Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists
Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo, Raphael Melo Thiago, Marcelo Nery dos Santos
and Renato Cerqueira
IBM Research, IBM, Av. Pasteur, 146, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Data Science, Big Data, Knowledge Intensive Processes.
The analysis of large volumes of data is a field of study with ever increasing relevance. Data scientists is
the moniker given for those in charge of extracting knowledge from Big Data. Big data is high-volume,
high-velocity and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information
processing for enhanced insight and decision making. The exploration done by data scientists relies heavily
on the practitioner experience. These activities are hard to plan and can change during execution – a type of
process named Knowledge Intensive Processes (KiP). The knowledge about how a data scientist performs her
tasks could be invaluable for her and for the enterprise she works. This work proposes Experiment Workbench
(EW), a system that assists data scientists in performing their tasks by learning how a data scientist works
in-situ and being a co-agent during task execution. It learns through capturing user actions and using process
mining techniques to discover the process the user executes. Then, when the user or her colleagues work in
the learned process, EW suggests actions and/or presents existing results according to what it learned towards
speed up and improve user wok. This paper presents the foundation for EW development (e.g., the main
concepts, its components, how it works) and discuss the challenges EW is going to address.
Data scientists work at extracting actionable knowl-
edge from data sources that can be heterogeneous, un-
structured, incomplete and/or very large. Increasing
volume of data collected by companies make the role
of data scientists vital to business success. Beyond
the technical skills, data scientists must also be capa-
ble of using extracted knowledge as the driving force
behind actual changes in business course (Davenport
and Patil, 2012). The work of a data scientist can
be categorized as knowledge work (Davenport, 2005),
and the processes she performs as Knowledge Inten-
sive Processes (KiPs).
KiPs are characterized by activities that cannot be
easily planned, may change on the fly and are driven
by the contextual scenario that the process is embed-
ded in (Di Ciccio et al., 2012). This conjunction of
factors presents an opportunity to improve data scien-
tist’s efficiency through providing tools that can trans-
form tacit procedural knowledge into explicit knowl-
edge that is useful, both to the individual data scientist
and to enterprises at large.
This work proposes a Joint Cognitive System
(JCS) called Experiment Workbench (EW). JCS is de-
fined as the combination of human problem solver and
the automation and/or technologies that must act as
co-agents to achieve goals and objectives in a com-
plex work domain (Hollnagel and Woods, 2005). The
idea of a human-computer symbiosis is gaining mo-
mentum in the Cognitive Computing research (Kelly,
2015) where humans and computers collaborate, us-
ing their unique and powerful capabilities, to build an
environment where knowledge is created and evolves
over time considering environment events.
Experiment Workbench’s goal is to learn how data
scientists actually perform their daily activities to as-
sist them in future cases. This might be done by cap-
turing user actions in logs and using Process Mining
techniques to discover the underlying process. Pro-
cess mining uses data recorded in event logs to extract
how the process was actually performed. Each event
in the log refers to an activity (i.e., a well-defined step
in some process) and is related to a particular case
(i.e., a process instance) (Van der Aalst, 2013).
Given the nature of the work performed by data
scientists, Experiment Workbench’s goal is to support
them in their tasks, being unable to replace the human
factors associated with the KiPs. A close collabora-
tion between data scientists and a JCS (our EW) is
Azevedo, L., Thiago, R., Santos, M. and Cerqueira, R.
Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists.
DOI: 10.5220/0009489905880595
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 588-595
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
likely to succeed than they working separately (Lay-
ton et al., 1994). Experiment Workbench will help
to shine a light on how data scientists perform their
work and also streamline their workflows by provid-
ing shortcuts for repetitive tasks: started manually by
data scientists or automatically by Experiment Work-
bench itself.
The remainder of this paper is divided as follows.
Section 2 presents a background of the main concepts:
Data Scientist, Knowledge Intensive Process (KIP),
and Process Mining. Section 3 presents Experiment
Workbench requirements and a proposal for its archi-
tecture. Section 4 discusses the main challenges be-
hind the use of Experiment Workbench in Data Sci-
entist daily activities. Finally, Section 5 presents the
conclusion, the current state of this research, and pro-
posals of future work.
This section presents the background required to un-
derstand the proposal of this work.
