Towards Securing LoRaWAN ABP Communication System
Hassan N. Noura
, Ola Salman
, Tarif Hatoum
, Mohammad Malli
and Ali Chehab
American University of Beirut, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lebanon
Arab Open University, Department of Computer Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon
IoT, LoRaWAN, ABP, OTAA, Security Attack, Lightweight Security Solution.
A large number of power-constrained devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). Deployed
in large areas, the battery-powered IoT devices call for power efficient and long range communication tech-
nologies. Consequently, the Low Power Wide Area Networks(LPWAN) were devoted to being the key IoT
enablers. In this context, LoRaWAN, an LPWAN technology, is one of the main IoT communication proto-
cols candidates. However, LoRaWAN suffers from different security and privacy threats. These threats lead
to several availability, authentication, and privacy attacks. In this paper, we present efficient countermeasures
against two well-known ABP attacks (eavesdropping and replay). The proposed solution aims at making LoRa
ABP end-devices safer, more secure and more reliable. In fact, the proposed solution is based on the dynamic
key derivation scheme. We presented two variants of dynamic key derivation: counter-based and channel
information-based. A set of security and performance tests shows that the proposed countermeasures present
low overhead in terms of computation and communication resources with a high level of security.
Recently, the LoRaWAN technology is presented as
key enabler for the IoT applications that require the
transmission and reception of a a small amount of
data at a low date rate within a range of few Kilo-
meters. LoRaWAN data rate varies between 0.3 to 50
kbps, depending on both range and interference. Lo-
RaWAN uses a wide bandwidth which helps in resist-
ing against interference and noise, and achieving high
power efficiency. Besides, it uses specific frequencies
which are 868MHZ and 900MHZ, with the transmis-
sion range being dependent on the environment.
The LoRaWAN architecture is based on the star
topology as shown in Figure 1. The IoT devices
are connected to the LoRaWAN end-devices (EDs),
which are directly connected to one (or more) gate-
way(s). Each gateway (GW) is connected to the net-
work server(NS), which can be connected to one or
more application servers(AS). In fact, the connection
between LoRaWAN EDs and GWs is a LoRaWAN
communication, whilst the connection between the
GW and the AS is a traditional IP connection.
Mainly, an ED can be connected to LoRaWAN by
using one of two activation modes, that can be Over-
The-Air-Activation (OTAA) or Activation by Person-
alization (ABP). After activation, the EDs commu-
nicate the messages, that are authenticated and en-
crypted, by using a network key NwSKey and applica-
tion key AppSKey, respectively with the NS. The NS
knows the NwSKey of all EDs, while the AS knows
the AppSKey of all EDs. However, the difference be-
tween the ABP and the OTAA is that in ABP, all the
secret keys and identifiers are static, and they are all
allocated at the ED. In addition, with ABP, the EDs
are connected to the NS directly without any request.
However, in OTAA, a join procedure is mandatory
for the ED to connect to the network. In addition,
in OTAA, the session keys are updated for each new
1.1 Problem Formulation
In LoRaWAN v1.1, new security enhancements are
introduced. However, given that the root keys are
static and the identifiers (e.g. JoinUI, DevNonce, etc.)
used to generate the session keys are transmitted in
plaintext, side channel and node capture attacks are
still possible. Thus, both LoRaWAN v1.0 and v1.1
suffer from availability, integrity and confidentiality
attacks in both ABP and OTAA activation modes (El-
defrawy et al., 2019). In this paper, we will focus on
the ABP eavesdropping and replay attacks.
1.2 Motivation
LoRaWAN is a wireless technology that permits the
connection of constrained IoT devices. These IoT de-
Noura, H., Salman, O., Hatoum, T., Malli, M. and Chehab, A.
Towards Securing LoRaWAN ABP Communication System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561104400447
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), pages 440-447
ISBN: 978-989-758-424-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: LoRaWAN Topology.
vices include sensors and embedded devices in auto-
mobiles, homes, roads and bridges, appliances and
farms equipment. These devices generate different
types of data, changing the way the data is produced
and experienced. IoT obviously represents a great op-
portunity for advances in data analysis (Verma et al.,
2017). The collection and processing of data from IoT
devices by the application servers is gaining attention,
except from a security perspective.
The security mechanism designed to protect com-
munications must provide appropriate assurances in
terms of confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and
non-repudiation of information flow. In fact, the IoT
security is very critical in terms of protection of data
transfer between the end-devices and the servers via
the transparent gateways. Such security problems are
related to different types of attacks which may jeop-
ardize the data transmission process between the IoT
devices and the network (Salman et al., 2018; Salman
et al., 2015; Salman et al., 2017).
1.3 Contributions
This paper focuses on the design of efficient coun-
termeasures against eavesdropping and replay attacks
for LoRaWAN in the ABP activation mode. The main
goal of this work is to reach high level of security with
the minimum possible resources and latency require-
A new efficient, flexible, lightweight and secure
dynamic key derivation algorithm is proposed for Lo-
RaWAN EDs. The strength of the proposed cipher
scheme is that it employs the dynamic key approach
and an update function that are iterated only when the
session counter reaches the maximum value. These
operations are designed to require minimum number
of operations and to preserve the desirable crypto-
graphic performance. To accomplish this objective,
the dynamic key approach is employed, and dynamic
network and application keys are produced for each
reset operation. The network and application dynamic
keys depend on the static network key along with the
application secret key, in addition to a reset counter
which is incremented by one for each reset. The dy-
namic key approach makes the collected traffic non-
useful in the next reset session, which consequently
prevents the replay or eavesdropping attacks. In ad-
dition, the proposed solution ensures a good crypto-
graphic performance while requiring a low computa-
tional complexity.
1.4 Organization
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, we review the previous work proposing cryp-
tographic solutions to enhance the LoRaWAN secu-
rity. The different classes of LoRaWAN EDs in addi-
tion to the ABP activation mode are described in Sec-
tion 3. In Section 4, LoRaWAN security attacks are
explained and illustrated. Then, in Section 5, the two
variants of the proposed countermeasure, which is
based on a dynamic key derivation algorithm, are de-
scribed. Then, a security analysis is included in Sec-
tion 6 to show the robustness of the proposed coun-
termeasure, which makes the LoRaWAN security at-
tacks inapplicable. Moreover, the performance of the
proposed countermeasure is analysed in Section 7. Fi-
nally, the conclusions along with the directions for fu-
ture work are presented in Section 8.
In this section, we review the cryptographic based so-
lutions for the LoRaWAN security threats. The bit
flipping attack consists of changing one bit in the ci-
phertext without decrypting it. This attack is possible
due to the use of AES in the counter mode. A solu-
tion to shuffle the ciphertext is proposed in (Lee et al.,
2017). A dual activation solution is proposed (Kim
and Song, 2017a). This solution consists of gener-
ating new keys Nwk
Key and App
Key to thwart the
node capture and side channel attacks. A replay attack
prevention is proposed by modifying the reset condi-
tion in (Kim and Song, 2017b). In this case, the join
procedure is performed only when the NwkSKey is
lost at the ED . Another work considering the protec-
tion of EDs from the replay attack is done in (Sung
et al., 2018). Measuring the Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) of the received join request signal,
the NS can differentiate between the user and the at-
tacker. However, this method is not reliable when the
attacker and the user are at the same distance. In ad-
dition, the LoRaWAN ED might not be at fixed posi-
tion. An AES scheme for AppSKey and D-Box up-
date each k days is proposed in (Tsai et al., 2018).
Towards Securing LoRaWAN ABP Communication System
The proposed solution is based on a lightweight and
efficient AES version. Another work that considers
the management of NwkSKey and AppSKey by in-
troducing an adaptation security layer protocol based
on Ephemeral Diffie–Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)
is proposed in (Sanchez-Iborra et al., 2018). How-
ever, the considered device for performance testing
does not conform with many of the IoT constrained
devices capabilities. In (Xia et al., 2018), a key man-
agement framework based on a trusted Key Distribu-
tion Server (KDS) based scheme is proposed. Intro-
duced in (Ruotsalainen and Grebeniuk, 2018; Zhang
et al., 2018), the feasibility of secure key gener-
ation based on the wireless channel measurements
(i.e. Received Signal Strength Information (RSSI))
is conducted in (Xu et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2018).
Even though LoRaWAN v1.1 presents new security
measures that aim at enhancing the LoRaWAN se-
curity, however the confidentiality attacks are still
possible. Thus, the update of the root keys used
for deriving the session keys is necessary to avoid
the session keys disclosure. For this aim, a Rabbit
cipher-stream based key derivation function is pro-
posed in (Han and Wang, 2018) to update the root
keys at the ED. In this paper, a dynamic key deriva-
tion scheme is proposed to prevent ABP replay and
confidentiality attacks. Two variants of this scheme
are presented: a counter-based and a piece of channel
information-based. By using the proposed dynamic
key approach, different dynamic network and appli-
cation keys are used for each reset time. Therefore,
different keystream will be produced, since the appli-
cation key is changed and consequently different ci-
phertext will be produced. This makes the confiden-
tiality attacks unfeasible. In parallel, by using a dif-
ferent network key, previously received messages will
not be validated, which consequently prevents replay
attack. The choice of the convenient scheme (counter-
based or channel information-based) is based on the
ED capabilities.
In this section, the different classes of LoRaWAN
EDs are first presented, then we explain the ABP ac-
tivation mode. Note that Table 1 represents the nota-
tions used in this paper.
3.1 LoRaWAN End-Devices
The LoRaWAN EDs are the IoT devices connected
to the LoRa network. These devices are connected
to the LoraWAN GW and send data to the LoRa net-
Table 1: Table of Notations.
Symbol Definition
CR Coding Rate
RC Reset Counter
NwkSKey Network Secret Key
AppS Key Application Secret Key
FNwkSIntKey MAC layer network integrity key
SNwkSIntKey Network session encryption key
NwkSEncKey Forwarding network session integrity
SSK Static secret key
work. Being sensors that measure pressure, velocity,
humidity, temperature, vibration, etc., the LoRaWAN
EDs are divided into three classes: A, B, and C, based
on the MAC layer operation (Aras et al., 2017; Au-
gustin et al., 2016; Vangelista et al., 2015).
3.2 Activation By Personalization (ABP)
Unlike OTAA, the ABP activation mode does not in-
clude a join procedure. In this case, the ED can
send and receive messages without the need to be au-
thenticated first by the network. However, for confi-
dentiality, the messages are encrypted and authenti-
cated using session keys preloaded inside each ED. In
fact, each ED has its unique session keys NwkSKey,
and AppSKeyy. Moreover, in LoaRaWAN v1.1,
three keys are introduced which are: FNwkSIntKey,
SNwkSIntKey, and NwkSEncKey. This way, if any
ED is compromised, the security of the other EDs
communications will not be compromised. In case of
ED reset, the ED sends the ResetIndMAC command
in FOpt for all the uplink messages, and waits for the
Resetcon f command. Otherwise, the ED sends and
receives the messages.
In this section, we describe the main LoRaWAN se-
curity attacks considered in the literature. Mainly,
we have two types of attacks that we aim at defend-
ing by our proposed solution, namely the replay and
eavesdropping attacks. Note that these attacks are still
valid for LoRaWAN v1.1. In addition, given that Lo-
RaWAN v1.0 is still in use, it is important to consider
both LoRaWAN v1.0 and v1.1 vulnerabilities when
proposing a new security solution.
