fact that the transaction costs can be allocated
according to the originators of the business
transactions and the corresponding efforts.
The future process mining service offers the
platform operator enormous potential in analyzing
and evaluating the process data of the business
transactions. These process data can be used, for
example, to provide new insurance companies and/or
brokers with best practice procedures or to make
existing platform customers aware of weaknesses in
their processes.
From a technological point of view, the
methodology of domain-driven design (DDD), the
implementation of the SmartInsur platform as a micro
services architecture and the agile development
process using Scrum (Sutherland, 2014) have shown
more than practicable for the complex application
scenario. We believe that the combination of these
methodologies was the only feasible way to realize a
first version of the completely new platform in the
short time period of less than a year. We also believe,
that this technological approach guarantees easy
extensibility and flexibility for the operation and
future enhancement of the SmartInsur platform.
We want to thank all the people that have contributed
directly or indirectly to the creation of this paper.
Special thanks go to Jürgen Brück (Smart InsurTech
AG) for fruitful discussions and very helpful
comments on drafts of this paper.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems