and long weekends. Furthermore, stu-
dents had to positively complete 80% of the as-
signments and at the same time, reach a certain
amount of points. These demands are very hard
to achieve and put a high pressure on the students.
Fortunately, this was the first semester, where a
weekly peer-learning group was offered for CS
students of the teacher training program. In these
weekly meetings, we worked on our own algo-
rithms, but in a very supportive environment. In
other words, in case we were stuck, there was a
tutor who led us to the right direction and gave us
very helpful advice. Luckily, in my case it was
worth the effort and I passed the course.
However, success very much depends on external sup-
port. Without professional support, like we had in the
peer-learning group, I would not have been able to
complete the course, which probably would also have
been the end of my computer science career.”
5.2 Report of a Teacher of the
Peer-learning Class
“As a teacher of the new peer-tutoring course, I
learned software engineering the classical way and
was challenged with difficult tasks, an extremely high
drop-out rate and hours of searching through the In-
ternet for answers. Teaching this course was a com-
plete new role for me. As a teacher I usually give
answers to questions. In this course I had to help the
students to find the answers on their own. This lim-
ited way to support the students worked better than
expected. It showed that a lot of difficulties were
the results of theoretical problems like “how does a
list work”. Furthermore, students started to help each
other, since they worked on the same task, the prob-
lems were quite similar. The course was offered to
students of two different Computer Science classes,
the basic one and the advanced. During the course I
realised that it is very challenging to stay up to date
with all tasks and to switch during the lesson in an-
swering questions to the basic and the advanced tasks.
Altogether, the new way in teaching showed me, that
students can help their fellow students in a very ef-
fective way and they have a lot of patience in helping
each other.”
In this paper we have presented the journey from a
tutoring group to a peer-teaching course in program-
ming. We had high drop-out rates in our program-
ming classes for beginners at our university. More and
more students created learning groups on their own
but they lacked experienced tutors. At first attempt,
we installed a peer tutoring group that met weekly. In
summer term 2019 the first peer-learning class based
on COOL Informatics and COOL Programming was
created that could be visited voluntarily. After two
semesters, we can already identify improvement in
terms of drop-out rates, exam attendance, and home-
work submissions.
We have identified the need for more collabora-
tion than just working alone on tasks therefore com-
petition has to be decreased. One remaining question
is the assessment of the programming tasks. If stu-
dents work in pairs or in groups on one project they
will hand in similar or even equal solutions. How can
a tutor distinguish between group work and cheating?
In the upcoming months, we will concentrate on
evaluating the survey and the exam grades to further
investigate the needs of programming beginners. We
also need to collect more data about the background
of our students, as their personal factors influenced
their learning outcomes. We do not have enough in-
formation to answer questions like:
1. How do prior programming knowledge and drop-
out likelihood correlate?
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education