4.1 Eavesdropping Attack
To ensure the message confidentiality, LoRaWAN
employs AES-128 in a counter mode. Thus, if two ci-
phertexts are being encrypted by the same key-stream
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
cipher (C1 = P1 K and C2 = P2 K), the attacker
is able to know the exclusive or (XOR) of the plain-
text messages by XORing the collected ciphertexts
(C1 C2 = P1 P2). Thus, in the ABP mode, where
the session keys are static, when the counter is reset,
the same key-stream cipher is obtained (Tsai et al.,
2018; Salinesi et al., 2011; Kuipers, ).
Note that this attack is only possible in ABP mode,
given that in OTAA mode, the session keys are up-
dated after a counter reset. In fact, to have a full
knowledge of the communicated messages, the at-
tacker needs to know or choose one of the plaintexts
P1 or P2 (Yang et al., 2018; Mundt et al., 2018).
Therefore, the confidentiality of next communication
messages is broken.
4.2 Replay Attack
The ABP replay attack consists of replaying old pack-
ets by the attacker. As the used session keys are static,
the attacker can replay the packets when the counter is
reset to 0 (Sung et al., 2018). In this case, the attacker
stores the uplink messages and replay them when the
counter is reset (Tomasin et al., 2017; Salinesi et al.,
2011; Na et al., 2017; Kim and Song, 2017b).
In order to defend against replay attacks, some sim-
ple countermeasures exist such as the use of time-
stamps, onetime passwords, and challenge-response
cryptography. Nevertheless, these schemes are in-
convenient, considering the vulnerabilities to which
challenge-response protocols are susceptible to. In
addition, to defend the key related attacks, key dy-
namicity is essential to limit the attack influence and
the attacker capabilities.
The LoRaWAN specification explicitly warns de-
velopers about generating secure network and appli-
cation keys: Each device should have a unique
set of ”NwkSKey” and ”AppSKey”. Compromis-
ing the keys of one ED should not compromise
the security of the communications of other de-
vices (Sisinni et al., 2018). The process to build those
keys cannot be derived in any way from any publicly
available information such as the Node address.
The characteristics of the proposed countermea-
sure are listed in the following:
Lightweight Countermeasure Scheme: The
proposed scheme uses a minimum number of it-
erations (operations), and it is only applied during
the reset operation. Our aim is to make the so-
lution lightweight towards reducing the required
memory and power consumption.
Flexibility: The proposed countermeasure is flex-
ible, in which we have two simple countermea-
sure variants(depends on LoRaWAN ED class).
The computational complexity of the first variant
is low compared to the second one, while the se-
curity level of the second one is higher compared
to the first one
Simple Hardware and Software Implementa-
tions: The proposed key derivation function uses
logical exclusive OR and can also use any secure
hash function (second variant), which renders the
corresponding hardware and software implemen-
tations of the proposed key derivation scheme to
be simple and efficient.
Dynamic Key Approach: In contrast to the ex-
isting cipher solutions, the proposed approach is
based on dynamic keys, which is variable and
changes in a pseudo-random manner after each
new reset operation. In addition, changing the
dynamic key produces different ciphertext and
MIC(s). The dynamic nature of the proposed ci-
pher provides high robustness against any kind of
attacks (Naoui et al., 2016).
High Level of Security.
5.1 Counter-based Countermeasure
The produced dynamic key depends on the static se-
cret keys that are embedded in the ED, in addition to
employing a reset counter number CR. The dynamic
network and application secret keys for EDs of class
A and B is presented in the following:
DSK = SSK CR (1)
In fact, the proposed technique mixes (exclusive or)
the static secret key (SSK) with the number of ses-
sions CR towards producing the dynamic secret keys
(DSK). The update of the dynamic secret keys for
class C EDs is presented in the following:
DSK = h(SS K CR) (2)
where h represents any secure cryptographic hash
function, such as SHA-512.
Each corresponding output (mixing between static
key and counter reset) is hashed to produce a dynamic
session key (DSK) for each new reset session as de-
scribed in the previous equation.
Note that the SSK and the corresponding DSK, as
shown in Figure 2, represent the static session keys
and their corresponding dynamic keys, respectively.
