Virtual Reality, a Telepresence Technique Applied to Distance
Education: A Systematic Mapping Review
Luis Guevara
, Jonathan Yépez
and Graciela Guerrero
1,2 c
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquí, Ecuador
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, Campus Universitario s/n., Albacete,
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Telepresence, Teleconference, Education Distance, Systematic Mapping Review.
Abstract: The growing demand for innovation in education coupled with the advancement of visualization technologies
has led to a large number of people and researchers becoming interested in immersive technologies, the use
of virtual reality, which offers opportunities and challenges in the education sector, in so doing, the
advancement of hardware and software has made it possible to incorporate this technology into teaching
strategies. The present work details a systematic mapping review, which gathers existing scientific
documentation on virtual reality in the field of education, as well as describing the methodology used to carry
out this review, it also sets out the results and conclusions obtained at the end of the review.
Virtual Reality (VR) has been and is an important
branch in Computer Science, which has been studied
since the beginning of the 20th century (Zhou & Deng,
2009). VR technology focuses on generating virtual
environments by allowing the simulation of physical
presence in a specific location in the real world, users
can access this technology through the use of several
special devices that allow recreating sensory, visual,
hearing and even olfactory experiences. This
technology has three main characteristics: immersion,
interaction and imagination (Heng, Cheng, & Wong,
2004), on these VR has been applied in various fields
such as the military or medical, but above all it has been
applied in education (Pantelidis, 2010).
In the field of education, VR has created
opportunities in terms of distance, diversity and
disability, so it has been explored how education can
go hand in hand with VR in order to improve the
cognitive skills of people who use this type of
technology (Brown, Turkay, & Sitbon, 2018). In
higher education, VR applications need to be updated
frequently to be always driving better practices in
teaching (Liu, et al., 2019). This technology brought
c 0000-0002-0903-734X
about several changes in the traditional higher
education industry. By using this technology,
students can be offered a visual experience that
transcends the barriers of so-called distance education
(Liu, et al., 2019). Most of the articles present projects
developed with VR or try to explain how VR can
improve the skills of people who use this technology,
however, there are articles that also explain how this
technology can serve to include people who have
some type of disability, as mentioned by (Paudyal,
Banerjee, Hu, & Gupta, 2019), in addition, he
mentions that in online classes students lack the
shared context losing the benefits of collaborative
learning. The purpose of this paper is to collect as
much information as possible from experiments or
projects that deal with VR in education.
The continuation of this document is structured as
follows: i.) Section two explains the methodology for
conducting the systematic mapping review, defines the
research questions, study search and data extraction.
ii.) Section three provides answers to the research
questions. iii.) Section four gives way to discussion of
the topic and results for future contributions, and iv.)
Section five details the conclusions obtained once the
investigation has been completed, ending with the
Guevara, L., Yépez, J. and Guerrero, G.
Virtual Reality, a Telepresence Technique Applied to Distance Education: A Systematic Mapping Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009561805870591
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 587-591
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reference section, where all the documents used for the
development of the present are evidenced.
The first reason to carry out a systematic mapping
review is to know what has been researched on the
subject, carrying out an extensive analysis of the
literature, in this case related to VR and its use within
the educational field, in order to provide a synthesis
of information corresponding to the projects and
experiments carried out according to a filter generated
with the inclusion criteria. The second reason is to be
able to identify the tools most used in the
development of VR applications. The third reason is
to identify the areas of study and propose future
systematic mapping reviews within these.
The present study was carried out following
certain steps described in the template for a mapping
study protocol, as mentioned by Fernández in her
article (Fernández-Sotos, et al., 2018) and the
guidelines recommended by (Velásquez, 2015).
2.1 Research Directives
In this section, following the phases outlined above,
the research questions are defined. Within this
systematic mapping review the protocol to be
followed is defined, which starts with preliminary
research questions, search strategies, document
selection criteria and data extraction. In addition, the
synthesis of the selected papers will serve to answer
the research questions posed. Finally, the protocol
includes tables showing research interest in the
identified areas of study.