2.1 Data Scientists and KDD
Data scientists’ role is relatively new (circa 2008),
therefore there is no consensus about the meaning of
the term nor the responsibilities and boundaries of the
role, besides the precise definition is not a pressing
issue (Provost and Fawcett, 2013). However, it is
valuable to understand how the role is related to other
important concepts, like: “Big Data”, “data analysts”
and “data mining”.
Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and high-
variety information assets that demand cost-effective,
innovative forms of information processing for en-
hanced insight and decision making
. The role of the
data scientist arises as a necessity: how to bring for-
ward knowledge from databases with ever increasing
complexity - larger, more heterogeneous, less struc-
tured and incomplete data.
In this scenario, structured data analysis alone is
not enough. There is a lot of knowledge to be ex-
tracted joining disparate data sources. Although tool-
ing are almost the same (e.g., data mining techniques),
the insights should be more aligned to businesses and,
more than that, they should present hypotheses and
conclusions in a way compelling enough to change
businesses courses. Hence, data scientists are respon-
sible for capturing and propagating knowledge ex-
tracted from databases that may be big, unstructured,
heterogeneous and may have incomplete data. Be-
yond their technical skills, data scientists have to un-
derstand how to tell a story compellingly enough to
convince C level executives. Besides, the story should
be strongly supported by actual data.
Our proposal, the Experiment Workbench, will
assist data scientists in their data exploration activi-
ties. Experiment Workbench will need to understand
which process the data scientist executes during ex-
ploration tasks. Figure 1 presents an overview of the
“Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining” (KDD)
process (Fayyad et al., 1996). KDD process is inter-
active and iterative, and with multiple points where
user decision influences execution. The KDD process
has seven steps: (i) Understand the domain and gather
contextual knowledge; (ii) Create a target dataset by
selecting relevant data where discovery will be per-
formed; (iii) Clean the data (e.g., remove noise),
gather other information, apply strategies to handle
missing information; (iv) Find useful features to rep-
resent the data, reducing dimensionality and apply-
ing some transformation methods, effectively reduc-
ing the search space; (v) Choose the particular data
mining methods, techniques and features that will be
used to find patterns in the prepared data; (vi) Inter-
pret mined patterns, e.g., visualizing the pattern and
the data underlying the extracted models; (vii) Incor-
porate the knowledge discovered into other systems or
simply document the acquired knowledge for further
CRISP-DM (CRoss Industry Standard Process for
Data Mining) (Shearer, 2000) presents a slightly mod-
ified view of KDD’s process (Figure 2), which starts
with activities to understand the business and the data,
which represents our goal to understand the activities
a user perform to execute her work in data science.
In Experiment Workbench context, our goal is to give
different level of process abstractions, which may be
framed like the four level breakdown of CRISP-DM,
with variable granularity (Figure 3): from coarser
grains (i.e., more general), at the same level of KDD
overview, to finer grains, getting closer to the actual
KDD process is defined in very broad terms. Each
step in the process can be “implemented” in differ-
ent ways. The process is unpredictable, i.e., differ-
ent instances of the process with the same goal can
present very different execution paths. This fact clas-
sifies the KDD process as a Knowledge Intensive Pro-
cess (KiP) (Eppler et al., 1999).
KDD acronym can also mean “Knowledge Discovery
in Databases”.
Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists
Figure 1: Overview of KDD process (Fayyad et al., 1996).
Figure 2: CRISP-DM (Shearer, 2000).
Figure 3: Four level breakdown of the CRISP-DM (Shearer,
2.2 Knowledge Intensive Processes
Business processes are core assets of organizations.
They corresponds to “chains of events, activities and
decisions”. Business Process Management (BPM)
has the goal to oversee how work is performed in
an organization to ensure consistent outcomes and to
take advantage of improvement opportunities (Dumas
et al., 2013).
Knowledge Intensive Processes (KiPs) are a spe-
cific class of business processes characterized by “ac-
tivities that cannot be planned easily, may change
on the fly and are driven by the contextual scenario
that the process is embedded in” (Di Ciccio et al.,
2012). KiPs are knowledge- and data-centric, and
require flexibility at design- and run-time (Di Ciccio
et al., 2015). People that act in KiPs are called knowl-
edge workers. They are workers that “think for a liv-
ing” (Davenport, 2005). Data scientists are a specific
type of knowledge worker.
Figure 4 shows the process spectrum. It relates
knowledge intensity with predictability and structur-
ing. As a general rule, structure, predictability and
automation are inversely proportional to knowledge
intensity. A process that is completely unpredictable
and, therefore, non repeatable, is classified as an un-
structured process, i.e., no underlying rule governs
how the process instance behaves. On the other hand,
highly predictable processes are the structured ones,
i.e., new instances behave very orderly, following a
set of predefined rules.