Towards Securing LoRaWAN ABP Communication System
These session keys include: NwkSKey, AppSKey,
FNwkSIntKey, SNwkSIntKey, and NwkSEncKey.
However, the difference between the previous dy-
namic key derivation functions and our proposed so-
lution is that we use a secure cryptographic hash func-
tion for EDs of class C, which have better characteris-
tics in terms of resources and computation compared
to EDs of class A and B.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: The proposed Counter-based dynamic key deriva-
tion scheme for LoRaWAN EDs: (a) for class A and B, and
(b) for Class C, respectively.SSK represents the static net-
work or application key, while DSK represents the dynamic
network or application keys.
5.2 Physical Channel based
The main motivation behind this variant is to avoid
the limitations of key-less/static key techniques and
benefit from the dynamic and random nature of the
physical channel. This solution ensures the desired
dynamic key approach by using channel parameters,
which can lead to enhance the security level.
Figure 3 illustrates the proposed key derivation
function that takes as inputs a network or applica-
tion secret key SSK and a nonce N
, which is updated
from the physical channel parameters for every new
session. In fact, the Nonce N
can be obtained by
combining several channel parameters (Noura et al.,
2018) (such as Channel State Information (CSI) and
Received Signal Strength (RSS)). These parameters
change in a dynamic manner, and we assume that a
good synchronization is realized between emitter and
transmitter, which allows each entity to derive the
same nonce separately (Noura et al., 2019b; Noura
et al., 2019c; Noura et al., 2019a). Moreover, in order
to generate the nonce, channel parameters (real num-
bers), such as the CSI and RSS, are first converted
to a sequence of bytes, then hashed to obtain the re-
quired nonce. The hash function is introduced here
towards reaching a high nonce sensitivity against any
slight change in channel parameters. The secure hash
function (SHA 512) is selected for this step, since
it possesses the best and most desirable cryptographic
hash properties (strong collision).
Then, the nonce is XORed with the static network
and application secret keys to derive the dynamic net-
work and application keys. It is important to generate
a new nonce for each new session.
Figure 3: Proposed dynamic key generation steps.
Figure 4: Variation of the dynamic key sensitivity in func-
tion of reset counter (RC) by using the proposed counter-
measure for LoRaWAN end-devices classes C (uses SHA-
In this section, the security level of the proposed key
derivation scheme is analyzed and assessed. More
specifically, the produced update network and appli-
cations keys should reach a high level of randomness,
uniformity, and sensitivity. Randomness and unifor-
mity tests in addition to sensitivity tests are applied to
evaluate the security level of the proposed solution.
6.1 Dynamic Key Sensitivity
In this test, the sensitivity of the secret key is anal-
ysed, in order to assess the proposed scheme’s robust-
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 5: Variation of the ciphertext and MIC sensitivity in
function of reset counter (RC) by using the proposed coun-
termeasure for LoRaWAN end-devices classes A and B.
ness against weak keys and related key attacks. More
specifically, a one bit change in the network or appli-
cation secret key should result in a 50% different set
of ciphertext or MIC, respectively. Consequently, two
(network or application) secret keys, DSK
and DSK
which differ by only one bit, are used to encrypt the
input payload. Figure 5 and 4 presents the key sensi-
tivity values corresponding to 1000 randomly gener-
ated secret keys. The presented results prove that the
key sensitivity value is always close to 50% by using
the produced dynamic network or application keys.
Indeed, the sensitivity of the dynamic secret key DSK
is calculated as follows:
KS =
(P)) dec2bin(E
where all the elements of DSK are equal to those of
, except for the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of a
random byte, and T is the length of the secret keys (in
This result proves that the proposed countermea-
sure reaches a high level of key sensitivity, since
the obtained results are very close to the desired
value, which is 50%. Therefore, the proposed update
scheme confirms its security since the required sensi-
tivity is attained.
6.2 Countermeasure Crypt-analysis
In this section, the robustness of the proposed coun-
termeasure scheme against the listed attacks is dis-
cussed and analyzed. These attacks include replay
and eavesdropping attacks. The proposed scheme is
considered public and the crypt-analyst is assumed
to have complete knowledge regarding all required
steps, but none regarding the network and application
secret keys.
