of the system. This additional knowledge at an early
stage could be very beneficial to the ECU develop-
ment process. For instance, the additional resources
(e.g. processor workload) could be utilized to further
extend or improve the functionality of AEBS (e.g. by
decreasing the period of the system end-to-end path)
or replace the ECU with a slower, cheaper version, to
save costs in mass production. At this development
stage, such design changes are still possible without
major consequences.
This work is supported by a grant (id:
KF2312004KM4) from BMWi-ZIM co-operation,
Germany and carried out in cooperation with Willert
Software Tools GmbH and SymtaVision GmbH.
The authors thank Stephan Wessels M.Sc (Uni
Osnabrueck) and Dr. Arne Noyer (Willert Software
Tools) and for their contribution with AEBS use case
and importer/exporter tool respectively.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering