required for the assessment of safety,
reliability and security risks of autonomous
logistic systems. Special focus should be put
on considering the interactions between
subsystem and their potential outcomes and
implications. Knowledge on Cyber Physical
Systems (CPS) and Systems of Systems
(SoS) theories is important in handling the
system complexity.
▪ Application of systems-theoretic approaches
to support safety assessments of new
autonomous technologies. This will support
especially the identification of software-
based safety issues and issues in challenging
mixed traffic situations.
▪ Application of relevant standards from other
domains to account for the lack of domain-
specific standardization for port machinery.
The challenges presented in this paper cover only a
part of the larger number of socio-technical and
economic challenges that need to be solved to enable
increasing automation in small and mid-size
terminals. In addition to the mostly technical safety
and dependability aspects presented in this paper, the
entire business case and various operational and asset
management strategies need to be considered to form
a comprehensive understanding of the effects of
autonomy. Solving these challenges could lead to
major advances in container logistics, increasing
efficiency and safety within the terminal, but also
helping in optimization of the entire logistics chain.
The work presented in this paper is part of the
AUTOPORT project funded by Business Finland
under the Smart Mobility programme.
AUTOPORT, 2020. Project website. Available:
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