Emotional Factor Forecasting based on Driver Modelling in Electric
Vehicle Fleets
J. I. Guerrero
1 a
, M. C. Romero-Ternero
, E. Personal
, D. F. Larios
, J. A. Guerra
and C. León
Department of Electronic Technology, Universidad de Sevilla, C/ Virgen de África, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Emotional Computing, Driver Modelling, Electric Vehicle Fleet, Evolutionary Computation, Virtual Power
Plant, Smart Grid.
Abstract: Until recently, the automotive industry focus has been safety, comfort, and user experience. Now, the focus
is shifting towards human emotion for driver-car interactions, autonomy and sustainability; all of them are
increasing concerns in recent scientific literature. On the one hand, the growing role of emotion in automotive
driving is empowering human-centred design coupled with affective computing in driving context to improve
future automotive design. It is resulting in emotional analysis being present in automotive. This requires real-
time data processing that involves energy consumption in the vehicle. On the other hand, electric vehicle
fleets and smart grids are technologies that have provided new possibilities to reduce pollution and increase
energy efficiency looking for sustainability. This paper proposes the emotional factor forecasting according
to data gathered from electric vehicle fleet, based on the application of K-means algorithm. The results shows
that is possible to forecast the emotional status that takes negative effect in the driving. Additionally, the
Cronbach alpha variation analysis provides an interesting tool to select features from samples.
For different reasons and purposes, the number of
studies related to include emotional analysis in cars is
growing in the scientific literature (Akamatsu et al.,
2013; Braun et al., 2019; Izquierdo-Reyes et al.,
2018; Khan & Lee, 2019; Nass et al., 2005; Schuller
et al., 2006). User-centred design coupled with
affective computing is resulting in emotional analysis
being present in cars.
In vehicles that consider the emotional indicators
of passengers, it is necessary to perform several
analyses (signal processing, feature extraction,
emotional classification and behaviour for reaction).
That processing requires energy consumption from
on-board computer. In the case of electric vehicles
(EV), it is interesting to forecast the consumption of
said processing in order to know how this can affect
to the autonomy of the vehicle and to the longest route
that can be made without recharging.
EVs represents a new research field in smart grid
(SG) ecosystems. Currently, the new generation of
EVs provides different technologies which can be
integrated in SGs. However, these new technologies
make difficult the distribution of grid management. In
particular, EVs and the infrastructure needed to
charge them have resulted in a great quantity of new
standards and technologies.
Currently, there are several research lines related
to EVs: fast charging networks, battery performance
modelling, parasitic energy consumption, EV
promotional policies, increasing the range of the
battery in EV, etc.; and other research lines related to
EV energy management: contract models for
consumption vehicle, market model to adopt EVs,
distributed energy resources management systems
Guerrero, J., Romero-Ternero, M., Personal, E., Larios, D., Guerra, J. and León, C.
Emotional Factor Forecasting based on Driver Modelling in Electric Vehicle Fleets.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561406030612
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 603-612
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(DERMS), distributed energy resources (DER)
standards, faster charging technologies, demand
response management systems (DRMS), the role of
aggregators in V2G (vehicle-to-grid), energy
efficiency, customer support, driver support, etc.
Additionally, all these lines are influenced by the
current regulation and may different greatly between
countries (for example, the regulation between United
States (Lazar, s. f.) and Europe (CEER, 2019) is very
different regarding energy management).
The charging infrastructure affects SG on several
levels (Guerrero, Personal, García, et al., 2019;
Guerrero, Personal, Parejo, et al., 2019). These levels
concern the transmission, distribution, and retailer
levels. The main affected frameworks inside these
levels are: energy management (EM), distribution
management (DM), and demand response (DR). The
EM systems include several functions, one of which
is the control of energy flows. The charging of an EV
can be made at any point on the grid which has a
charging unit. If the system has information about the
expected use of the charging unit, the energy flow
will be easier to manage. The DM is related with
Distribution System Operators (DSO). Usually, the
charging infrastructure is overseen by the DSOs.
