At the time of writing, we started an evaluation of
the algorithm for some real building floors. In Fig-
ure 14, we took into consideration an emergency map
of a floor in our university and we applied the algo-
rithm to find the navigation network for this map: the
result is shown in Figure 15. Further work will follow
in several research directions. To validate the shape
of the network, we plan to collect various trajecto-
ries of moving people inside a building instructing
them to walk from the entrance to a given target and
compare their trajectories with the proposed naviga-
tion network to assess if it could be considered as the
representation of the average trajectory. Another de-
velopment is to find an automatic way of extracting
qualitative directions for moving inside the building
floor, similarly to the work of (Russo et al., 2014).
Directions should not be expressed in terms of angles
and metric distances, but in qualitative terms, making
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tini, 2015; Bartie et al., 2013; Clementini and Cohn,
2014; Tarquini and Clementini, 2008)). An extension
of the proposed network is necessary as well to con-
nect building floors among them via stairs or elevators
and with outdoor space.
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The Construction of a Network for Indoor Navigation