trast to their single use. Discovered vulnerabilities
help manufacturers and integrators of ICS to reduce
the attack vectors of their web applications and im-
proves their security in general.
Future work comprises the improvement of URL
indices in order to reduce false positives. The au-
thentication add-on for selenium needs some work to
extract session data from the used browser engine to
pass them to the WAS. More WAS can be evaluated
and integrated in HelpMeICS to improve its perfor-
mance. Finally, more DUTs can be tested to detect
and analyze even more vulnerabilities.
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istry of Education and Research within the frame-
work of the project KASTEL SKI in the Competence
Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL)
and by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Hous-
ing, Baden-W
urttemberg, within the research project
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