Thus, the DSOs must manage these facilities and
maintain information about them. Finally, the
demand response concerns retailers and DSOs, and
the main problem is demand curve flattening and
price management. Nevertheless, the new paradigm
proposed by standard organizations, including
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC), among others, related with V2G proposed that
EVs could charge or discharge batteries. Thus, the EV
is a power source in specific scenarios. In these cases,
the distributed resource management is affected by
the new V2G technologies as a distributed power
resource in low voltage without total availability, like
some renewable energy resources, for example, wind
and solar energy.
Our researching group has proposed a distributed
charging prioritization methodology based on the
concept of virtual power plant without considering
emotional factors consumption (Guerrero, Personal,
García, et al., 2019; Guerrero, Personal, Parejo, et al.,
2019). In these papers, we describe the Driver
Modelling module which is one of the elements of the
distributed charging prioritization methodology.
Additionally, we get advantage from the driver
pattern to stablish an emotional analysis based on the
deviation from the driver pattern.
Firstly, background of this study is presented.
Secondly, the methodology including emotional
factors consumption is described and finally some
conclusions and future work are outlined.
2.1 Electric Vehicle Fleets and Related
The introduction of EVs provides several advantages,
but it is necessary to have additional energy sources
in order to include the associated infrastructure
(Meissner & Richter, 2003; Tie & Tan, 2013). The
new generation of EVs has several requirements not
only in power but also infrastructure (Francesco
Marra et al., 2011). SGs have provided a good
scenario to integrate EV and its charging
Dielmann & Velden (2003) propose Virtual
Power Plant (VPPs) as a new solution for the
implementation of technologies related to SGs, and
several applications were developed to show the
advantages of VPPs. The FENIX European Project
(Kieny et al., 2009) delved into the concept of VPP
and considered two types of VPP: the commercial
VPP (CVPP), that tackles the aggregation of small
generating units with respect to market integration,
and the technical VPP (TVPP), that tackles
aggregation of these units with respect to services that
can be offered to the grid. Mashhour & Moghaddas-
Tafreshi (2009) described a general framework for
future VPP to control low and medium voltage for
DER management. You et al. (2009) presented a case
study which shows how a broker GVPP was
developed based on the selection of appropriate
functions. The EDISON Danish project (Binding
et al., 2010) described an ICT-based distributed
software integration based on VPPs and standards to
accommodate communication and optimize the
coordination of EV fleets. Jansen et al. (2010)
proposed an architecture for EV fleet coordination
based on V2G integrating VPP. Musio et al. (2010)
analysed the possibility of using EVs as an energy
storage system (V2G) within a VPP structure.
Skarvelis-Kazakos et al. (2010) considered the EV as
a mobile load and described a VPP containing
aggregated microgeneration sources and EV, but is
cantered around minimizing carbon emissions. Raab
et al. (2011) proposed and discussed three approaches
for grid integration of EVs through a VPP: control
structure, resource type, and aggregation. Sanduleac
et al. (2011) presented a solution for integrating EVs
in the SG through unbundled smart metering and VPP
technology dealing with multiple objectives. Marra et
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
al. (2012) addressed the design of an EV test bed
which served as a multifunctional grid-interactive EV
to test VPP or a generic EV coordinator with different
control strategies.
The common point of these references is the
utilization of the VPP concept in a simulation, but
they only simulate the VPP which aggregates the
information of EV. The present paper additionally
analyses the impact in VPP of higher levels, and how
the distribution of charging is made.
Additionally, some researchers have studied the
impact of HEV and plug-in HEV (PHEV) (He et al.,
2012). In this sense, decentralized algorithms for
coordinating the charging of multiple EVs have
gained importance in recent years. Mansour et al.
(2015) compared several approaches based on
centralized, decentralized, and hybrid algorithm, with
the latter showing better results. Hiermann et al.