The research questions (RQ) for this systematic
mapping review are as follows:
RQ1. How many documents related to VR in edu-
cation have been published? What is the time trend?
As mentioned in the introduction to this
document, there are a large number of publications
related to VR experiments and projects, however, we
would like to know the amount of literature that exists
involving this technology in education.
RQ2. What areas of knowledge are involved with
In addition to being a technology applied to video
games, VR is also applied to the development of this
and other areas, hence the importance of knowing the
areas of knowledge that involve the technology.
RQ3. What are the tools and what VR devices are
used most regularly for the development of VR
It is important to know which development tools
are most commonly used, as well as which devices
users use to have a VR experience.
2.2 Data Collection
The method for searching for studies leads to
including studies that are relevant to answer the
research questions, while excluding irrelevant
documents. The search involves querying different
databases by referring to search strings customized
for this purpose, followed by filtering results using
inclusion and exclusion criteria. In this case, two
investigators are responsible for the execution of the
search plan.
2.2.1 Source Selection and Search String
Due to the fact that the topic to be dealt with is a
technical one and that it includes engineering areas, it
was considered to carry out the search in 3 digital
databases, being these the following ones: Scopus
(Elsevier), IEEE Explore (Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering Digital Library) and ACM
(Association for Computing Machinery).
From the defined research questions, keywords
were identified, which will form the search string, it
should be noted, that search strings can be formed
using synonyms of the defined keywords. For this
purpose, search strings were used in each of the
databases, this is detailed in Table 1.
Table 1: Search strings used in each digital database.
Database Search String
IEEE (((("All Metadata": virtual reality) OR "All
Metadata": telepresence) OR "All Metadata":
teleconference) AND "All Metadata”:
ACM ((virtual reality) OR (telepresence) OR
(teleconference)) AND (education)
SCOPUS TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“virtual reality" OR
"telepresence” OR “teleconference") AND
"education") AND PUBYEAR < 2016
2.2.2 Source Selection and Search String
After having defined the search strings to be used in
the databases chosen for this review, inclusion criteria
were defined in order to filter those documents that
are not in the context of the topic presented.
Based on the aforementioned inclusion criteria are the
following: I1 Documents that contain at least two key
words in their title; I2 Documents that have been
published in the last 10 years and I3 Documents in
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
On the other hand, the exclusion criteria are as
follows: E1 Documents not indexed in at least two
databases; E2 Documents containing opinions and E3
Documents that do not contemplate the use of VRs.
2.2.3 Search Process
As shown in Figure 1. The search string was used in
each of the digital databases, where different amounts
of documents were obtained in each database. After
going through a filtering process with the inclusion
and exclusion criteria, 331 documents were obtained.
Then, a parallel and independent reading was carried
out by the researchers to filter the final documents,
selecting only the articles that had information
regarding the application of VR in education, later in
the meetings of the researchers the debate was
discussed. Finally, the content of the 17 documents is
read by the two researchers independently in order to
have an in-depth knowledge of each document.
Figure 1: Documents obtained from each database
In general, a final set of 17 documents is produced at
this stage of the systematic mapping review (Table 2).
Table 2: Search and filtering of documents.
Before applying
filter I
filter II
IEEE 1342 82 3
ACM 4212 25 10
SCOPUS 4509 224 4
Total 10063 331 17
Finally, the 17 documents were selected in
accordance with the described process, and it is
emphasized that these documents were selected in
such a way that the two researchers agreed.
The synthesis of information from each of the
selected documents is then used to answer the
research questions.
3.1 Research Directives Overview of
Selected Papers
The summary of the papers is presented according to
the evaluation approach, in this case, the evaluation
approach biases to know the number of published
documents that relate VR to education and also to
know the growth or decrease of the interest of
researchers on this subject.
3.2 Number of Documents Published
and Time Trend
RQ1: How many documents related to VR in edu-
cation have been published? What is the time trend?
Figure 2: Journal and congresses of published articles.
Figure 2 shows the number of articles relating to
VR in education, as well as the main places where
they were exhibited.
The period within the inclusion criteria is between
2009 and 2019, in these years have been obtained a
total of 331 works related to RV in education were
published. It was observed that there is a temporal
trend which can be seen in Figure 3.
RQ2: What areas of knowledge are involved in VR
and application development with this technology?
The areas covered by the publications, especially
those related to VR in education (331) are various,
and areas such as education, computer science,
information technology and engineering in general
have been identified, however, there are areas such as
psychology that are also involved on a smaller scale,
and an article was found that talks about the
importance of VR as an assistive technology to help
people with special abilities, since it can compensate
Virtual Reality, a Telepresence Technique Applied to Distance Education: A Systematic Mapping Review
for the effects of a disability (Buzio, Chiesa, &
Toppan, 2017). In this sense, (Paudyal, Banerjee, Hu,
& Gupta, 2019) proposes a VR application which
aims to facilitate the performance of a live class
focused on hearing impaired people. Figure 4 shows
the knowledge areas involved within the VR,
comparing them with the articles selected at the end
of the search phase. The evaluation criteria in this
figure correspond to: author's articles (Ib), articles
that cite an author (IIa) and reviews (IIb). These
evaluation criteria were created by the researchers in
charge, with the purpose of making known the areas
that are most involved in virtual reality projects in the
field of education. As shown in Figure 4, the results
obtained show that the areas that are most associated
with virtual reality are Computer Science, HCI and
Education, which is a clear indicator that the line of
research is within the area of study of the researchers.
Figure 3: Temporal trend.
RQ3: What are the tools and what VR devices are
used most regularly for the development of VR
Regarding the design of virtual reality
environments, (Stavroulia, 2019) defines a project in
which an application is developed using the Unity 3D
platform in real time, accessories such as HTC VIVE
(HTC, 2019) and OculusRift (Facebook
Technologies, 2019) appear as VR devices, with the
aim of improving the empathy skills of the
participants and stating that the participants indicated
that the sense of presence was achieved. The study
conducted by (Miyata, Umemoto, & Higuchi, 2009)
defines some tools used in a prototype, however, the
author considers that the method to perform a VR
application can also be a tool and defines it as a
comprehensive method that requires several skills,
which is why teamwork is necessary. This kind of
tools and models recommended by certain authors
may or may not be considered when developing a VR
application, however, this information remains as a
background in case there are readers interested in VR
application development.
Figure 4: Knowledge areas within VR.
The present systematic mapping review is a work that
shows the literary background to start in the
development of a VR application. The documents
published in recent years (2009-2019) have produced
certain results, which have been set out in the answers
to the research questions. The dominance of the high
impact publications that have been selected is
evidence that the results point to an important degree
of maturity within this review process. Table 3 shows
the documents with the most citations.
Table 3: Documents with a greater number of citations.
Article name Citations
A Novel Earthquake Education System Based
on Virtual Reality
Realidade Virtual como Intervenção na
Síndrome de Down: uma Perspectiva de Ação
na Interface Saúde e Educação
Adopting virtual reality as a medium for
software development process education
An Education Method for VR Content
Creation Using Groupwork
ConstruiRV: constructing knowledge using
the virtual reality
Creating Compelling Virtual Reality and
Interactive Content for Higher Education: A
Case Study with Carnegie Mellon University
Educational Virtuality: Cognitive Benefits,
Design Processes and New Frontiers
Successful education for AEC professionals:
case study of applying immersive game-like
virtual reality interfaces
Teaching Methodology for Virtual Reality
Practical Course in Engineering Education
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for
Education: Panel
Virtual Reality for Special Educational Needs
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As for the empirical evaluation approach, it has a
level of quality evidence due to the research model
that was carried out, the quality of the evidence is
purely scientific. With respect to the temporal
evolution of the number of publications in the last 10
years, this has been an increase that is not as
progressive as could be seen in Figure 4, there are
seasons in which VR research tends to stagnate, and
however, there is a growth in research in small jumps
of about two years.
Regarding the management of tools, there are
documents that specify the tools and materials used in
the project, however, most studies focus more on
explaining the changes obtained by implementing
virtual reality in a given environment, this is because,
in theory, is what must be exposed for the project to
be taken as relevant or not.
This systematic review shows a growing interest in
VR research, the different approaches that it may
have are those that necessarily have to be defined at
the time of conducting a review on this topic. Proof
of this is the progressive increase in the number of
published investigations as well as the number of
citations of certain articles, which can be said, now
are the basis when it comes to talking about Virtual
In the field of education, VR has been gradually
incorporated. This does not mean that there is a lack
of interest on the part of researchers or developers in
relating VR to education, but rather that, in order to
implement this technology in the education process,
other areas of research such as teaching, psychology
and others need to be considered. However, it was
observed that RV has been implemented in certain
case studies and has been considered to include
people with disabilities in learning processes. On the
other hand, the research process has focused on the
study of the educational domains where VR is
Finally, an important article should be pointed out
within the articles analysed in this research paper,
since it mentions the use of virtual reality as an
inclusion tool, allowing people with some type of
disability to enter the educational system, which It is
one more reason why we should continue analysing
the use of virtual reality not only in the educational
field but also as a tool to include people with some
type of disability in society.
Zhou, N., & Deng, Y. (2009). Virtual reality: A state-of-
the-art survey. International Journal of Automation and
Computing, 6(4), 319-325.
Heng, P., Cheng, C.-Y., & Wong, T.-T. (2004). A virtual-
reality training system for knee arthroscopic surgery.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in
Biomedicine, 8(2), 217-227.
Brown, R., Turkay, S., & Sitbon, L. (2018). Educational
virtuality: cognitive benefits, design processes and new
frontiers. 30th Australian Conference on Computer-
Human Interaction., (págs. 620-622).
Liu, Y., Fan, X., Zhou, X., Liu, M., Wang, J., & Liu, T.
(2019). Application of Virtual Reality Technology in
Distance Higher Education. 2019 4th International
Conference on Distance Education and Learning, (pp.
Paudyal, P., Banerjee, A., Hu, Y., & Gupta, S. (2019).
DAVEE: A Deaf Accessible Virtual Environment for
Education. 2019 on Creativity and Cognition, (pp. 522-
Pantelidis, V. (2010). Reasons to Use Virtual Reality in
Education. Klidarithmos Computer Books, 59-70.
Fernández-Sotos, P., Navarro, E., Torio, I., Dompablo, M.,
Fernández-Caballero, A., & Rodriguez-Jimenez, R.
(2018). Pharmacological interventions in social
cognition deficits: A systematic mapping review.
Psychiatry Research(270), 57-67.
Velásquez, J. D. (2015). Una Guía Corta para Escribir
Revisiones Sistemáticas de Literatura Parte 3. Revista
DYNA - Facultad de Minas, 9-12.
Buzio, A., Chiesa, M., & Toppan, R. (2017). Virtual Reality
for Special Educational Needs. 2017 ACM Workshop
on Intelligent Interfaces for Ubiquitous and Smart
Learning, 7-10.
Stavroulia, K.-E. (2019). Designing Immersive Virtual
Training Environments for Experiential Learning.
Companion of the 2019 ACM SIGPLAN International
Conference on Systems Programming, Languages, and
Applications: Software for Humanity, (págs. 44-46).
Miyata, K., Umemoto, K., & Higuchi, T. (2009). An
Education Method for VR Content Creation Using
Groupwork. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Educators
Program, 1-5.
HTC. (2019, December 20). HTC, Retrieved from
Facebook Technologies, L. (15 de October de 2019). Rift.
Obtenido de Oculus Rift:
Virtual Reality, a Telepresence Technique Applied to Distance Education: A Systematic Mapping Review