The proposed solution introduces the dynamicity
by updating the network and application keys for each
new reset. In addition, the produced dynamic network
and server keys are produced by mixing the static ones
with the reset counter number or channel parameters
for LoRaWAN EDs of class A and B. This means new
key stream is produced, since dynamic application
key is used. This prevents confidentiality attacks to
recover any useful information about the future mes-
sages. In parallel, a new dynamic network key will
be used, which makes previous messages of previous
sessions invalid during the current session. Therefore,
the proposed dynamic key derivation technique will
prevent replay and confidentiality attacks, since AES
meets the message and key avalanche effect. In addi-
tion, a secure hash function operation such as SHA-
512(one way function) is introduced in the proposed
solution for LoRaWAN EDs of class C (high traffic).
In fact, the hash function is applied on the output
of the mixed secret key with the reset counter. This
will make the produced dynamic keys different com-
pared to the static and the previous dynamic ones.
In fact, the proposed key derivation scheme presents
high collision resistance, where any slight modifica-
tion in any input produces different network and ap-
plication keys. Moreover, the size of the counter ses-
sion is flexible and it can be at least equals to 128 bits.
In this section, the performance of the proposed
scheme is assessed in terms of computational com-
plexity, execution time, communication overhead, ef-
ficiency, transparency, and flexibility.
7.1 Computational Complexity
In this paper, the proposed solution depends on one
or two simple operations, mainly exclusive or (XOR)
Towards Securing LoRaWAN ABP Communication System
and/or secure cryptographic hash function. As a re-
sult, the computational complexity of the proposed
countermeasure is relatively low. The computational
complexity overhead is defined as the sum of process-
ing overhead in each update network and application
key update process
1. C
is the overhead of the logical exclusive or
2. C
is the overhead of one hash operation,
The overhead delay of the proposed update mecha-
nism for class A and B EDs is:
= 2 ×C
The overhead delay depends of the number of packets
transmitted between two ED resets. Low overhead de-
lay is introduced for a big number of packets transmit-
ted between two resets. Therefore, it is clear that the
required delay overhead in this solution is low since
the proposed scheme requires a lower number of op-
erations. While the required overhead delay for class
C EDs is;
= 2 ×C
+ 2 ×C
= C
+ 2 ×C
Here, it is clear that the overhead of the proposed so-
lution for class C EDs is higher compared to class A
and B EDs, since it requires two hash operations for
each reset. In terms of energy, the EDs of class C are
not power constrained, while in terms of delay, it de-
pends on their application. Let us indicate that this
cost can be acceptable if a high level of security is
7.2 Communication Overhead
The proposed solution does not introduce any com-
munication overhead and the reset counter is updated
at the EDs. Then, network and application servers
received this information from the EDs and conse-
quently update the corresponding counter in the case
of the first variant or receive the channel parameters
from the GW in the case of the second variant.
LoRaWAN has appeared in the last few years as an
efficient communication technology for IoT applica-
tions. However, LoRaWAN suffers from many secu-
rity vulnerabilities and threats, which lead to attacks
against the system confidentiality, integrity, authenti-
cation and availability, in addition to privacy issues.
In this paper, the proposed solution is based on a new
dynamic key derivation approach that updates the net-
work and application keys after each reset operation
for ABP end-devices. Therefore, dynamic confiden-
tiality and authentication keys are used for each reset
session instead of the static ones, as in the traditional
ABP operation mode. Moreover, the proposed coun-
termeasure is adapted to EDS of classes (A,B, and C).
Therefore, it is designed to reach a good balance be-
tween security and system performance. As a result,
the performed security and performance tests validate
the efficiency and robustness of the proposed solution.
Note that the proposed scheme can be applied also for
updating the OTAA root keys (the root key for net-
work server NwkKey and the root key for application
server AppK ey) used for deriving the dynamic session
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