(2016) introduced the electric fleet size and mix
vehicle routing problem with time windows and
recharging stations (E-FSMFTW) to model decisions
to be made with regards to fleet composition and
vehicle routes, including the choice of recharging
times and locations. Hu et al. (2016) presented a
review and classification of methods for smart
charging of EVs for fleet operators, providing three
control strategies and their commonly used
algorithms. Additionally, they studied service
relationships between fleet operators and four other
actors in SGs.
All these works did not consider behaviour or
emotional parameters to forecast charging
requirements in EV. In the next section we describe
how emotional factors are present in automotive
industry and how their impact has evolved.
2.2 Emotional Factors in Automotive
Over time, automotive industry has evolved by
changing the approach based on technological
developments and user needs. For highly automated
vehicles where the driver still has an active role and
control is shared between the automobile and the
driver, the role of human-automobile interaction is
highly significant (Weber, 2018).
Cooperation between car and driver needs that
interaction happens on an affective level to create a
successful control loop. To keep the human informed,
car must understand and respond to human behaviour
and emotions (Braun et al., 2019). Therefore, a high
level of understanding of drivers is required (Khan &
Lee, 2019).
For instance, Nass et al. (2005) studied whether
characteristics of a car voice can affect driver
performance and affect concluding that when user
emotion matched car voice emotion (happy/energetic
and upset/subdued), drivers had fewer accidents,
attended more to the road (actual and perceived), and
spoke more to the car. They also discussed
implications for car design and voice user interface
design. Schuller et al. (2006) introduced novel
concepts and results considering the estimation of a
driver’s emotion by focusing on acoustic information.
Izquierdo-Reyes et al. (2018) proposed a multiagent-
based framework called ADMAS (Advanced Driver
Monitoring for Assistance System). This system
considers the typical stages in affective computing,
including data acquisition (signals from wearable,
images from cameras, audio from microphones),
signal processing (computer vision, natural language
processing, audio mining) for feature extraction and
emotional classification using an emotional model
and machine learning to predict emotional
Shaikh & Krishnan (2012) proposed a framework
to combine empirical models describing human
behaviour with the environment and system models.
They analysed the design for safe vehicle-driver
interaction and showed a case study involving semi-
autonomous vehicles where the driver fatigue were
factors critical to a safe journey.
Videla & Kumar (2020) presented an approach to
detect person fatigue using image processing with
machine learning. In particular, they combined two
methods: face recognition with Histograms of
Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) and off-the-shelf face detectors and
facial landmark detectors together with a novel eye
and mouth metric.
Silva & Analide (2019) considered that comfort
evaluation depends on environment attributes,
physical attributes and also emotion recognition.
They proposed a multiagent-based computational
sustainability platform which manages contexts
supported by principles of computational
sustainability and the assurance of sustainable
scenarios. They consider social indicators based on
mood analysis.
In all cases, artificial intelligence processing
applied in affective computing, above all regarding
machine learning techniques, requires substantial
energy consumption (Strubell et al., 2019). In the case
of electric vehicles this impacts in their autonomy.
Therefore, modelling driver behaviour and emotion is
useful to further refine the prediction of vehicle
power consumption.
Emotional Factor Forecasting based on Driver Modelling in Electric Vehicle Fleets
A solution for EV Fleet Management Platform based
on the concept of a VPP and using distributed
evolutionary computation algorithms to optimize the
prioritization of EV fleets at different levels of SG
ecosystems has been proposed in previous works. The
proposed architecture and methodology are described
in detail in (Guerrero, Personal, García, et al., 2019;
Guerrero, Personal, Parejo, et al., 2019).
Additionally, this reference treats only one of the
modules related to Charging Prioritization Module,
which is based on several Artificial Intelligence
Genetic algorithm (GA).
Genetic algorithm with evolution control
(GAEC) based on fitness evolution curve.
Swarm intelligence based on particle swarm
optimization (PSO).
The objective of the present paper is to describe
in detail the process of driver modelling, from the
acquisition to the modelling stage. Additionally, the
driver model is applied in a local application to
determine the alteration of driver pattern,
recommended different actions according to the
forecasting emotional status.
The viewpoint of the proposed solution treats
vehicles as a mobile load. In this manner, the system
must have data about these loads and the charging
prioritization. Thus, the system will have information
about the expected consumption or the expected
generation of the resource (in the case of a fault in the
grid), such as a battery.
The proposed system works as a service for large
companies with EV fleets. Knowledge about the state
and prioritization of vehicles and driver patterns may
minimize the impact of charging loads. These
services provide new tariffs for retailers and new
policies for energy price management.
The conceptual architecture of the proposed
solution is shown in
, where several VPPs are included. The
information is aggregated on the lower level. Then,
the aggregated information is sent by each lower VPP
to a higher level. In this manner, each VPP aggregates
the data and services from lower VPPs to higher
VPPs. Each level may have one or more VPPs
depending on the needs at each level and the power
Figure 1: Scalability properties and information flow
between different VPP layers.
The information representation at different levels was
based on an extension of the common information
model (CIM) from IEC 61870, 61968, 62325, and
eMIX (Energy Market Information Exchange). The
interface information is based on the component
interface specification (CIS) from the IEC and
OpenADR from OASIS (Open Association for
System and Information Standards). The information
representation and interface description are beyond
the scope of this paper.
Each higher VPP can perform evolutionary
algorithms to generate commands or instructions to
modify the queues from lower VPPs. Additionally,
lower VPPs can perform the same evolutionary
algorithms to request resources from other VPPs to
prioritize the charging of vehicles that cannot be
charged at their charging stations.
The artificial intelligence is based on data mining
algorithms or techniques. Each level runs the data
mining algorithms depending on the available
computational resources or option configured in the
corresponding VPP. The level at which the VPP is
performed determines the availability of services and
data. In this paper for the platform, four levels are
Smart business VPP (SBVPP). This is the
lowest level. At this level, all information
about vehicles, routes, and drivers from the
same company is available. Thus, the
charging prioritization of the charging
stations and driver patterns of the company is
treated at this level. The state of charge (SoC)
is also calculated at this level.
Distribution VPP (DVPP). At this level,
information is aggregated from lower levels,
and information about retailers and the
presence of charging stations is stored. This
information is sent to higher levels, such as
an energy VPP (EVPP). Additionally, the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
restrictions from an EVPP to the
corresponding retailer and SBVPP are
addressed at this level.
Retailer VPP (RVPP). At this level, a retailer
needs to know when vehicles require
charging at any point outside of the company
points. The retailer can use this information
to offer different tariffs to a company.
Energy VPP (EVPP). In this paper, the
vehicles represent mobile loads. Thus, if an
energy management system has information
about the expected charging stations, it may
take advantage of this information to improve
the load flow forecasting algorithms.
The prioritization process is performed in several
stages to aggregate information for the upper layers
and to control lower layers.
The lowest levels implement functions that are
related to consumers. The medium levels implement
functions that are related to energy distribution and
commercialization. The higher levels implement
functions to guarantee the quality and continuity of a
power supply. This architecture is highly scalable,
increasing the interoperability between different
enterprises and integration of heterogeneous
ecosystems. The VPPs include data mining
algorithms and some capabilities in the corresponding
driver modelling modules which makes the driver
pattern modelling quicker and easier:
The data mining algorithm in an SBVPP. This
algorithm sorts the vehicles with their drivers
according to the SoC and expected route. If the
algorithm cannot model any driver, the algorithm
classifies the driver as an external model and sends
the request to higher VPPs. The SBVPP can receive
commands and warnings from the DVPP and RVPP,
and it downloads general driver patterns. The higher
VPP commands and warnings are considered as
external restrictions. The external driver patterns are
considered as general models with low priority level,
and they will be replaced by the models generated in
the first route. Additionally, the RVPP commands and
warnings can take effect over different elements of
customer power facilities when the customer that
implements a SBVPP has contracted additional
services from a retailer to manage the customer power
The data mining in a DVPP. The DVPP gathers
all requests from all SBVPPs. In the prioritization
module, this information is employed in an
evolutionary algorithm to prioritize charging in
available charging stations. In case of driver
modelling module, the data mining algorithm takes
advantage form different modules generated in the
SBVPP, providing a generalized classification of the
different models or patterns. The generated models
are the basis for the driver models in the SBVPP level.
The EVPP does not gather any information from
driver modelling, but this level takes an important
role in the charging prioritization.
The RVPP gathers all information about vehicles
that may have contractual relationships with a
retailer. The retailer can use this information to offer
new services to clients. If any problems arise in the
client contract, the retailer can send a command or
alarm to change the prioritization for one or more
vehicles and/or charging stations. In case of driver
models, the RVPP gather information about the best
driver pattern (in terms of energy efficiency), and the
RVPP could offer new services or advantages related
to the correspondence with the driver pattern.
All information about driving is gathered from
vehicle and transmitted to the SBVPP when the driver
cellular connects to the acquisition system. The
information about the current route and data from the
vehicle is stored in the Driver Modelling. This
information is used to update the driver model or
Any algorithm for the SBVPP and DVPP is
possible because the algorithm works independently
of other layers. Thus, several algorithms were tested
in this paper, and a final configuration is proposed
based on the results of the tests. However, the
algorithms can be configured according to the
resources of each level.
3.1 The Electric Vehicle Fleet
Management VPP
The Electric Vehicle Fleet Management VPP or Node
(EVFMN) is the generic system implemented in each VPP.
The architecture of Electric Vehicle Fleet Management
Platform (EVFMP) is shown in Figure 1, and it is formed
by the replication of EVFMN between different VPPs,
enabling or disabling certain functionalities according to
the level of VPP. The EVFMN is shown in Figure 2. Each
module has specific functions:
Asset Management System. The asset
management system is based on the predictive
maintenance of vehicles and charging stations.
Driver Modelling. This module executes a
modelling process of driver behaviour. This
module provides a driver pattern which is used to
schedule the routes and, in this case, to
forecasting the driver’s emotional context.
Energy Efficiency. This module applies different
techniques to optimize the energy consumption
Emotional Factor Forecasting based on Driver Modelling in Electric Vehicle Fleets
Figure 2: Modules of distributed evolutionary prioritization
and reduce the maintenance periods and economic
Real-Time Route Scheduling. This module
manages all information about vehicles, routes,
drivers, and external conditions to establish
better prioritization in each charging station.
Information Management. This module manages
all information of this VPP for reporting and
Prioritization Algorithm. The prioritization
algorithm in this layer is based on swarm
External Coordination. This module sends
information to higher layers and gathers
information about external requirements or
vehicles to charge.
The external coordination is provided by the
interoperability with higher VPP layers.
Some modules, such as external coordination,
prioritization algorithm, and the SoC module, are
available for all VPPs. The other modules depend on
the available information in the VPPs. For example,
the SBVPP has all information about the EV fleet;
however, the SBVPP may have additional services of
energy efficiency if it shares the information with the
RVPP (in this case, the RVPP would use the energy
efficiency module).
In case of Driver Modelling, it is not included in
the EVPP level, and it optionally could be included in
RVPP, depending on the services provided by this
3.2 Information Acquisition from
Electric Vehicle
The information is gathered from ODB-II system
(Road vehiclesDiagnostic systemsPart 2: CARB
requirements for interchange of digital information,
1994), a standardized CAN-bus based protocol,
designed for cars monitoring. This bus was
introduced in 1995 in North America, being
mandatory in all cars since 2008 (Taha & Nasser,
2015). Similar situation happens in Europe, being
mandatory in all gasoline vehicles since 2001 and
diesel since 2003.
Therefore, according to different regulations all
modern relies on embedded computers, called engine
control units (ECUs) (Moore et al., 2017), designed
to control different subsystem of the vehicle as motor
control, lights, braking subsystem, etc., most of them
using standardized messages.
As appear in the literature, this information can be
used to estimate vehicle speed (Bagheri et al., 2018),
or modelling the behaviour of the driver (Wang et al.,
2018), as we need in our proposal.
In this case, we use an ODB-II to Bluetooth
interface that sends the information to a mobile
application that executes the proposed algorithm.
3.3 Driver Patterns
Driver behaviour is stored in driver patterns. The
driver pattern is a model that takes effect over the
consumption of a vehicle in route scheduling. The
driver pattern affects the calculated SoC for each
section of a route; it depends on the terrain topology
and traffic data. Driver behaviour is calculated
according to the historical data of a driver. If
historical information about a driver is not available,
this pattern will be calculated only with the emotional
The driver pattern consists of the deviation from
the original predicted SoC. This pattern considers
information about traffic, weather and previous
emotional behaviour to explain the variation from the
original predicted SoC.
Although a default driver pattern can be defined,
information about driver patterns is currently
unavailable. A default “average” driver pattern can be
created when a system has adequate information.
Currently, this pattern does not include the utility
factor [39] because the EV fleets are treated as mobile
loads and they do not include PHEVs.
The Driver Modelling process is based on Generic
Rule Induction (GRI), Support Vector Machine
(SVM) and K-Means clustering algorithm involving
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the Cronbach alpha variation analysis, which uses the
information provided by acquisition system:
accelerator and brake usage, average speed, variation
of revolution per minute (rpm), usage of HVAC in the
vehicle, brake energy restoration, etc. All this
information provides a classification of driver pattern,
which is translated into a set of typical values for
different parameters in a different confidence ranges
and correlation variation.
3.4 Real-time Route Scheduling
This module controls several conditions that can
modify the current prioritization charging queues.
This module notifies any change in the following
Driver and EV availability.
Route modifications.
Traffic and roadwork.
Weather conditions.
Charging station availability.
3.5 SoC Module: Estimation of EV
The proposed solution is based on the instantaneous
SoC value of each EV. These algorithms require an
estimation of some consumption according to its
planned route and alternative routes to reach different
recharging spots. This consumption estimation is
supported by a route planning tool. However, these
estimations are not trivial and are related to the
distance or time of the trip (Shankar & Marco, 2013;
De Cauwer et al., 2015). Other factors (e.g., road
(Park et al., 2009) and vehicle characteristics, traffic
(Boriboonsomsin et al., 2012), driving style
(Bingham et al., 2012), and weather conditions) are
essential for this estimation.
The data mining algorithms are based on the
combination of three algorithm or techniques:
Cronbach alpha variation analysis. This
technique aids to classify the different
parameters according to their variance
related to other parameters, providing a map
of the importance of different parameters in
the driver pattern. The Cronbach alpha
calculated for all parameters provided a
general number, which describe the
correlative variance between parameters.
Additionally, the Cronbach alpha relative to
each parameter p is calculated, providing a
new value for Cronbach alpha
corresponding to the new correlative
variance, without the influence of the
corresponding parameter p. If the value is
greater than the general Cronbach alpha, the
parameter p has a low level of relation with
the driver pattern, and the variation of this
parameter could provide erroneous patterns.
If the value is lesser than the general
Cronbach alpha, the parameter p has a high
level of relation with the driver pattern, and
the parameter is probably affected by
emotional behaviour.
K-means. Classifies the values according to
the Cronbach Alpha stablishing
classifications for each range of each
parameter. Additionally, the algorithm is
used to classify the different results of
patterns, making groups according to the
common characteristics of the driver
behaviour. The method supposed that the
driver drives with a pattern and this pattern
is related to emotional context. Thus, the
different groups describe different
emotional status. In this case, it is not
important to reveal the emotion. Thus,
according to the distribution the emotions
are named emotion1, emotion2, etc.