Figure 4: The spectrum of process management (Di Ciccio
et al., 2012).
Using these categories, KDD’s process overview
seems to be a loosely structured process. One of Ex-
periment Workbench’s goal is to provide higher levels
of structure to the data exploration process enacted
by data scientists. We hypothesize that even within
highly chaotic processes, experts use heuristics, de-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
veloped in ad hoc manner, to achieve their goal (intu-
ition). In our proposal, some of these heuristics could
be represented using fragments of processes. Discov-
ering such fragments would allow Experiment Work-
bench to pass KDD process from “loosely structured”
to “unstructured with pre-defined segments”, maybe
even to “structured with ad hoc exceptions”. This
would depend on how mature the process actually is.
2.2.1 Process Mining
Process mining is a discipline that relates data min-
ing and process intelligence. Process intelligence
is the discovery, analysis and verification of pro-
cess effectiveness in improvement of business (Du-
mas et al., 2013). Process mining is performed over
data recorded in event logs, containing information
that was created during the execution of the pro-
cess (van der Aalst and Weijters, 2004). A process
discovered through mining event logs is called as-is
process, i.e., it presents the process that really runs.
On the other hand, a modeled processes is called to-
be process, i.e., it presents how the process should run
(Dumas et al., 2013).
There are three approaches in process mining (Du-
mas et al., 2013): process discovery, process anal-
ysis and process verification. Mining the as-is pro-
cess instances transforms tacit knowledge into ex-
plicit knowledge. These three approaches have the
potential to help knowledge workers executing KiPs
by partially automating the process and supporting
the visualization of the as-is process. Even if full au-
tomation and instrumentation of the processes is not
possible, it might be feasible to find fragments of pro-
cesses which are stable, and automate them or make
them explicit to be used as a source of learning by
non-experts. Viewing the as-is process transforms a
tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, making the
worker more aware of her own workflow.
The Experiment Workbench assists data scientists.
Its main functionality is mine fragments of the ex-
ploratory process executed by data scientists. These
processes are extracted from data captured by moni-
toring the interaction between data scientists and her
tools. Experiment Workbench has three main dis-
tinct operation phases: (i) Monitor data scientist;
(ii) Learn models; (iii) Apply models.
In Phase (i) (Monitor data scientist), Experiment
Workbench collects data about the interaction of the
data scientist with tools (e.g., user-application events),
and creates event logs which are stored in a prove-
nance database. Provenance data helps track the
derivation history of a data product (Simmhan et al.,
2005), which allows answering questions like: “What
activities were executed to achieve the result x?”,
“Who was responsible for producing the result y?”,
“Which were the parameters that generated data z?”.
Provenance data is an extra layer of information on
top of event logs.
Information captured in Phase (i) is used in Phase
(ii) (Learn models) to construct models (e.g., pro-
cesses or probabilistic models) that may help data sci-
entists in future explorations. The main goal of this
phase is to mine as-is processes, using provenance to
create a predictive model that relates application fea-
tures to process fragments (i.e., sets of structured ac-
In Phase (iii), Experiment Workbench effectively
helps data scientists by providing features, such as:
Feature 1. Visualization of as-is executions;
Feature 2. Query provenance data;
Feature 3. Composing existing functions;
Feature 4. Automating repeatable process frag-
Feature 5. Preprocessing data and making it
available on-demand, minimizing user
waiting times;
Feature 6. Suggesting tasks to be executed.
Experiment Workbench is an assistant tool helping
data scientists towards increased productivity and sat-
isfaction. It does not have an objective to replace data
scientist but rather working with her in a collaborative
way. The ability to understand how the explorations
are being executed (Feature 1) and querying prove-
nance data (Feature 2) allows data scientists to have
deep insight into their own work. Composing existing
functions (Feature 3) allows the scientist to shortcut
repetitive tasks, the same applies to the automation
of some tasks (Feature 4). Experiment Workbench
also processes data and makes it available to the user
in a on-demand way (Feature 5). Lastly, Experiment
Workbench may suggest relevant tasks to the data sci-
entist (Feature 6), and she can choose the most appro-
priate course of actions.
Figure 5 presents an overview of Experiment
Workbench’s solution components. They are divided
in three layers directly related with the three operation
phases: Monitor data scientist; Learn models; and,
Apply model.
