The above results in Table 1 are still preliminary,
and we are still monitoring this project by running
interviews with the project team to understand the
effect of using design thinking up front on the full life
cycle of the software development project. However,
the current results show a positive potential for design
thinking role as requirement engineering method.
Requirement Engineering usually faces the difficulty
of discovering and meeting the unarticulated and
changing needs of various stakeholder (Hehn et al.
2019). Current RE practices in software development
projects can be enhanced by applying DT and vice
versa (Hehn and Uebernickel 2018). As DT has the
potential of solving some challenges of Agile RE. As
a result, a better development process would lead to
better built product and ultimately improved UX.
Thus, integrating Design Thinking in current
Requirement Engineering studies a potential to
improve the outcome of development process.
Additionally, the case study we are running shows a
positive impact for the role of DT in software
development project. Future research is
recommended on special case studies where design
thinking is applied for mature software product in
large companies.
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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with
reference UIDB/50021/2020 and by the European
Commission program H2020 under the grant
agreement 822404 (project QualiChain).
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