Support Vector Machine. Classifies the
driver pattern according to the other driver
This paper is centred in the results of K-mean
algorithm to get different clusters which represents a
classification of patterns based on emotions.
5.1 Sample Description
The sample provided comes from a real sample
extracted from vehicles. However, this information
was not extracted in real time, it was extracted by
using a device to gather periodically information from
vehicles, based on CAN-bus (Controller Area
Network), specified by different standards (J2411,
J2284, J1939, ISO 11898, etc.). The information is
complemented by information of routing
management and scheduling,
The extracted information comprises a sample
with 2711 different routes. Each route is done by 32
different drivers during three months, around the
same area.
Emotional Factor Forecasting based on Driver Modelling in Electric Vehicle Fleets
The sample contains the following information:
weather information, driver code, route code, route
distance, number of stops in the route, route
information, traffic information, doors, lights, brake,
accelerator, gearbox, speed, voltage, distance
travelled, current, and state of charge of the batteries.
Additionally, there are some claims notified by
clients about the drivers. This information is
modelled by a parameter with the number of claims
by route.
From Cronbach alpha variation analysis, two
parameters are associated to each variable: the
general Cronbach alpha, the correlation coefficient,
and the Cronbach alpha if the corresponding
parameter is removed from sample. These parameters
are used to check the importance of parameters in the
sample compared with the K-means results.
5.2 K-mean Results
The application of K-mean algorithm in the data
provided by an electric vehicle fleet in distribution
logistics, provided a basic classification of different
patterns to drive, which take effect in the efficiency
of driving.
The different clusters are corresponding to
different driving types (figure 3). For example: the
cluster-5 correspond to the emotion5, this emotion is
like the great bag in which all the cases that are not
possible to classify, including the 30% of claims (9
claims). However, the cluster-4 (emotion4) has 14,9
% of routes, and groups the drivers who has a very
aggressive driving (this information is extracted from
parameters of speed, accelerator, gearbox, and state
of charge), including the 70% of claims (21 claims).
Thus, using the information provided by vehicles and
making this classification, it is possible to provide a
forecasting about the influence of emotion in the
vehicle driving, and could be notified to the system,
in order to maintain a good level of efficiency in the
consumption of vehicle. Cluster-2 and cluster-3
corresponding to drivers with careless driving pattern,
according to the information from parameters. The
cluster-1 groups all the patterns which provokes a
high efficiency driving, decreasing the consumption
and an understandable time invested in the route.
The size of smallest cluster is cluster-3 with 0,6%
or 16 cases. The size of biggest cluster is cluster-5
with 53,9% or 1461 cases.
Figure 3: Sizes of Clusters obtained from the application of
K-mean algorithm.
The proposed platform can integrate information
from electric vehicles to be considered as part of the
electric vehicle fleet management platform to
integrate the electric vehicle fleets in smart grids as
mobile loads.
On one hand, the role of emotion in automotive
driving is increasingly present, empowering human-
centred design coupled with affective computing in
driving context to improve future automotive design.
The driver emotional status influence is modelling by
the deviation of the driver pattern based on a Generic
Rule Induction, Support Vector Machine and K-
Means clustering algorithm involving the Cronbach
alpha variation analysis, which provides a light-
weight model to perform in low feature devices.
On the other hand, electric vehicle fleets and
smart grids are technologies that have provided new
possibilities to reduce pollution and increase energy
efficiency looking for sustainability. The inclusion of
driving data can improve the routing and charging
prioritization forecasting, providing additional
services to the different actors in the energy market,
and other advantages for the better stability of the
power grid.
The future works will be centred on provide more
information about driver, including some devices to
provide more information about emotional status of
driver, based on biometric factors or emotional
estimation by means of face image analysis. This
information provides more possibilities to analyse the
results presented in the present paper.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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