In Monitor Data Scientist (P.1), information cap-
turing is implemented by the following components:
Functionality Register, Execution Listener and Inter-
action Tracker. Functionality Register is responsible
Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists
Figure 5: Experiment Workbench’s architecture.
for managing (e.g., gathering and storing) informa-
tion about the systems used by the data scientist, i.e.,
the systems’ functionalities. Among this information
is input and output data, and how the functionalities
can be accessed, e.g., the URL to access the service
functionality. Execution Listener collects information
regarding the interaction between the data scientist
and the tools. Data gathered by Execution Listener
are stored by Interaction Tracker in the provenance
database. The Execution Listener uses mechanisms
to intercept functionalities calls or the user include
explicitly the call interceptor in tools’ code using a
library. Spring interceptor
is an example of mecha-
nisms for the former case when the application is im-
plemented as Java Servlet. For the latter case, the ap-
plication developer uses a library that has functions to
call the Interaction Tracker component to store the
information needed to log the user events. Exam-
ples of tools that fit this case is ProvLake and Ko-
madu in the multiworkflow, but they are focused in
application code without necessarily gathering user
actions with the system, but rather automatic work-
flow execution. ProvLake (Souza et al., 2019) is a tool
that adopts design principles for providing efficient
distributed data capture from workflows while Ko-
madu (Gaignard et al., 2017)(Missier et al., 2010) is a
distributed data capture solution that integrates prove-
nance data in a multiworkflow execution. The Inter-
action Tracker receives log data, transforms it accord-
ing to a provenance schema (e.g., W3C Prov (Gil
et al., 2013)) and stores it in the provenance database.
Model Learn (P.2) is performed by the compo-
nents: Process Miner, Fragment Extractor and Model
builder. Process Miner uses information gathered
in P.1 to mine as-is processes, i.e., to discover the
process structure from the events. Some examples
of tools that can be used to perform process min-
ing are ProM (Van Dongen et al., 2005) and Apro-
more (La Rosa et al., 2011) (which are open-source),
and Disco
, Celonis
and ProcessGold
(which are
commercial). Fragment Extractor uses discovered as-
is processes to find highly correlated process frag-
ments. The semantic of the process (e.g., activities
data, business rules, business requirements and roles)
and the process’ workflow patterns (van Der Aalst
et al., 2003) (e.g.,, parallel split sequence, exclusive
choice and simple merge) may be used to find the
fragments. Model Builder extract rules to govern
when a particular process fragment can be used.
Apply Model (P.3) is enacted through: Process
Viewer, Task Adviser and Function Caller. The layer
P.3 is the closest to the data scientist, being respon-
sible to assist her. Process Viewer allows visualiza-
tion of interactions as processes. Task Adviser ad-
vice on next steps to execute and, through an inter-
action with Process Viewer, presents the current ex-
ecution as a process. Task Adviser can call Function
Caller to automate execution of some fragments, it
also presents results from these executions. Function
Caller exposes found process fragments as function-
alities, which are compositions of interactions with
data scientist’s tools.
This section discusses the main challenges the Exper-
iment Workbench should address. The discussion is
divided by challenges in each of the three operation
4.1 Monitor Data Scientist
The availability of monitoring data related to the data
scientist work is an important requirement for Experi-
ment Workbench. This data represents the interaction
between data scientists and the tools she uses. Mon-
itoring presents different types of challenges: some
psychological, others technical. Among the psycho-
logical challenges are:
P.I. The idea of constant monitoring may be resisted
by users. The resistance may stem from a fear
of having their workflow questioned;
P.II. Monitoring should concern not storing user sen-
sitive data;
P.III. The user may change her behavior when she
knows she is being monitored.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Technical challenges related to monitoring raises
when analyzing data gathering options:
T.I. Modifying existing tools that may have closed
source, which brings questions like:
(a) If there is no access to the tools’ source
code, data capture is very difficult or even
not possible. Interceptor mechanisms should
be used, but still it should be possible to in-
tercept the tool’s functionalities execution;
(b) If systems are managed by a third party, it re-
quires negotiations and agreements between
T.II. Monitoring the environment where the interac-
tion between data scientist and the tools takes
place, which requires:
(a) Monitor all the different environments where
interactions may happen which may require
the use and instrumentation of sensors;
(b) Understand environment semantics and cap-
ture environment state in proper ways be-
sides tools functionalities, and be able to in-
tegrate environment and tools captured data.
T.III. The scientist inform the Experiment Work-
bench while performing her activities, which
(a) More work to be done. Data scientist’s cog-
nitive load might already be high, or given
the exploratory characteristics of the tasks
being done, she may think it is not worth to
formalize each step, while in fact, each step
gives a little more insight regarding the data
and the overall process.
(b) This approach could be bothersome for the
data scientist.
4.2 Learn Models
Assuming the monitoring phase captures all relevant
data, the next phase is to learn what a data scientist
I. Using provenance data may increase the accu-
racy of process mining techniques. Provenance
data may add another layer of information or se-
II. Some of the decisions made by data scientists
are likely to be based on features appearing on
the manipulated data. Generalizing this process
of feature selection, aiming at automation, is a
non-trivial task.
III. Visualization tools should be used to show to
the data scientist what was learned, and give her
the possibility to make adjustments, and give
feedback on what was captured and what was
learned. This feedback may trigger refactoring
of the capturing and the learning techniques.
4.3 Apply Models
The application of the learned model has the follow-
ing challenges:
I. Online classification of the current tasks might
be too costly;
II. Call the functionalities of the tools used by the
data scientist may not be easy due to closed
code, hardware requirements, tools technology
III. Execute automatically a task on behalf of the
user may rise privacy constraints;
IV. Completely autonomous execution of process
fragments might consume a lot of resources.
This can be prohibitive either or both compu-
tationally and economically.
This work presented the proposal of Experiment
Workbench, a tool aiming at supporting data scien-
tists, automating, suggesting and presenting a histor-
ical view of their daily tasks. The research behind
Experiment Workbench is still in its initial state; how-
ever, this work presents the basis upon development.
We touched important definitions related to the
problem: what is a data scientist; how her work is re-
lated to Knowledge Intensive Processes; ideas about
using process modeling to represent both data mining
activities as well as KiPs; and, how process mining
could be used to solve the problem. We presented an
overview of the main Experiment Workbench compo-
nents and the main challenges it should address.
Experiment Workbench work is divided into
three main phases: (i) Monitor data scientist work;
(ii) Learn what she does; and, (iii) Apply the learned
activities to help her in her daily tasks. To be able to
support each phase many technologies and concepts
should be used in the implementation of Experiment
Workbench, such as:
(i) Provenance representation, capture, storage and
(ii) Process mining to learn the process the data sci-
entist execute;
Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists
(iii) Cognitive Computing and Joint Cognitive sys-
tems to allow properly human-computer sym-
(iv) Process automation and software/component
composition to allow the combination of tools
functionalities to automate user work;
(v) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) which is
a research area that investigates and explores
human-computer symbiosis;
(vi) Visualization techniques and tools in order to
provide the learned knowledge to the data sci-
entist so she can properly understand what was
learned and how it was learned, and be able to
give feedback;
(vii) Recommendation systems or recommender sys-
tems which are software tools and techniques
that provide suggestions to support users’ deci-
sions (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005).
HCI and AI expertise are been combined for some
time (Grudin, 2009). The combination of HCI and
AI research is been a concerned of major tech com-
panies like Google
, which launched an initiative to
study and redesign the ways people interact with AI
systems (Holbrook, 2017).
As future work, we are going to further evaluate
solutions for the main challenges EW faces and im-
plement the proposed architecture considering: the
use of provenance data to improve process mining;
extracting relevant process fragments from a pool of
process instances; diminishing the usage obstacles -
in particular those related with monitoring; connect-
ing ideas of Cognitive System Engineering methods
(Elm et al., 2008)(Bonaceto and Burns, 2006) to find
points in the interaction that can be improved and how
they could be improved.
We also aiming at performing case studies to eval-
uate the tool in O&G area. The evaluation is not an
easy tasks due to the several challenges Experiment
Workbench has to deal with. We believe study case
fits this work because it is an empirical research in a
real context and there are variables in the investiga-
tive pheomenon we do not know or we do not want
to control. Evaluation in real scenario will allow ob-
servation of how data scientist engage in their tasks
using Experiment Workbench. A case study approach
suggests the use of several data sources to deep the in-
vestigation, which meet Experiment Workbench eval-
uation mainly because the disparate characteristics of
its components (Pimentel, 2011)(Yin, 2015).
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Experiment Workbench: A Co-agent for Assisting Data Scientists